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Volleyball drills

  • This exercise is done in pairs. Look for someone with the same level of serving.
  • Both on 1 side of the net, starting at the 3m line.
  • Hit the ball overarm to your buddy. If you succeed, take a step back.
  • Other side does the same
  • Hit another ball overarm to your body. If again you succeed at this distance, take another step back.
  • Keep continuing.
  • Player A throws/hits ball towards player C 
  • Player C passes the ball towards player B. 
  • Player B sets up the ball. 
  • Player C attacks. 

Goal: 1st series balls straight, 2nd series balls diagonally. 

Walking line: A joins back of line C, B keeps hitting balls, C joins back line A.


  • Line of players A  (+- 4 players) in the middle of the field with a ball
  • Player 1 is center forward, and is properly thrown to by first player from line A
  • Player 1 plays ball overarm in the basket
    • bend elbows
    • stretch elbows and point after ball 
  • Player at the basket catches and joins line A
  • jump on one leg from the line 
  • as far as possible, keep standing still for a few seconds.
  • all the way to the net and back.

Play this game in two teams of 3 to 6 players.

The two teams are in the middle of their own side of the field.
They put their hands on each other's shoulder, not everybody has to see the other side of the net properly.

The ball is brought in at one side with an arch.
The ball has to be played over the net in three times, but:

  • The players can only get out of the circle when they have first yelled "let go!"
  • Where a player who has claimed the ball gets out of the circle, the circle closes
  • When the ball has been played over the net, everybody joins the circle

A team deserves a point when they score with the opponent in three times.

To make the exercise run smoothly, it is good if the players give each other high balls and. of course, claim the ball on time. The goal of this game is to have the players communicate about every ball played. Make clear that they have to be aware that not everybody is always in the right position to play the ball

Have the circle squat or turn circles on the forefeet when the ball is on the other side of the net.

Suggestions and improvements are welcome.


Goal: recognize ball trajectory, QUICKLY assume position.
Ball trajectory: A serves to B, B passes to C.
Walking direction: A, B, C

B moves (before the ball has passed the 3m line of A) to the right position (90%) and is active instead of reactive.
B assumes the correct posture when the ball passes the net
B adjust the correct position and posture in the remaining position (10%).

Possibly build up:
- first B catches ball with bent arms
- B then passes the ball underhand

  • Form your (core)team , 
  • the remaining players are on the other side of the net 
    • moneytime: it is 20 against 20, play to 25
    • give your core team a handicap if the remaining players are few, for example only attack diagonally

Focus of this exercise is the service pass.

Start serving calmly, raise pressure in the course of the exercise.

  • A serves to B
  • B passes to C
  • C catches, and joins position D
  • D serves or E
  • E passes to F
  • F catches and joins position A


  • A takes 3 steps into the field, after the pass/set up follows a controlled straight attack, which A defends himself .
  • A catches ball, and gives it to a reserve server on position A
  • Idem for D

8 Players: reserve on serving position
10 players: position reserve on serving position and pass
12 players: 2 reserves serving position, 1 reserve pass position
14 players: 2 reserves on serving position and pass


  • make 2 lines on the 3 meter line
  • from both the lines, 2 players walk forward to make a block
  • then they move sidewards to the outside position
  • the next player from the line moves forward and makes a block
  • he also goes outside and joins the previous player
  • together the make a block
  • The first player joins back in the line and the second moves to the outside position
  • Note: pay attention to the feet of the outside player as middle man/woman. In principle, the outside player sets the block!
  • put down 1 chest
  • start as low as possible (so 1 low)
  • the players make an attack run from the cone
  • push off with two legs
  • end on the chest with both hand in the air (possible clap hands)
  • then 2 block jumps at the net.
    • Pay attention to steps sideways
  • then around the cone and trainer throws a dive ball
    • Pay attention to sliding on the belly
    • Fetch ball and put in box
    • join the back for jumping
  • 3 to 4 players per side, positions: 4, 5 and a playmaker (if sufficient players, also defend on position 6 and 1) 
  • pass ball around
  • defend to playmaker, set up to position 4
  • pass to other players
  • after every ball that is too high, rotate position
  • start calmly with technical hit, and if this works, increase speed and difficulty.
  • communication is important so speak to each other and help each other if necessary. 
  • The purpose of the game is cooperation, and the emphasis is not on scoring.
  • Make trios with 1 ball
  • 2 players are at the net opposite each other.
  • The third player has the ball, and throws it above the net rim.
  • The two blockers will now duel 
  • Play with points and ranking within the team.