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Volleyball drills

  • Play overhead and underhand along the net.
  • chase your ball (min. 5 persons around the run)
  • game set-up without the outfield striker.
    • (3 man defence, 1 playmaker, centre and slide player).
  • Ball is served from opposite field, team defends and playmaker with every ball on middle or slide (possibly on bad pass 3 meter line).
  • all players are equally matched.
  • 2x normal forward field up and down.
  • 2x forward to net, backward shuffle.
  • 4x sideways pass.
  • 2x cross pass
  • 3x run to net, block, turn around and dive back into the run.

These exercises are done in pairs.

  • Exercise 1:
    • Person 1 stands with a ball at the net, person 2 starts at the 3-meter line. Person 1 hits the ball and person 2 has to run backwards and play the ball to person 1 again. 10x per person.
  • Exercise 2:
    • Person 1 stands on the 3-meter line with a ball. Person 2 is going to block at the net and then turn around to play the short ball of person 1. 10x per person.
Gather on sideline, then:
  • Across and back (2x)
  • Sideways to the other side and back (1x)
  • Cross pass to the other side and back (1)
  • Lift your knees across and back (1x)
  • Heels to the other side and back (1x)
  • Arm swing forwards, backwards (1x)
  • Frog jump to the other side and back (1x)
  • Crossing to the other side and back (1x)
  • Sideways hop across to the other side and back (1x)


  • Make threes
  • Each trio one ball.
  • Player in the middle runs an 8 each time. Each time this player gets in the middle, a ball is thrown:
    • A throws (or plays overhand) the ball to B (in the middle).
    • B plays the ball back to A underhand and then runs around A until he is in the middle again.
    • A meanwhile passes the ball overhead to C.
    • C plays the ball overhand back to B.
    • B passes the ball back to C underhand and then runs around C until he is in the middle again.
    • Etc.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the player in the middle changes.


  • To make it easier, player A and C can also have them throw instead of playing overhand. This can be an underhand throw/catch or an overhand throw/catch.
  • To practice standing still while playing/catching, you can also let player B throw and catch underhand.
  • 2 teams,
    • 1 with ball at the net,
    • 1 without ball on the backline flat on belly.
  • player at the net bounces the ball, player two catches/OH to the net player.
    • after that change positions
  • 2 teams(6,8,10 or 12 players)
  • 1 person in the field.
  • Other players stand behind the back line in the waiting room.
  • T puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • You may only play the ball underarm.
  • After playing the ball, step out and someone in the waiting room takes your place.
  • If you make a mistake, the opponent gets a point.


- 1 defender starts behind the back line
- C plays high ball in the field
- 1 comes in and plays overhead to S
- S set-up to where attacker is standing
- attack straight ahead, attacker gets the ball
- 1 becomes attacker and 2 defender
VARIATION 1: Harder hit ball, with fixed libero in defence.
VARIATION 2: IDEM to 1, but with block after your attack.

3 rounds

  • first round = throwing (freeball)
  • second round = technical hit (hit freeball) --> short ball can already be a dived ball
  • third round = hard hit --> short ball almost impossible to catch



Speed, Conditioning, Shuffling, Standing and Passing Exercise


4 players at the net, 2 in the middle of the field. In mirror image 2 in the middle and again 4 on the back line.



  • The two passers move sideways to the centre, touching each other's hand. Pass the ball, kidney after kidney sideways to the outside line and pass again.
  • Whoever reaches the 10 first wins.
  • It is not about the pass but about the attitude and standing still during the pass.