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Volleyball drills

  • 4 players are in the line-up. 1 of the players SV.
  • 3 other players serve.
  • Perfect pass to SV
  • SV plays behind 3 meter line for attack.
  • 10 balls change.
  • team is in line.
  • serve on team
  • team builds attack, completes it.
  • Coach plays next ball immediately,
  • 4x in quick succession.
  • throw the ball with 2 hands
  • catch with 1 hand
  • change hands 3 times
  • throw the ball with 1 hand
  • catch with 2 hands
  • 3x
  • throw the ball with 1 hand
  • catch with 1 hand
  • 3x right + left
  • Service
  • Pass to mid-forward on 2 or 4,
  • Attack quickly on 3 or long ball to 4 or 2, or......3 meter attack
    • advantage of variation of the playmaker,
    • and attack is shifted to other side,
    • difficult to defend,
    • and mid-forward opponent must defend in the block.

Goal of the exercise:
Fine tuning techniques

Explanation of the exercise:

  • From the right front, balls are hit on the own half to position 4 / 5.
  • The defender attacks his own ball again.
  • Follow your own ball. N
  • After your attack you start serving from position 5 straight ahead.
  • 2 groups, each group on one side of the net.
  • Overhead over the net.
  • When you've played you join the back of the row.
  • later underhand


Improve fitness and warm up


Run in circles


Run in circles around the field(leave about 2m between them)

  1. when trainer claps 1 time - pump 1 time
  2. when trainer claps 2 times - sliding dives
  3. when trainer claps 3 times - a block jump
  4. when trainer claps 4 times - turn around and short spurt

After each part, a short rest and then through again. Parts with * need a bench, 2 to 4 persons per bench

  • Part 1:
    • 30 step-ups* (getting on/off the bench)
    • 15 push-ups* (feet on the bench)
    • 30 step-ups*(get on/off bench)
    • 15 push-ups* (feet on the bench)

After each part, a short rest and then through again. Parts with * need a bench, 2 to 4 persons per bench

  • Part 1:
    • 30 step-ups* (getting on/off the bench)
    • 15 push-ups* (feet on the bench)
    • 30 step-ups*
  • Part 2:
    • 30 east-west step-ups* (right foot on bench left foot next to it â€" left foot on it right foot next to it)
    • 10 squats jumps (bend knees and jump as high as possible while stretching)
  • 2 players, one of whom has 2 balls.
  • The players stand about 3 meters apart.
  • The balls are thrown to the left and right of the player who 'picks up' these balls one by one with one hand.
  • Catching the balls with one hand is difficult, so you have to push them away.
  • Make it more difficult by throwing the balls further and further apart so you have to move.
  • After 1 minute change