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Volleyball drills

  • Grouping into 2 groups,
  • Each group gets a small mat and the opponents must try to hit the mat with a ball.
  • If they hit the mat they get a point.
  • If the mat falls, the opponent gets a point.
  • free ball is brought in by reception player
  • then the pass is given
  • and the attacker attacks in a defined zone.
  • Point system:
    • out: -1,
    • net: -1,
    • in: 0,
    • inside the box: +2
  • Free ball -> pass -> diagonal attack:
    • 3 blockers,
    • 2 defenders who choose between 5/6 or 1/6
    • and 2 attackers on 4 and 2 who attack diagonally.

  1. in quiet walk 3x back and forth to the net.
  2. overhead lungescooling-down-4
  3. calf muscle (stand on bench and alternately push your heel down, do not force)cooling-down-4
  4. upper legcooling-down-4
  5. shouldercooling-down-4
  6. calmly dribble to the net 3 times.

1) running (on stockings
) 2) stretching

1) Shoulder pumps2
) T-Y-90/90 exo (arms lifted outstretched)
3) planks 1'
4) superman 16x5
) deadbug6
) planks 1'

Play fanatically in threes. After you play the ball, walk to the other side and connect. Player A plays to player B and connects with player B at the back. Player B plays to player C and connects with player C at the back. Etc.


  • 1 with ball at the net,
  • 1 without ball on the backline, flat on belly.
  • Attacker hits ball, defender defends on 7meter line,
    • Then short ball on 3meter line.
  • Dumbbell torso rotation is good exercise for improving core rotational speed.
  • First of all, you need to prepare a dumbbell. Initially, you need to hold a dumbbell in the right hand.
  • After that, you should touch the ground in front of the left foot. Now, it's time for you to explode from low to high.
  • Finally, you'll have the dumbbell above the head on the right side.

Four exercises are set out, which are completed in time. The teams collect points. After the 4 exercises a mini tournament is played, where all teams play against each other.

  • Exercise 1. This is done together. All teams do the same exercise at the same time. Two players lie side by side on their stomachs behind the back line. Number one of the team jumps up and runs to the net. When nr.1 is lying on his belly, nr.2 can leave.
  • Exercise 2. No. 1 hits with smash the ball via the ground and the wall to no. 2. No. 1 stands behind a line with two pawns, no. 2 stands on the mat.
  • Exercise 3. Nr. 1 serves from behind the 7 meter line, to nr. 2. Nr. 2 passes the ball to himself and plays immediately with an overhand ball the ball over the net to nr. 1. Every good ball that is caught is 1 point. After 2 minutes you can change.
  • Exercise 4. No. 1 runs with the ball to the net, from a pylon, passes the ball under the net to No. 2. No. 2 runs with the ball in her hands to her own pilar and back again. Nr.2 then throws the ball over the net to nr.1. Nr.1 runs to her own pilon, and returns to pass the ball under the net. Etc.


  • team 1 - team 2 5 minutes
  • team 3 - team 4 5 minutes
  • team 1 - team 3 5 minutes
  • team 2 - team 4 5 minutes
  • team 1 - team 4 5 minutes
  • team 2 - team 3 5 minutes

followed by possibly a big game.

What you need:

  • Exercise 2. mat and 2 pawns, some balls
  • Exercise 3. some balls and antenna makes smaller field.
  • Exercise 4. single balls and aerial
  • 2 teams at the net with 1 ball each
    • 1p without ball behind the backline lying flat on belly.
  • Attacker hits ball, defender defends on 7 meter line,
    • then short ball on 3 meter line.
  • The three of you start at the back line
  • in the push-up position and then one of them jumps over it
  • and so we move on and whoever gets to the net first and back again has won.

  • three people in the field.
  • Coach hits the ball into the field
  • then sets it up in three
  • over the net
  • who plays the ball over the net retrieves it and puts it in the cart.