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Volleyball drills

  • Make two teams.
  • One of each team goes to the other side. This one sits on his buttocks on position 1.
  • He serves, the ball must be caught.
  • After that move to position 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • The team that catches the ball first at position 5 has won.
  • Person A starts at the net.
  • B starts at the back line.
  • A makes a block jump and at the moment A lands, B throws the ball to A.
  • A passes the ball back to B. 10x pp.
  • Possible extension by hitting the ball.
drawing Block & Pass
  • Rotation exercise pass / attack
  • Same line-up on each side of the field.
  • Person 1 (position 2) has the ball and throws it to person 2 (position 5),
  • This person passes to the regular playmaker.
  • He plays the ball to position 4.
  • At position 5 a player is ready to handle the ball (real smash attempt).
  • All persons follow the ball, except the playmaker. (change after a while)
  • This happens on both sides.
  • 3 against 3 without 3 meter area.
  • Must try to pass 3 times, and finish with smash.
  • Trainer starts rally with a hard smash, then the 3s play out the rally.
  • Until 5 points.
  • Then the teams switch.
  • Players take a ball in pairs and face each other on the back line.
  • Ball is placed on one side of the 3-metre line.
  • Person closest to the ball runs to the ball, picks it up and runs back over the back line as fast as possible.
  • Person on the other side tries to tap the person with the ball before he runs over the baseline.
  • Being able to tap = 1 point (each player is going to get the ball 5 times, so 10 times in total)
  • Each point less than 5 = x5 sit ups

In groups of three, one ball;

  • Release
  • Strikes and make the ball "dead
  • Control test:
    • Everyone 20x ball contact
  • Single key:
    • Everyone 20x ball contact
  • Underhanded-Upperhanded:
    • Everyone 20x ball-contacts
  • Sparring

Team sets up, opponent has serve.

  • Ball 1: serve
  • Ball 2: free-ball at the side with 3 players
  • Ball 3: free-ball at the side with 6 players
  • Ball 4: T plays ball to the side with 6 players
    • Free-ball, attack net, drop, attack behind 3 meter line
drawing Positions

Make pairs.

  • Pass 10 times underhand at 3 meter distance.
  • Pass 10 times overhead at a distance of 3 meters
  • Both successful? Then both take a step back.

1 person either side of the field, other players behind the back line;

  • Trainer puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • Ball may only be played underarm.
  • Foul? Run around the field until the end of the game and ensure ball safety.
  • 1 gives setup to 2,
  • 2 defends the ball and makes a technical move to 3
  • 3 defends on the ball she receives from person 2.
  • Person 3 then makes a technical move to person 2.
  • Person 2 defends and makes technical hit to 1. 1 defends and then makes technical hit to 2 again
    • The exercise starts again

  • players stand divided on one side of the field, ball in their hands.
  • Through the knees.
  • All players dribble on the spot,
    • When the trainer points to the left, the players follow with a turn,
    • When the coach walks backwards, the players follow backwards, etc.
  • Constant dribbling.
  • expand,
    • With jump,
    • attacking jump etc.
  • Two teams, pass to each other.
  • If it goes well, alternate pass/smash.
  • After some time, go over with 4 in a square.
    • Left back starts, throws to left front, this passes to right back (so diagonally),
    • Right back catches and throws to right front,
    • this one passes to the left back (i.e. diagonally),
    • this one catches etc. etc.
  • If that goes well, try with smash instead of throw.