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Volleyball drills

  • Groups of 3 people of approximately equal height.
  • The thrower pays attention to the correct steps:
    • Short, Long, Connect, Take arms with jump.
  • Attacker asks for higher/lower ball to get the timing right.
  • Defender determines start of exercise.
  • One ball per 3-team.
  • 2 Blockers face each other at the net.
  • Setter next to 1 of the blockers.
  • Defender determines start, countdown = 3-2-1 block => try => hands touch each other above the net.
  • Defender => shuffle backwards to about 5-6 meter position -speed !
  • Attacker => fast to the 3 meters ready for attack.
  • Throw up => almost straight up on indication of height attacker.
  • Attacker => straight up calm stroke.
  • Defender => Pass up and catch.
  • Thrower to other side of the net.
  • Same principle but mirrored.

  • 5x attack per person so 10x toss up.
  • Mutual exchange, 3x total, everyone is the thrower once.
drawing Attack Pass
Practice attack run a few times with a few runs beforehand.

Attention => short long short, slant run, take your arms into the jump, try to get as high as possible.

Then do this exercise in pairs:
  • 1 person throws up
  • 1 person does attack pass with timing => catch as high as possible with 2 hands.
  • Thrower pay attention to correct steps: Short, Long, Connect, take arms with jump.
  • Catcher asks for higher / lower ball so timing is right.
1) First phase: Run-up from about 3 meter line => 5x good jump timing, then change
2) Second phase: Start with fake-block, fast backwards, around the pawn => Throw-up => 5x good jump timing then change.
drawing Attack Pass
Starting position: 3 players on red side, rest on blue side.

  • Blue side always starts, with OH service.
  • Tennis OH directly over the net => approximately 3 meter line.
  • After Tennis outside the posts to the other side.
  • Red players: place ball in center of court where around 3 meters the blue players are.
  • Blue players: Place ball deliberately left or right of the center of the field where the red team is standing.
  • Red side: thinking, what is your next action?
    • Played left => Red player is going to do exercise 1
    • Played right => Red player is going to do exercise 2.
Examples of exercises:
  • Mat => make roll
  • Pawns => shuffle through them
  • Foot ladder with assignment.
  • Bad Ball => pick up in bin and join the other team.
drawing Tennis Warm-Up with extras
  • Spikeball is a fun game you play with a net in the middle and a small ball.
  • 2 teams of 2 players play against each other.
  • Everything is allowed in terms of technique. This is easily adapted to volleyball, where after 3x games the ball may be played into a hoop.
  • After that it is the other team's turn.
  • It is a 360 degree field, so through the hoop the ball may go in any direction.

  • Always play the game 2 against 2.
  • Vary the level of difficulty for the players. For example: catch 1x for C youth, do not smash, and so on.
drawing Spikeball lite
Play in pairs from approx. 3m line to 7m line.

Net player always plays up 1x for himself, then back again.

Back player plays back in 1x and then does for himself successively:

  • 5x Turn around on own spot.
  • 5x To the back line, tap with 1 hand and return to 7m.
  • 5x Sit on your buttocks and stand up again.
If the ball goes wrong: Start again at the last unsuccessful series of 5.

Change after 15x.

First round overhead, 2nd round underhand.

  • Make pairs with 1 ball
  • Trainer puts pawns in different colors in the center of the field. As many as there are pairs.
Always aim at a certain side of the pawn, trainer indicates which side.
- To the right of the pawn - straight through
- To the left of the pawn - diagonal
- In front of the pawn -short
- Behind the pawn -deep

Successful task: Move the pawn 1 meter so that the area becomes smaller.
Unsuccessful task: Move the pawn 0.5 meter back so that the area becomes larger.

Challenge: To get your own pawn as close as possible to the corresponding line of the field.

  • Drawing is example for 'straight through' serve.
  • Serve 5 minutes, whoever then has the smallest field is the winner.

drawing Serve focused - game
  • 2-pairs
  • 1 with ball, 1 without ball lies on the ground
  • series of 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest

  • At start signal, player lying down stands up, gets ball thrown to him.
  • Player plays back overhand and goes back to the ground.
  • Again, explosive up, get ready, play and return to ground.
  • 30 seconds rest
  • Next series of 30 but pass underhand.
  • Then change and start again.
  • Two teams of up to 4 people, 1 ball.
  • On both sides 2 persons in the field, other persons behind the back line.
Goal: score in 1x in the other field, inside the lines.

  • Start with simple underhand service
  • We play underhand tennis, so in 1x over the net.
  • Difficult ball may bounce 1x, but then the ball must be returned with: one hand, one foot or the head.
If a mistake is made, the player leaves the court, goes to the back line, and a new player takes over.

drawing Tennis - Special
  • Sprint around the pawns.
  • Always through the middle pawn.
drawing Conditioning sprinting around pawns
Setup exercise:

  • Set up in normal position
  • Ball is played up to 3; he calls 'in front of back'
  • Attackers home
  • Trainer calls street or slide -inverted-
  • Player hits or tips the mat
On the other side of the net, the other players are lined up -in the picture it is 2 players- these have the ball cart and play the ball up, catch the attack and defend. The game is played on!
drawing System exercise
  • Players without ball on P2, P3, P4, P5/6 and P1/6.
  • Other players with ball on P6
  • Start with throwing, tossing or punting.
  • Later BH from the net and OH from the backfield.
  • From P6 pass the ball to P4 and run after it.
  • From P4 and P3 move the ball to P5/6 and P1/6 respectively and backward.
  • From P5/6 and P1/6 to P3 and P2 ball chase.
  • At P2 catch and connect to P6.
drawing Defending Zig-Zag
  • 2 groups of 4 to 5 kids on half a field.
  • 2/3 on the serve. 1 player on the other side of the net for the pass. 1 player at the net.

  • There is a serve and the passer plays the ball to the player at the net.
    Who catches the ball and throws the ball to the serve.
  • The passer remains standing for 10 balls. The two players at the serve take turns hitting.
  • After 10 balls, turn to pass.
drawing Pass exercise