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Volleyball drills

  • Player A has a ball.
  • Player throws ball forward.
  • Action during
    • Forward:
      • Left hand -> Right foot
      • Right hand -> Left foot
    • Reverse:
      • Left hand -> Right foot
      • Right hand -> Left foot
  • per 3
    • one player on each side of the net, Setter at the net
    • ball goes over the net and is played underhand to the setter
    • setter makes the pass and the ball can be passed to the next setter
    • the player who hit the ball goes under the net and becomes setter at that side (the player who passed the ball is always a new setter).
  • Player saves
  • Reception is made --> pass given
  • Attack --> block/ defense
  • Turn through --> block stays for a moment (service - 1 - 6 - 5 - (reserve) - 4 - service)


  • 3 players on 1 side of the field ( scoring side )
  • 3 players serve and go on the other half
  • 3 players wait for their turn
    • You can only score points on the "scoring side" of the court.
    • If you make a mistake or the other team scores, you have to leave the field.
    • If you win against the scoring side, you take their place on the "scoring side".
    • If you win on the scoring side, you get 1 point.
      • play until 1 team has 15, or a time limit and see who has the most points at the end.

  • place 2 skirting boards.
  • start as low as possible (1 layer)
  • Skirting boards one 'attack run' apart.
  • if necessary put down hoops
  • they jump with 2 legs onthe first skirting and land with both handsup
  • off the skirting board and then an attack run on the 2nd skirting board
    • short, long, connect, drop off. (rhythm: 1....2.3)
    • Pay attention:
      • push off with 2 legs
      • arms swing backwards during the big step
  • finish on the skirting-board with both hands in the air (if necessary, clap your hands)
  • after that 2 block jumps at the net.
    • Pay attention to side steps
  • then around the pawn and trainer throws a diving ball
    • Watch out for sliding on the belly
    • Get the ball and put it in the bin.
    • Join the back of the line for jumping


  • Player A throws/strikes the ball towards player C.
  • Player C passes the ball to player B.
  • Player B sets up the ball.
  • Player C attacks if the pass was good.

Goal: Try to attack/play 3rd ball on the imaginary mats (straight or diagonal).

After each ball: A to row position C, C to row position A, B change after a while.

Extension: With enough players one-woman block.

  • Divide the teams on both halves of the field,
    • inside the 3-yard line
  • Trainer throws in the ball and the teams play the ball across it to each other in 1, 2 or 3 plays,
    • try to score.
  • Every player who has played the ball taps the back line and comes back into the field
  • Trainer throws in from the net and 3 players are lying on their stomachs on the backline
  • Trainer hits the ball, 3 players stand up and the trainer throws the ball over the net
  • the 1st person of the trio defends, nr. 2 gives a setup and nr. 3 attacks

  • then next 3 team

You can play this game with any 4 exercises you can think of.

  1. Make two pairs who will do the exercises together.
  2. Each pair gets a note with 4 boxes where they can put a code with the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  3. the trainer makes a code, this can be 4 different digits (4231) or with repeated digits (2233)
  4. the players have to do the 4 exercises in order of the code they wrote down. When they have done all 4 exercises they have to check the code with the trainer. The trainer notes how many are right and how many are wrong.
  5. the players write down the next code, and again they have to do 4 exercises that fit with the code they wrote down.

For example

  • Exercise 1: sprint back and forth 5 times between 9m
  • Exercise 2; block left, shuffle, block middle, shuffle, block right with pairs facing each other and two times back and forth
  • Exercise 3: bench, 20x on and off the bench with 2 feet
  • Exercise 4: 10x sit-up | 10x left / 10 x right
  • The first pair to crack the code wins.

  • 1 person at the net, a back defender, a catcher and someone at the other side of the net.
  • The person at the other end of the net throws the ball, just over the block before the three meter line.
  • The defender comes from behind and stands on his good starting position. There he has to play the ball to the catcher.

After each attack, rotate through one (1) position.

Rules of the game

  • as much as possible in threes (in twos or ones is not wrong)
  • only overhand or underarm (no smash)
  • serve on the side where the ball goes wrong

See picture. Each 3 (or 4) players 2 balls. 2 players at the net a few meters apart, other player(s) in the backfield.

  • Exercise 1: Players take turns throwing the ball, player in the backfield plays the ball back underarm.
  • Exercise 2: First ball comes deep, 2nd ball comes short
  • Exercise 3: Throwers stand a little further apart and throw straight: player with ball on the sideline throws deep, other short. Passer moves left/right.

After x-number of balls or after some time swap places.
