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Volleyball drills

  • 2 teams,
    • 1 with ball at the net,
    • 1 without ball on back line flat on belly.
  • Attacker hits ball, defender defends on 7meter line,
    • Then short ball on 3meter line.
  • Line up in the middle of the field.
  • 1 person walks to the net (midposition) and blocks,
  • sideways to set/outside and block there.
  • 1 person remains standing on each side, creating a two-man block.
  • 1 playmaker
  • 1 "false-dead" in the other half
  • 1 attacker without ball
  • Rest with the ball in a row behind the attacker.
    • Number 1 with the ball throws to the distributor, who gives a set up and the attacker tries to score.
    • The shamode tries to pass the ball and catch it, if he succeeds, the attacker is "dead" and has to take over the place of the shamode who may now join the row
    • If the attacker scores he gets the ball himself and joins the back of the row


  • Spread over 3m line.
    • Pass the ball in a zigzag and follow through. See picture
  • Later play underhand, only overhand.
    • One side of the net underhand, other side overhand.

  • Ladder walking at high speed. Can be extended with left-right stepping out of the ladder with one or two feet.
  • Slalom around the pawns.
  • Attack pass to the net and shuffle backwards (3x attack pass and 2x shuffle).
  • Step under the net.
  • Sideways past the net with head under net edge.
  • Make a dive across the field.
  • Walk around the pawn and sprint over the backline.
  • Run back to starting position.



  • Trainer stands with ball carrier at the net
  • Players divide into 2 groups
  • 1 group stands on the left side of the field other group stands on the right side of the field

  • Trainer throws the ball alternately left and right of the field,
  • players have to catch the ball and put it back in the cart and then close again on the other side.
  • Extension: players can play reception to the net and catch the ball themselves.

The aim is to shift focus, so don't dwell on it for too long but be ready for the next action straight away.

  • Make 3 teams with 1 regular volleyball and 1 tennis ball.
  • The one with the tennisball is the lummel (player 2) and stands in the middle.
  • Player 1 plays the ball to the dummy, the dummy throws the tennis ball to player 1.
  • The dummy plays the ball to player 1 and player 1 throws the tennisball to the dummy again.
  • After this player 1 plays the ball to player 3, player 3 plays the ball to the lummel, and the lummel throws the tennisball to player 3.
  • to player 3. The dummy plays the ball to player 3 again and gets the tennisball back. etc...
  • requires concentration of the players and fast switching.
    • If you don't have tennisballs you can also use 2 balls.
  • Play fanatically in pairs
  • Then player with ball at the net, gives ball at 7 m,
  • then at 3 m above, below,

A short but intensive warming up to get the heart rate up and warm up properly.
This is completely without the ball.

  • To start this warming up we first start with 2 to 3 laps around the field.
    • This is to warm up the muscles a little bit.
  • Then we stand in a circle.
    • And do the following exercises in order with a 10 count rest each time
    • 30 sec. Jumping jacks
    • 30 sec bench (with the back against the wall and knees in an angle of 90 degrees)
    • 30 sec push-ups
    • 30 sec crunch (abdominal muscles)
    • 30 sec Squats
    • 30 sec planking
    • 30 sec alternating Lunges First left and right or vise versa
      • we do this two times


See picture. Each 3 players 2 balls. 2 players at the net a few meters apart, other player on the 3-m line and shuffle always from front to back: first r-for then l-for.

  • Exercise 1: Players take turns throwing the ball, player in the backfield plays the ball back underhand.
  • Exercise 2: First ball comes deep (BH return), 2nd ball comes short (OH return) - must be catchable!
  • Exercise 3: Throwers stand a little further apart and throw straight: player with ball on the sideline throws deep, other short (not catchable)
  • Exercise 4: player with ball on the sideline does an intermediate test and then gives a deep ball, player in the field takes this ball OH and plays it to player B at the net. Player B can then immediately return a ball on the 3-meter line or test the ball to the player on the sideline and then the exercise starts again.

After x-number of balls or after a certain time swap places.

  • 2 rows of players
    • 1 row on the left back
    • 1 row at the right back
  • create with 4 pawns a virtual line where they have to stand behind
  • trainer stands at the other side of the net and throws the ball somewhere in the field.
  • 1 of the 2 front rows calls LOS orI (agree on that)
  • this player passes the ball (in/to) the basket that is between position 2 and 3.
  • Ball in the basket is 2 points for the team, against the basket is 1 point.
  • Set a target for the team, for example 25 points.

It is possible to add a distributor and an attacker, provided the assignment runs well.

  • pass-accuracy

Ladder walking at high speed. Can be extended with left-right stepping out of the ladder with one or two feet.

Slalom around the pawns.

Attack pass to the net and shuffle backwards (3x attack pass and 2x shuffle).

Around the pole

3x block jump pos 2, 3 and 4. (In between, move sideways).

Make a dive across the field.

Walk around the pawn and sprint over the back line.

Run back to starting position.
