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Volleyball drills

  • Doing tuck jump has a profound positive impact on a volleyball player’s glutes, hips and quads.
  • When doing this type of volleyball exercise you should keep your knees as high as possible.
  • Plus, you need to spend as little time on the ground.
  • Frog hops is the right type of volleyball exercise for developing explosive jumping power.
  • If you do this volleyball exercise on a regular basis you’ll be able to strengthen the quadriceps and hamstrings over the time.
  • As a result, you’ll be able to jump higher!
  • Split jump lunge is the volleyball exercise that offers a great way of strengthening glutes, quads and hips.
  • So, this exercise will have a huge positive impact on your vertical jump.
  • It’s worth noting that this exercise requires some balance as well as a lot of strength from a lower body.
  • It’s very important for you to take the right position before starting a split jump lunge.
  • You should keep your knee directly over your foot.
  • On the other hand, your knee shouldn’t go over your toe.
  • Then, you need to drop down into the lunge.
  • Now, it’s time for you to push both your feet simultaneously and switch legs.
  • Lastly, you should gently land on the floor keeping your feet wide.
  • You should also raise the opposite arm of your front leg while landing.
  • The trainer randomly plays 1 or 2. 
  • From there, a set up to the other (1 or 2) is given for attacking. 
  • Depending on where the attack happens, 6 players on the other side of the net take the correct positions. 
  • Blocking, defending, and play over the net to me. 
  • High tempo. 
  • If the ball is not defended, throw it to my side of the net so that we can continue. 




The teams on the mats have to conquer 4 cones without being tagged in x number of minutes


- Pairs on the 3 mats (to be expanded to 2 pairs)
- 2 taggers between mats and cones
- 9 cones around a field's length from the mats.

Game explanation;

The pair on the mat has conquer a mat hand in hand or otherwise connected.
The taggers are going to try to tag the pair.
If one of the pair is tagged, they have to go back to their mat and try again.
The first at the four cones has one. The team with the least cones are going to be the taggers.
Set a time limit for an x number of minutes to keep the flow in the game.

Agreements about blocking 

  • Always 2 blockers on the outside
  • Block left (outside) arm's length of the antenna (diagonal blocking)
  • Block right (diagonal) at the antenna (straight block)
  • This makes sure that position 1 (playmaker) can always be blocked, so no hard attack on position 1 is possible.
  • Block middle by 1 person, block on the ball.
  • The players are in a line at position 1.
  • The first makes a jump service (without ball), then runs diagonally to the net (position 4).
  • Here, he/she makes a block, shuffles backwards to the 3m line, and attacks.
  • Then, he/she shuffles to the middle and does the same. 
  • Keeps shuffling to the right and does the same here.
  • Makes a dive to position 1.
  • Per 2 players, 1 ball
  • Player A has a ball.
  • Player B is at 4 meters from player A
  • Player A throws the ball to player B
  • Action during: Player A calls left or right
  • Player B is catching the ball with the hand player A is calling.
  • Idem for player B.
    • Variation: 2 or 3 balls, tennis ball, reaction ball. 


This exercise can also be done as a game against a group on the other field!

  • There is a line of kids with a ball at a cone in the back of the field and 1 kid in the other field 
  • Kid 1 is going to the net while playing overarm with the ball (if the ball is dropped, start over)
  • around 1m from the net, you play the ball overarm over the net to the kid (x) standing there
  • the kid standing there has to pass the ball and catch himself (walks with the ball to the line of children)
  • kid 1 goes underneath the net and takes the place of kid (x)
  • kid 2 now goes to net overarm playing and plays the ball to kid 1
  • etc. etc.

(variation or harder)

  • there is a line of children with a ball at a cone in the back of the field and 1 kid in the other field 
  • Kid 1 is going to the net while playing overarm with the ball (if the ball is dropped, start over)
  • around 1m from the net, you play the ball overarm over the net to the kid (x) standing there
  • kid 1 quickly goes underneath the net and takes the mid forward position
  • the kid standing there (x) has to pass the ball and play to the mid forward who catches the ball and gives it to kid (x)
  • kid (x) walks with the ball to the line of children
  • kid 1 takes the position of kid (x)
  • Kid 2 now goes to the net while playing overarm with the ball and plays the ball to kid 1
  • etc. etc.
  • overarm and underhand


Improve condition and power + warming up


Crack the code by doing various exercises


You can play this game with each 4 exercises you can come up with.

1. Divide group in two teams which are going to do the exercises.
2. The trainer makes a 10-digit code for example (24 32 14 21 33)
3. The players will do the devised exercises in a certain order. For example: they think that the first digit is 3, so they will do exercise 3. When they have finished this exercise, they go to the trainer who tells if the digit is correct or wrong. If the digit is correct, they try to guess the next digit. If the digit is incorrect, they will have to do another exercise, for example exercise 4, to guess to correct digit.

For example
Exercise 1: 5 times pumping
Exercise 2: run the distance between the end line and the middle line three times
Exercise 3: 5 times blocking at different places/positions
Exercise 4: 1 slide dive towards the sideline, another slide dive towards the end line

The pair that cracks the code first, wins.

  • This exercise is done in pairs. Look for someone with the same level of serving.
  • Both on 1 side of the net, starting at the 3m line.
  • Hit the ball overarm to your buddy. If you succeed, take a step back.
  • Other side does the same
  • Hit another ball overarm to your body. If again you succeed at this distance, take another step back.
  • Keep continuing.
  • Player A throws/hits ball towards player C 
  • Player C passes the ball towards player B. 
  • Player B sets up the ball. 
  • Player C attacks. 

Goal: 1st series balls straight, 2nd series balls diagonally. 

Walking line: A joins back of line C, B keeps hitting balls, C joins back line A.
