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Volleyball drills

  • Dumbbell torso rotation is good exercise for improving core rotational speed.
  • First of all, you need to prepare a dumbbell. Initially, you need to hold a dumbbell in the right hand.
  • After that, you should touch the ground in front of the left foot. Now, it's time for you to explode from low to high.
  • Finally, you'll have the dumbbell above the head on the right side.
  • 2 teams at the net with 1 ball each
    • 1p without ball behind the backline lying flat on belly.
  • Attacker hits ball, defender defends on 7 meter line,
    • then short ball on 3 meter line.

This exercise is about another player taking over the setup.

The players are divided into two groups. One group is lined up in the front left corner ready to attack. The players of the other group line up in the back right of the field.

  • The trainer bounces the ball high somewhere in the field (1).
  • The player gives a high setup to the outside left (2) and then gets in line at the front left (3).
  • The first player on the front left smashes the ball (4) and retrieves it himself in order to join the back row on the right (5).


Match 2 v 2, where the 3m line is the back line (and less wide)

  • variations:
  • obligatory all abovehands; also 1st ball!
  • obligatory all underhand
  • obligatory 3rd ball with 1 hand
  • etc


Improve fitness and warm up


Run in circles


Run in circles around the field(leave about 2m between them)

  1. when trainer claps 1 time - pump 1 time
  2. when trainer claps 2 times - sliding dives
  3. when trainer claps 3 times - a block jump
  4. when trainer claps 4 times - turn around and short spurt

After each part, a short rest and then through again. Parts with * need a bench, 2 to 4 persons per bench

  • Part 1:
    • 30 step-ups* (getting on/off the bench)
    • 15 push-ups* (feet on the bench)
    • 30 step-ups*(get on/off bench)
    • 15 push-ups* (feet on the bench)


  • fixed line is ball direction: 1BH; 2pass; 3BH; 4BH; 5pass; 6BH
  • vary the difficulty of ball 1 and 4
  • when you reach the net you make a block jump
  • broken line is running direction


  • solid line is the ball direction: 1BH; 2pass; 3BH; 4tip; 5pass; 6BH; 7pass; 8BH; 9tip; 10pass
  • vary in difficulty 4 and 9 || ball 1 and 6 hit ball
  • broken line is running direction

After each part, a short rest and then through again. Parts with * need a bench, 2 to 4 persons per bench

  • Part 1:
    • 30 step-ups* (getting on/off the bench)
    • 15 push-ups* (feet on the bench)
    • 30 step-ups*
  • Part 2:
    • 30 east-west step-ups* (right foot on bench left foot next to it â€" left foot on it right foot next to it)
    • 10 squats jumps (bend knees and jump as high as possible while stretching)
  • the number of players present are all outside the field of play.
  • In the middle of the field there is a hoop with a number of balls in it.
    • 1 less than the number of players
  • Players do a number of exercises, for example
    • planking
    • sit-ups
    • push-ups.
  • when the players have completed these exercises, they lie on their backs.
  • At the sign of the trainer they run to the middle, and try to conquer a ball.
  • They keep on running until there is only one ball left.
  • The winner of the game decides on a punishment for the other players.
  • Put 6 hoops down, on the 6 positions. (P1 t/m 6).
  • Make 2 fair teams, easiest is from 4 players per team.
    • One person from each team starts in the hoop at position 1.
    • The rest of the team stands with a ball on the other side of the hoop, behind the back line and vice versa.
    • As soon as the trainer indicates it, both teams start serving on the hoops.
    • The person standing in the hoop tries to catch the service without stepping out of the hoop.
    • When a service is caught, the person who served the ball moves to position 2, to catch the ball in the hoop.
    • The person who was in position 1 goes to his own backline to serve.
  • The team that catches the ball first at position 6 is the winner.
  • Important is to concentrate on a good service every time.
  • The goal of this exercise is to tactically put away or hit the ball.
  • This by means of a tap ball on midmid, or a ball deep on position 1.
  • By using baskets you can create a 'constant' block, which eventually can be replaced by a real block.
  • The pawns at position 1 can best be replaced by a cupboard, over which the ball must fall, over the 'defender'.
    • The trainer hits a ball, or plays a ball in, which is first passed to the distributor,
    • the playmaker gives a set-up to the outside.
    • The attacker decides whether to try a short passed ball at midmid (where there is a hoop),
    • or looks for position 1 with a hit or a fast overhand ball.


  • Play fanatically in pairs
  • Make long series.
  • Is that going well?
    • Try to hit the ball quietly every now and then.