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Volleyball drills

  • A starts with shuffle sideways, then on 3m line sideways,(B waits for A to start sideways)
  • Attack jump to the net,
  • sideways and on mid a block jump,
  • At the end of the game a block jump on both sides of the net,
  • 2x shuffle backwards to 3m line, attack jump,
  • Long shuffle to the backline,
  • back to the beginning 2x.


  • There are many variation possibilities,
  • In addition to all forms of movement (shuffle, sideways, backwards, running), diving and/or rolling forwards and backwards can also be included in the course.

Purpose of the exercise:
Improve out of system situations and communication

  • 3 players gather around the trainer and pass the ball.
  • Trainer holds the ball in front of him.
  • When all players have put their hands on the ball, the trainer throws the ball somewhere in the backfield.
  • Through communication and especially listening, it must be clear who plays the first, second and third ball.
  • What do you do as a striker in a difficult out of system situation, what do you want your strikers to do?
  • Is there a lot of risk in finishing or do you want to see controlled balls hit in various positions?
  • Go ahead and play as a trainer.
  • Very good exercises to repeat out of system situations.
drawing Turn and Gravy
  • Divide the team into four groups.
  • Each group gets an ace (hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs).
  • The rest of the cards are covered in the middle of the room.
  • The 4 groups stand in a corner of the room.
  • One player may walk to the center of the field, turn over one card and then return.
  • Only if the card has the same shape as your own ace, you may take it.
  • If wrong, the card must be covered and they return empty-handed.
  • In order to first collect all cards of the own figure.
  • Two, one ball.
  • One of you lies down on the ground and the other holds the ball above her head.
  • Drop the ball and play straight up again. Repeat this 10 times and then change.
  • Extension: let the players roll on the ground.
  • Now change after 6 times.
  • Two, one ball.
  • One of you lies down on the ground and the other holds the ball above her head.
  • Drop the ball and play straight up again. Repeat this 10 times and then change.
  • Extension: let the players roll on the ground.
  • Now change after 6 times.
  • 3 players at the net with a ball.
  • The rest of the players start at the first post.
  • The first ball is thrown short, second ball long and third ball short.
  • The player passes the ball back and moves sideways to the next one.

Important that players move on the front feet and get ready to pass the ball.

drawing Pawns pass
  • Make two teams.
  • Set up a two benches one person sits on the bench.
  • Other on the other side of the net who are going to serve to the person on the bench when the ball is caught 1 point and then switch persons.
  • Hang up the net at about 1,50 m.
  • Work with 4 players, 2 on each side of the net.
  • Player smashes the ball down, pass to player at the net
  • 2 rows of players
    • 1 row on the left back
    • 1 row on the right back
  • 1 SV
  • create with 3 pawns a virtual line where they should stand
  • Player stands at the other side of the net and throws the ball somewhere in the field.
  • 1 of the 2 front rows calls LOS orI (agree on this) and plays the ball to SV
  • This one calls new SV
  • SV takes ball and puts ball in ball pit
  • SV joins one of the rows

  • Extension 1:
    • Setter plays ball back briefly to player who did not pass, pass back to setter
    • Setter hits ball (calmly) to player who did not pass

Two rows on the 3m line, edge of the field.

  • Pass the ball in a zigzag and follow through.
  • Overhand pass
  • 1 player overhead, 1 player underhand
  • In the lower hands 1x for yourself, pass in the upper hands
  • Mandatory 1x for yourself, controlled pass
  • Trainer throws the ball to the midfielder
  • He passes to SV
  • SV gives setup
  • Striker plays the ball SLIMLY overthe net
    • so just over the net
    • Or in the back of the field in the corners
  • Attacker hates the ball and puts it with trainer (in the box)
  • Everybody turns 1 spot (runs after their own ball)
  • If necessary put hoops (= opponents) where they do not have to play.
  • Give instructions all the time
    • playing-tactically-4
  • 4 cones in the corners, 1 central base to which the player always returns.
  • The player moves to one of the cones and plays the ball back OH, the intention is to recover the ball well.
  • Short and quick ball changes.
drawing Ball recovery