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Volleyball drills


  • 3 servers/blockers on field B
  • Serve on 3 passers on field A
  • Block on p2 and p3

  • Serve and passers come to attack on P4
  • Server goes to defend
  • Divide group into 2, each on a side.
  • On one side the team will pass and on the other side will serve
  • Serve alternately to win
  • Every ball that is both passed and caught is 1 point
  • Then switch
Extra: a ball that can be caught on P2/3 is 2 points
Goal of the exercise:
  • Quickly handle two balls being saved.
  • Play 2 balls in quick succession and then move 1 position.

Explanation of the exercise:
  • Passer learns to pass diagonally backwards a deep ball and immediately afterwards a short ball (this is how the passer learns to make large angles).
  • Playmaker must look for the next ball immediately after the first set-up.
  • Attacker, after landing, must go backwards as quickly as possible to make another attack.
  • Trainer can indicate where the balls should be hit, determine the pace of set-ups or that passer should do attack coverage immediately after first pass to then pass the second ball.
drawing Long Short
  • 2 balls
  • 2 players
  • ball is rolled between the legs under to the other player
  • ball is played to the other player
  • underhand for yourself up and keys to the other player
  • ball is rolled back
drawing Warm-up exercise defense
  • 2 triplets in the field.
  • On 1 side are 2 reserve players and on the other side 1.
  • Trainer with ball cart at the side.
  • Trainer brings the ball in to the team with 2 reserves.
  • Play OH only and pass through.
  • A reserve player takes the place of the one playing ball over the net.
  • This one now goes on a run to the other court as a reserve.
  • At foul ball again a ball by trainer.
  • Begin with 2 playing with each other and later against each other.
  • Keep the balls behind the 3m-line.
drawing W9. 3x3 OH
  • Trainer plays the ball from other field
  • 2 players defending
  • Play balls in the corners or in the middle to force movement to the ball
  • 2 good passes, then attack. Depending on position
  • Pass must be processed to attack center or outside
drawing rally pass in the back
  • 1 vs. 1 with mat in between. Throwing the ball over via the mat. Do not run with the ball.
  • Variation: try to throw in such a way that the ball cannot be caught
  • Variation: hit the ball through the mat.
  • Variation: 2 against 2: 1 person hitting, other ball passing.
  • Variation: 2 balls. 1 ball throw over, other play through the mat
  • 2 trios, each on one side of the net (and 1 reserve)

  • Trainer brings ball in and in 3 attempts the ball is played over the net.
  • After each ball contact the player touches an opposite side or back line and spins through.
  • Only overhead and underhand, later possible attack from position
  • Playing rallies

Extra: in case of more than one trio, swap instead of turning.

drawing W4. Warming Up in Trios with Ball
  • Per pair 1 ball.
  • One of the pair stands at the net in front of a blocker.
  • The other player stands across the net with a ball on a bench.
  • The player at the net blocks the ball by pressing both hands against the ball.
  • 10 balls and then switch tasks.
  • On one side of the net, a pair stands at the 3-meter mark
  • Field A on 2 and 3 and on field B on 3 and 4
  • Distribute the remaining players on the side
  • Start on field A at P2 on 3 meter line with 1 ball
  • Start throwing diagonally to P3
  • After throwing tap own 7 meter-line and connect with P3
  • P3 plays to P3 and P3 to P4
  • Then pass to OH or BH
  • If possible move to the back line
Extra: with more players also use the other net positions
drawing Warm-up: throwing - line running
Game flow:
  • 1 row of pots where exercises are done around/over
  • Players do the exercises in pairs and keep looking at each other.
  • Fast forward - backward movement between the pots: 2 forward, 1 backward.
  • Lateral left-right movement: 2 forward, 1 backward.
Players follow each other in quick succession:
  • slalom sideways displacement
  • slalom around alternating left and right
  • Knee lift left leg over pots / right leg
  • Jumping push off with both feet together over pots with intermediate jump
  • Jumping both feet together over pots without intermediate jump
After the pots continue walking to the end of the field and return along the sideline.
drawing Warming up foot displacement
Starting position:
  • Net hangs at 1.10 meters - 1.50 meters
  • 2 teams on each side of the net.
  • Ball is passed underhand
  • Ball is caught after a collision
  • Run to the net for a key throw
  • Smash / overhead attack over the net.
  • Catch after bots.
  • serve phase
    • overhand serve
    • catch without collision
    • additional action
  • receptive phase
    • Pass-throw to partner at the net. Partner runs to the net.
    • Reception to the net.
  • pass
    • throw up for yourself + pass to attacker
    • direct pass to reception.
  • attack
    • catching ball + attack
    • do not catch ==> direct attack on pass