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Volleyball drills

  • A player is at work. (player 4)
  • The other 3 players are lined up in different corners of the field. (see drawing)
  • They make sure that the player can defend balls.
  • Every time a player is down, it is the next player's turn.
  • The exercise is carried out on one half of the field.
  • Player 1 smashes into player 4, player 2 gives a short ball, player 3 smashes.
  • After 3 balls we rotate one place:
    • Player 4 to position player 2.
    • Player 2 to position player 1.
    • Player 1 to position player 3.
    • Player 3 to position player 1.
drawing Exercise 1 - Corona training
  • Throwing the ball over the fence with pairs, overhead and underhand, meanwhile moving sideways:
    • Each pair a minimum of 6 times throwing and moving the ball sideways - 2 rounds.
    • Each pair to play the ball overhand at least 6 times - 4 rounds.
    • Each pair to play the ball underhand a minimum of 6 times - 4 rounds.
    • Each pair to play the ball with one arm at least 6 times - 1 round.
  • When everything is over, start again until it's time.
drawing Exercise 2 - Corona training
  • Training for upping
  • At position 4 (outside attack) korfball pole with hooptied . (with sturdy velcro)
  • Upper at position 2get ready. (lay down dot)
  • Reserve uppers in a line on position.
  • Trainer at position 5, throws the ball to upper.
  • He picks up the ball through the hoop.
  • Behind that, an attacker is ready to catch the ball and puts it in the trainer's ballcar.
  • Catch is in the line at position 6.
  • Upper is going to catch.
  • Variation:
  • Uppercut back to outside position.
  • Throw the ball from the other side and pass to position 2.
  • Have the distributor step in from position 1.
  • Points of attention when upping:
  • Getting under the ball, the ball should fall on your forehead.
  • Hands in the shape of the ball (make sure the hands are not too far to the side; like catching an inu)
  • Right foot more forward than the left.
  • Face towards position 4.
  • At ball contact, slightly bend the knees and push out the ball, stretching the legs.
  • When playing, the ball must remain in front of the upper. (Be careful not to arch your back)
  • When uppercutting backwards, bend the back along with the uppercut.

drawing Uppen (M. cabbage)
  • Organisation:
    • Training ring on p4.
    • Players in line on P1 and 1 player on p4.
    • Tr with ball pit on p5.
  • Execution:
    • Tr throws on at P2.
    • Player runs in off p1 and plays the ball through the hoop on P4.
    • Catch and put in the bin.
  • Variation:
    • Tr on the other side and pass on p5.
    • Now after the pass a setup through the hoop.
  • 1 row behind the left or right buildup.
  • Everyone with ball.
  • Player 1 left or right structure in start with ball diagonally towards pawn for penalty line.
  • 1 pawn on the middle of the build-up with 1 player without the ball behind it.
  • Player 2 runs diagonally behind player 1 and receives the ball.
  • Player 1 makes a 0 pass if player 2 doesn't pass in time otherwise make the change on speed.
  • Player 2 shoots at goal.
  • Player 1 walks backwards to the pawn in the middle of the build-up to receive the ball and shoot at the goal.
  • Repeat until everyone has been there.

  • Objective:
    • Develop ball sense, be able to control ball close to your body.
  • Everyone has their own ball, can be combined with a warm-up.

  • Let the ball bounce on your right fist.
  • Up to maximum eye level.
  • Arm is stretched out and is almost horizontal.
  • Stay in one place as much as possible.
  • Later on, alternate bouncing with your left hand.
  • Now do the same while following the yellow lines in a certain pattern.
  • The person in front chooses the route (watch out for rear-end collisions!); who wants to take this role? (requires even more concentration and a sense of responsibility a la captain's role)

  • Play the ball with only your right hand above your head, up to a maximum of 30cm higher than your hand
  • Your upper arm is pointed 45 degrees upwards and your forearm 45 degrees in the other direction; this brings your hand above your shoulder again.
  • The ball is played mainly with your wrist and forearm; stay in one place as much as possible.
  • Later on, alternate with the left hand.
  • Afterwards also in pattern.

  • Play the ball in a fixed routine for yourself, for example:
  • Square:
    • Underhand R, overhand R, overhand L, underhand L, underhand R, ...etc. (change later to the right)
  • Cross:
    • Lower hand R, upper hand L, upper hand R, lower hand L, lower hand R, ...etc.

  • In teams of four (preferably) with each its own ball.
  • Stand in a square; all equally spaced.
  • Throw the ball to the next person and catch the ball that is thrown to you.
  • First throw underhand and catch underhand; then throw abovehand and catch abovehand.
  • Then expand by passing 1 ball.

  • Choose a spot opposite the wall.
  • Sit in front of the wall with your feet against the wall.
  • Play overhead against the wall. (Ball just above eye level)
  • Pay attention to the movement of the wrist and a little bit of the forearm.
  • The ball will only bounce about 10cm this way.
  • If necessary, extend the game by slowly standing up, playing standing up for 10 seconds and then sitting down again.
  • Let them play a route along the wall: bounce briefly (10cm) and play overhand (right).
  • At the end of the route, take a distance of 2 meter from the wall and keep on playing overhand while walking left until the beginning of the route, close to the wall.
  • Everyone in line; if you lose the ball, pick it up and go back to the line.

Trainer throws balls

  1. Sv plays set-up
  2. Attackers attack over the net. Go and get the ball. On the other side of the net
  3. Place ball in ballcarrier
    • Also perform with set-up to position 2
    • Also perform with alternating set-up to position 2 and position 4.
  4. Trainer throws 6 balls on different spots.
  5. Sv must always return to home position.


  1. Pass the ball from pos 6 to pos 3.
  2. Run in, turn + set-up to pos 4, then cover.
  3. Idem but set-up to pos 2
  4. Idem but on pos 6 first CT, then play the ball forward and now after turning in play a jumped set-up.


Three balls per two players.

  1. Throw your own ball and catch it again.
    • Third ball is tested over and over again
  2. Same as in jump pass


One ball per player

  1. One ball touch. other ball roll
  2. One ball pass, other ball collide
  3. One ball push. throw other ball
  4. Idem 1) and 2) but with jumped set-up


  • Trainer strikes ball at pos 1,6.
  • Players bring the pass --> SV --> AV.
  • Other side defends ball and completes rally
  • Space through on both sides
drawing Attack from defense.
  • 2 pairs on both sides of the net with 1 ball
  • The ball is played back and forth in threes;
  • The back player passes, the front player sets, the back player comes in and plays the ball easily over the net.
  • The players at the other side do the same
  • Front and back players rotate every time the ball is played over the net.
  • After that, a simple attacking stroke and possibly a hard attacking stroke can be added.
drawing in 3 with 2 pairs and the net (M. Kool)