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Volleyball drills

Place two benches on either side of the field. The ball must be served next to the bench, if you succeed you will get a point.

9 hoops; 3x3

Two teams, the teams have to run to the hoops and then lay down their stuff. The team that has three in a row first has won.

Make two equal teams. They have to pass the ball to each other 10 times. If you manage to pass the ball 10 times, you get a point.

Put the thick mat against the net.

The attacker should hit their attack against the thick mat. The defenders should be behind the attacker to defend the ball.


(outside attacker 4, middle attacker 3, playmaker 2, outside attacker 5)

The ball must fall between the 7 and the 9 or within the 3.

The ball between the 7 and the 9 must be hit with speed and pressure, not with a curve.

Hit the deep ball straight on, or from 1 to 1

Last assignment 5 balls between 7 and 9 and 5 balls between net and 3, count how many balls right.


  • Coach throws the ball to passer/runner 1.
  • He passes to position 3, after which the distributor steps in.
  • SV sets up passer/runner 1 or centre 1(X1).

  • Passer/runner and center attack when they have the chance,
    • Otherwise they must pass to the centre,
  • in such a way that the free net defender (2) and the centre back (3) cannot reach it and the ball does not fall into the shaded area of the court.

  • I use this exercise as a preparation for a game in which the opponent defends in a 3-2-1 formation and the weakest link is the center back.
  • The ball must be pricked where the free net defender cannot reach it and where it still falls far enough before 3.
  • Team 1(balls) get 10 balls to serve with.
  • If a ball is passed
  • and is caught on the half where it is passed,
  • If the ball is hit into the net, it is taken out of play.
    • also if it is served out,
    • or is served into the net,
    • it goes out of play.
  • The team that serves the most wins.
Team 1(balls) get 10 balls to serve with. If a ball is passed and is caught on the half where it is passed, then this ball is taken out of play. Also if it is served out, or in the net, then this ball goes out of play. The team that serves the most wins.

Training rhythm and cadence for the playmaker.

Explanation of the exercise:
This exercise is useful for playmakers who want to get rhythm and cadence in their set-ups. In this way, the playmakers get a lot of ball contact and can set-up a lot.

The outfielder passes. The centre, preferably three, comes in from the left, hits the ball and turns it in again on the right. The next one is on the right, goes to the left, etc. These players, seen from above, turn 8s. The coach brings in the balls and can set the pace.

Of course, you can later have the middle players pass and go out and rock. By first coming in from the left, then from the right Of course, later on the centre can pass and the outfield player can rock by coming in first from the left and then from the right.

Duration of the exercise:
10-15 min

An exercise for the attacker. The attacker has to be available for a second attack after a block.

First the middle attackers. At the net stand the playmaker (S) and a head blocker (1) ready to start blocking. Next to them stands the trainer (T) with a ball. Three defenders (4, 5 and 6) are standing at the back of the court.


  • The trainer hits the ball, and 1 and S block together.
  • During the block the trainer smashes the ball to 4, 5 or 6.
  • As soon as 1 is on the ground again after the block, 1 moves backwards for the attack run.
  • 4, 5 or 6 defend the ball.
  • S gives a setup to 1.
  • 1 smashes the ball
  • 1 retrieves the ball.
  • 2 takes the place of 1 (1,2 and 3 rotate)

Then the outside attackers who for a change will attack on the right. The playmaker (S) stands in the middle and the outfielder (1) stands on the right. Next to them again the trainer (T) and in the field the defenders (4, 5 and 6).

  • The trainer hits the ball, whereupon 1 and S block together.
  • During the block the trainer smashes the ball to 4, 5 or 6.
  • As soon as 1 is on the ground again after the block, 1 moves backwards for the attack run.
  • 4, 5 or 6 defend the ball.
  • S gives a setup backwards to 1.
  • 1 smashes the ball
  • 1 retrieves the ball.
  • 2 takes the place of 1 (1,2 and 3 rotate)
attack-on-positions-3-and-4-1Passer/Looper and Diagonal on position
45 throws ball to 1, 2 moves from the net, 3 sets the block diagonally, 4 defends.
SV has to put the ball past the blocker, giving attacker a chance to hit behind the block.
5 balls through.
Middens should block when the ball goes over the net and then move left and back. SV must also move 2-3 metres to the left. Always offer as a centre and SV must always move.

Set-up tips from coach Donnie!