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Volleyball drills

  • All players take a ball (except 2 players).
  • The 2 players without the ball both stand in the middle on one side of the net.
  • The other players all line up at position 4,
  • the first player throws his ball/or touches in a good intention towards the player who gives the pass.
  • The first player throws his ball/or key in a good intention to the player who gives the pass.
  • The ball is caught and this player continues to the other side of the net.
  • This player does the same while the second player can already set up at the first pass.
  • When all players have been through both passeurs they will be exchanged.
  • Until everyone has passed. (If this works well after a few practice sessions, you can then build up to a possible attack as well!)
  • The group is divided into pairs.
  • They stand in front of each other in pump-up position.
  • They do handshake
    • right/right, left/left
    • high five right/left, left/right
  • The team is divided into 2 groups (4 according to the amount of players).
  • team 1 = storage team
  • team 2 = catch team
  • Team 1 serves 1 for 1.
  • They start close to the net and when they succeed they can move further and further away.
  • Team 2 forms a line on the opposite side behind the back line.
  • When player 1 of team 1 serves, player 1 of team 2 comes in the field to catch the ball.
  • He catches the ball and walks outside the square to team 1 to serve and joins the back of the line.
  • The server walks outside the square to team 2 to catch the ball and joins the back of the line.
  • The children walk around in the room.
  • There is one tickler who can catch the other children with the hoop.
  • When someone is tagged, they have to hold the hoop together with the tickler and try to catch the children.
  • There may be up to 3 children per hoop.
  • If they catch a 4th child, he or she must get a new hoop and continue catching children.
  • The game is over when there are no more children walking around freely.

The team is divided into 2 (or more) equal groups.
The groups compete against each other during different tasks:

  1. walk forwards to the cone, tap the cone, walk backwards
  2. walk forwards to the cone, tap the cone, walk backwards
  3. walk forward to the cone, tap the cone, walk backwards, take player 2 to the cone, player 1 stays behind and player goes to get player 3 ...
  4. walk with ball forward to the cone, put ball on cone and walk backward, 2nd player walks forward to the cone, takes ball and walks backward and passes ball.
  5. Passing the ball while sitting above the head
  6. pass the ball through the legs
  7. pass the ball left/right
  8. get to the other side by moving hoops
  9. The 2 groups now form 1 big group.
  10. get the mat across while sitting above your head
  11. getting the big ball across without touching the ground
  • Speed ladder is from the back line towards the net, in the middle of the field.
  • Players move every round with a different movement pattern for the footwork through the speed ladder towards the net, then at position 3 a block, move to position 2 or 4 (alternate) and there a block again.
  • Then walk a lap around the square until when they are back at the ladder.

ladder exercises:

  1. 1 foot per square
  2. 2 feet per section
  3. left in, right out
  4. 2 in front, 1 in back
  5. jump open
  • There are 6 players standing with their backs to the net, three on each side.
    • A stands on the back line,
    • the first player throws the ball
    • and it is caught by A and thrown back.
  • 2nd player throws a short ball,
    • A walks forward and catches the ball and throws it back.
  • 3rd player throws a deep ball,
    • A moves backwards (facing the net) and catches the ball and throws it back.
    • Catches the ball and throws it back.
    • A walks to the other side of the net
    • where he stands in front of player 4,
    • Player 4 throws a short ball,
    • A catches and throws back.
  • Player 5 throws a deep ball,
    • A moves backwards (facing the net) catches the ball and throws it back.
  • Player 6 throws a short ball,
    • A moves forward (facing the net) catches the ball and throws it back.
  • Passing.
  • Two pairs are made.
  • The players face each other. Player with ball has his back against the net, player without belly is in the middle of the square.
  • Player with ball knocks on the ball, at this moment the player at the back stands up quickly because the ball is thrown into the field and must be caught overhand or underhand.
  • The ball is thrown back to the player at the net in an arc underhand/overhand and starts over.
  • We do this 5 times each.
  • In the middle of the field a large square is made with 4 benches. Here 2 players stand.
  • All balls are distributed in the hall and the other players are waiting for the trainer.
  • When the trainer says start, the players must try to get as many balls as possible into the square.
  • The 2 players who are in the square throw the balls back out again.
  • After 1 minute the trainer checks how many balls are still in the square.
    • You may only throw 1 ball at a time in or out of the square!

We stand in a large circle (+/- 8 to 10 players). We agree on an exercise for each player in the beginning of the year. We do this exercise every practice, so it is up to each player to remember his exercise (in the beginning I help with this). When this player is at the training we do this exercise. The order of the exercises depends on the way the players stand.

  • 10 squats
  • 15 counts plank
  • 10 pumps
  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 10 lunges each leg
  • 10 sit-ups
  • 15 arm twists forward
  • 15 arm twists backwards
  • 5 knee to chest jumps
  • 5 burpees

After this we will stretch independently.

  • Storage -> reception -> pass to 4 (diagonal) alternating with 2 (street) -> defence with 2
  • Variant: attack on 4 (street) alternating with 2 (diagonal) 7
  • Receptionists always turn around
  • After 2 good actions turn around
drawing 1


  • Player A throws ball over the net.
  • Player B or C passes the ball over the net.
  • The other player quickly runs under the net and sets up the ball for the same player who passed.
  • This player tries to get a pawn off the bench with overhand play or a hitting move.

Which pair or team has knocked the most pawns off the bench after X number of minutes?