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Volleyball drills


  • See picture.
  • Take turns throwing the ball.
  • After throwing the ball touch the back line and walk to the next spot.
  • Throwing good?
  • Then everything underhand.
  • Later all above hands.
  • jump up from a crouch as far as possible,
  • from the line to the net and back.
  • Player T.A. from the net:
    • 3 teams on the back line on the belly
  • Player gives slap on ball, 3 players stand up and trainer attacks one of the trio defends, nr. 2 setup and nr. 3 attacks
    • then next 3 team
  • Andre side are 3 blockers.
  • Slide through per 3 team

Goal: ball lane recognition, take position in time.

  • Ball path: A throws to B, B passes to C.
  • Direction of play: A, B, C
  • B moves (before the ball has passed the net) to the right position (90%) and is active instead of re-active.
  • B assumes the correct position when the ball passes the net.
  • B adjusts in the remaining time to the correct position (10%).
  • Possibly build up:
    • First B catches the ball with bent arms.
    • after that B passes the ball underarms.

Learning the pancake roll in 5 exercises:

1. dry practise, step-by-step (repeat 5 times) (
below describes a roll to the right; swap right/left for a roll to the left) - start position
underhand pass (sit low)
- step out one leg (right) to the side and bend the knee very deeply -
right) hand over the ground diagonally right to the front (pancake)
- sink through until the right hip is on the ground -
the legs
over the hips to the other side - during the swing
stretched (left) leg and stretch the bent (right) leg - by the speed of the swing turn through
so that you come back in the underhand pass position

2. Get used to it (is also good to use as a warming-up exercise) -
start on the sideline facing the net -
roll to the other sideline
in three times
back to the
first sideline
in three times
(or walk back if you want to learn the roll in one direction first)

3. gaining experience (repeat 5 times) -
pairs with 1 ball - thrower with
ball near the net, defender at 6 or 7 meter
- throw the ball, so that it lands on the ground 2 meters next to and 1 meter in front of the defender
- the defender tries to hit the ball with a pancake roll (the roll is first more important than hitting the ball)

4. get accuracy -
trio or quartet with 2 or 3 balls (1 defender, the rest is throwing) - the throwers
stand on LV, MV and possibly on RV, the defender stands on the sideline (LA)
- the LV throws the ball so that it lands on the ground 2 metres next to and 1 metre in front of the defender - the
defender tries to hit the ball with a pancake roll
- as soon as the defender has finished the roll, the MV throws the ball so that it lands on the ground 2 metres next to and 1 metre in front of the defender
- the defender tries to hit this ball with a pancake roll as well
- as soon as the defender has finished the roll, the LV throws the ball so that it lands on the ground 2 metres next to and 1 metre in front of the defender again - the defender tries to hit
this ball with a pancake roll as well - after 5 times the
players rotate through on position

5. roll in both directions -
trio with 2 balls (2 throwers, 1 defender) - the throwers
stand on LV and MV, the defender stands on the sideline (LA)
- the MV throws the ball so that it hits the ground on the right side, 2 metres next to and 1 metre in front of the defender
- the defender tries to hit the ball with a pancake roll to the right
- as soon as the defender has finished the roll, the LV throws the ball so that it lands on the ground on the left side at 2 metres next to and 1 metre in front of the defender - the
defender tries to hit this ball with a pancake roll to the left - after 5 times the players
turn around

  • Make threes
  • Each trio one ball.
  • Player in the middle runs an 8. Every time this player comes in the middle a ball is thrown:
    • A throws (or plays overhand) the ball to B (in the middle).
    • B plays the ball back to A underhand and then runs around A until he is in the middle again.
    • A meanwhile passes the ball overhead to C.
    • C plays the ball overhand back to B.
    • B passes the ball back to C underhand and then runs around C until he is in the middle again.
    • Etc.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the player in the middle changes.


  • To make it easier, player A and C can also have them throw instead of playing overhand. This can be an underhand throw/catch or an overhand throw/catch.
  • To practice standing still while playing/catching, you can also let player B throw and catch underhand.

2 teams.

  • Throw the ball quickly and tactically over the net with the aim of hitting the ground within the lines before a defender can grab it.
  • If you succeed in doing so, you earn 1 point.
  • You have to throw the ball immediately after catching it, holding the ball is not allowed.
  • Extension 1: After each action turn 1 position clockwise.
  • Extension 2: After each throwing action, walk to the net and touch it before you can go back.
  • Game to e.g. 5 points or best of 3/5/7 or certain fixed time.
  • Divide the teams on both halves of the field.
  • Trainer throws in the ball and the teams play the ball across it to each other.
  • Every player who has played the ball taps the back line and comes back into the field.
  • Start with catching and throwing first and if that goes well you start playing for real (BH or OA)
  • OR
  • After each time playing over the net turn around
  • Play overhead and underhand along the net.
  • chase your ball (min. 5 persons around the run)
  • all players are equally matched.
  • 2x normal forward field up and down.
  • 2x forward to net, backward shuffle.
  • 4x sideways pass.
  • 2x cross pass
  • 3x run to net, block, turn around and dive back into the run.
Gather on sideline, then:
  • Across and back (2x)
  • Sideways to the other side and back (1x)
  • Cross pass to the other side and back (1)
  • Lift your knees across and back (1x)
  • Heels to the other side and back (1x)
  • Arm swing forwards, backwards (1x)
  • Frog jump to the other side and back (1x)
  • Crossing to the other side and back (1x)
  • Sideways hop across to the other side and back (1x)


  • Make threes
  • Each trio one ball.
  • Player in the middle runs an 8 each time. Each time this player gets in the middle, a ball is thrown:
    • A throws (or plays overhand) the ball to B (in the middle).
    • B plays the ball back to A underhand and then runs around A until he is in the middle again.
    • A meanwhile passes the ball overhead to C.
    • C plays the ball overhand back to B.
    • B passes the ball back to C underhand and then runs around C until he is in the middle again.
    • Etc.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the player in the middle changes.


  • To make it easier, player A and C can also have them throw instead of playing overhand. This can be an underhand throw/catch or an overhand throw/catch.
  • To practice standing still while playing/catching, you can also let player B throw and catch underhand.