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Volleyball drills

  • Play a game of volley tennis against each other.
  • At lower levels the ball is allowed to bounce once, at higher levels it can be played in one go.
  • As soon as you lose a point you have to run circles around the court.
  • Until 2 remain, these play a final.
drawing Volley tennis
  • The attack is from the outside.
  • The intention is to attack in the direction of the mats.
  • It's also possible to jump in the hoops.
  • Players come in from position 1.
drawing Targeted attacks.
  • Passing and directed service practice, walk-through exercise, everyone runs after his ball, if you do not pass you stand, possibly expand the exercise by placing a playmaker on the 2/3 and have him give a setup backwards.
drawing Service and defence
  • Player on left front with ball.
  • Throws ball to pos 5. Building up attack, then covering.
  • T throws short ball to one of the players.
  • Set up attack again and cover.
  • Turn 1 place.
  • Attacker left gets 2 balls.
  • One in the coach's basket, joining the queue with the other ball.
drawing Covering attack
  • Player on left front with ball.
  • Throws ball to pos 5.
  • Building up attack, then covering.
  • T throws short ball to one of the players.
  • Set up attack again and cover.
  • Turn 1 place.
  • Attacker left gets 2 balls.
  • One in the coach's basket, joining the queue with the other ball.
drawing Covering attack
  • divide into 2 groups of 5
  • 1 player on each side on position 5
  • 1 player under the basket
  • the ball is thrown over the net and the passer plays the ball into the basket.
  • after that you join the group on your own side of the net.
  • extension with on 1 side the playmaker who plays the balls backwards after which the attacker hits the passer.


2 groups of 3 players

  • 1 bench at position 5 - about 6 meters
  • 1 chair at position 2 - about 3 meters line

Players pass to the bench: on the bench on the right is 1 point

  • Strikes from 3 meter line: 10 points
  • Displays from 5 to 6 meter line: 10 points
  • Fouls from the back line: 10 points

If a pass is hit from the left side of the bench, from the outside next to the field or from behind the field; the person who saved the pass sits on the chairOr else
players must first free the player from the chair

2 mats on 3m line - 2 mats on 5m line - 2 hoops on back line - 1 korfball pole in the middle of the field at the back

2 groups of 3 people:

  • A: 1 person on 3m line with ball
  • B: 1 person on mat on 3 meter line
  • C: 1 person on mat on 5 meter line

  1. A throws the ball over to C and C does the reception
  2. C plays reception to B
  3. B touches C who in the meantime has gone to the hoop and is standing in the hoop
  4. C touches up to B
  5. B tries to punch in the basket


  • The players on the mat may not take their foot off the mat
  • The player in the hoop is allowed to move a maximum of 1 foot out of the hoop
  • Point is scored when ball falls into basket or hits the basket from above.
  • 6 players on one side of the net.
  • 1 playmaker on the other side at right back
  • 3 strikers +Tim as passer
  • Joël throws in balls to Tim.
  • Tim passes the ball to the playmaker, who chooses which attacker to pass to. The attacker can choose whether to hit or to place a passed ball behind the block.

starting position by showing chalk drawings on the ground for defending.

  • 3 people in the backfield,
  • the coach stands at the net
  • and the ball has to be played to the coach.
    • Overhead,
    • underhand,
    • short,
    • deep in the back,
    • hard balls
    • and soft balls.
  • The ball may be played in 2x.
  • Ball is served.
  • Pass by 1/5/6.
  • Set-up by 1, but on a first pass by 1 set-up by 2.
  • After set-up an attack by 2/3/4, but on a set-up by 2 only an attack by 3/4.
  • After service 2 (or more) players walk into the court to play.
  • Ball/ralley is played all the way out.


The bootcamp consists of different parts. Each part is performed for 1 minute and then there is 30 seconds rest and time to switch parts.

  • Planks
  • Push-ups
  • Squats
  • Sit-ups
  • Ladder
  • Sprint between pawns 6 meters apart
  • Jump over and then under the bridge
  • Jumping jacks