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Volleyball drills

  • one playmaker on position 2/3
  • one attacker on position 4
  • 2 blockers
  • 1 defender on position 5
  • trainer on position 1
  • the rest with the ball
  • you are going to attack to score, but it is not allowed to hit with a big arc over the blocker the ball is not allowed to come above the antenna during hitting or tapping.
  • Attacker becomes middle blocker
  • Middle blocker becomes outside blocker
  • outside blocker becomes defender
  • etc


  • divide into 2 groups of 5
  • 1 player on each side on position 5
  • 1 player under the basket
  • ball is thrown over the net and the passer plays the ball into the basket
  • after that you join the group on your own side of the net.


  • left back, mid back right position
  • 3 blockers
  • the rest on the other side of the ball
  • The ball is introduced when the defenders are in position.
  • left and right back start on 3 meter line. mid-back starts on double line.

  • left back, mid back right back position
  • 3 blockers
  • the rest at the other side ball
  • ball is introduced when defenders are in position
  • left and right back start on 3 meter line. mid-back starts on double line.


  • Speed ladder is from the back line towards the net, in the middle of the field.
  • Players move every round with a different movement pattern for the footwork through the speed ladder towards the net, then a block at position 3, move to position 2 or 4 (alternate) and a block again there.
  • Then immediately step out to the defensive position on the 3-m line (with the cross move, immediately adopt a low stance and weight on the front feet).
  • After the defensive position two options: either shuffle backwards towards the baseline or make a diving roll towards the baseline.
  • Depending on the team and fitness level, increase the number of rounds the players have to make.


  • 10 x attack and score
    • this may be done in any way, hard/smart
  • Point for the attacker if
    • direct scoring
    • if defensive team does not score itself

In pairs

  • 1 with ball on the backline
  • 1 without ball at the net facing the net
  • make a block jump at the net (pay attention to a straight landing)
  • after landing, turn around and defend short ball on 6m line
  • 6 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 2x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks straight up 2x times
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive position
  • 2x cross pass back and forth.
  • stand on 3 metre line and then go back and forth to the net sideways 5 times
  • 5x blocking
  • 5x attack
  • tap all lines from backline and dive back

Per 3: 1 person at the net, 1 person on the back line, 1 person in between.

  • Person in between goes to work, gets ball from person at the net, OH back. Turns around a few steps backwards, ball from back line, OH back. Turn back around and repeat (20x reception).
  • Can be with or without stroke.

In pairs: 1 person at the net and 1 person on 3 meter line.

  • Ball is tested from the net to 3 meter line, BH back.
  • Move backwards and ball is hit to backline can also be a touch, OH back
  • Back line is tapped by this player, person at the net plays the ball back to the 3 meter line with 1 control key (20x change)
  • Walk 3x back and forth in a runner's pace to the net
  • Walk 3x back and forth in double-step to the net, waving your arms as you walk
  • Cross walk to the net 3 times (waving your arms)
  • 3x back and forth sideways to the net
  • 3x back and forth to the net, alternating between lifting your thighs and putting your heels against your seat
  • side A: team set-up, other people on the other side.
    • Service from side A
  • Team on side B must hit the first two attacks,
  • 3rd attack may only be hit,
  • Puncture where critical in defense.
  • 1 plays overhand to 2
  • 2 plays back overhand and moves alternately 3 meters to the left or right
  • left or right and returns to the starting position.
  • 1 plays the returned ball directly left or right of 2.
  • change after 2 mint.
    • VARIATION: 2 plays overhand