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Volleyball drills

  • Serve from position 1 to position 5.
  • There is a passer who passes to a playmaker, if he catches the ball within 2 steps, you get 1 point.
  • Faulty service is point off.
  • Which team gets to the 15 first, if this takes too long, you can reduce the number.
  • Server becomes passer, passer becomes catcher, catcher becomes server. passing on own side.
drawing Targeted serving
  • Trainer at mid forward, to throw to, but do keep space to net so player can pass behind.
  • 1 Player without ball on Setter spot = 1st catcher.
  • Player is the passer who will pass 10 good balls
  • Other players with ball next to trainer for passing and catching
  • The exercise runs best with about 5-6 players.
  • Passer is given balls successively thrown at:
    • P1, P6, P5, P4, P2 regardless of whether the ball is good => through to next position.
  • Then balls at random position, trainer determines difficulty, until there have been 5 good passes.
  • After 5th good pass => Player quickly to P6, ready on front feet.
  • Last pass comes from P6 , on a 'beaten' ball.
  • Continue until there is a 6th good pass.
Other player:
  • Always give ball to trainer and straight to setter spot to catch off.
  • Ball not good, quickly retrieve and join the line.
drawing Pack of 6 balls
  • 5 circuits for 2 players
  • Each circuit is done for 1 minute
  • Total of 10 minutes
drawing Cicrus by position
  • The players stand in front of the net with a ball
  • They throw the ball into the net
  • They take the ball out underhand
  • Do a reception short over the net
  • They crawl under the net and catch the ball
  • They roll the ball and dive after it
  • They start again
drawing taking the ball out of the net
  • All players have a ball.
  • Divide the group into two - maximum 4 to 5 players per group.
  • Near the net is the ball pit.
Exercise per group:

  • Play up overhead in front of yourself and keep playing.
  • Slowly move towards the net, keep playing up.
  • Overhand: Play up high, quickly get under the ball, stand still and then play.
  • At the net: => play the ball IN the ball pit. The distance does not matter.
  • Ball on the ground => start again from the back line.
Same exercise can be done with underhand play up to the net + play IN the ball box.

For the better players there can be a third round:

  • Ball bin on the back line of the other field, players must now pass the net. Play over it, themselves under it. Underhand or overhead no longer matters, as long as the back line is crossed.
  • Make triplets with 1 ball.
  • Playmaker to the right of the ball
  • Play ball to playmaker
  • The dealer passes the ball overhand to the other player.
  • This passes the ball overhand or underhand back to the playmaker and receives another setup.
  • It is then played to the 1st player, who passes again to the playmaker who has meanwhile run to the opposite side.
drawing overhand for playmakers
  • The attacker puts a block.
  • The thrower hits over this.
  • The libero or passer passes the ball to the server.
  • The server passes the ball to the attacker who just blocked.
  • The thrower puts a block and the attacker hits straight through to the defender, who defends for himself.
  • Passing: passer becomes attacker -> attacker becomes backup defender -> defender becomes backup thrower -> thrower becomes backup passer.
drawing Attack variation
  • 2 servers
  • 1 passer
  • 1 catcher

  • Thick mat obstructs passer's view, requiring passer to focus on ball trajectory.
  • Passer passes to catcher who rolls on to serveers.
  • Roll through after 10 balls
drawing Fitting without sight
  • 3 players in the middle play overhand for themselves.
  • 2 players outside also play overhand for themselves.
  • The outside players run around it.
  • And pass in between.
drawing Carousel
  • Two balls at once
  • Players at position 5 and 1 on two sides of the field, also 2 playmakers.
  • Ball from position 5 to server to position 1, to position 5 other side and so on.
  • Players run after their ball, except for the playmakers.
drawing Input and playmaker
  • 2 agility exercises
  • 2 reaction exercises
  • 1.5 minutes per round
drawing Circuit
  • Divide group into triplets.
  • Form of play is 2 against 2 on a half court.
  • Goal: move and communicate in backfield.
    • Do not want to score, but keep the ball in play, play "on" the person and make long rallies.
    • Hit the 3rd ball as much as possible. Play overhand to keep the rally going.
  • Starting position:
    • 2 players in the court, 1 on the back line "waiting room" on both sides.
  • Ball is brought in from 2-3 meters with toss and attacking stroke=> back 5-7 meter position.
  • Passer becomes attacker. so after pass immediately to 3 meters and then attack.
  • After attack immediately out and to waiting room.
  • Non-passer goes forward immediately and becomes Setter then back to 5-7m position.
  • "Waiting room" supplies new passer.
drawing Two-Two - Moving