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Volleyball drills

  • The attacker puts a block.
  • The thrower hits over this.
  • The libero or passer passes the ball to the server.
  • The server passes the ball to the attacker who just blocked.
  • The thrower puts a block and the attacker hits straight through to the defender, who defends for himself.
  • Passing: passer becomes attacker -> attacker becomes backup defender -> defender becomes backup thrower -> thrower becomes backup passer.
drawing Attack variation
  • 2 servers
  • 1 passer
  • 1 catcher

  • Thick mat obstructs passer's view, requiring passer to focus on ball trajectory.
  • Passer passes to catcher who rolls on to serveers.
  • Roll through after 10 balls
drawing Fitting without sight
  • 3 players in the middle play overhand for themselves.
  • 2 players outside also play overhand for themselves.
  • The outside players run around it.
  • And pass in between.
drawing Carousel
  • Two balls at once
  • Players at position 5 and 1 on two sides of the field, also 2 playmakers.
  • Ball from position 5 to server to position 1, to position 5 other side and so on.
  • Players run after their ball, except for the playmakers.
drawing Input and playmaker
Storage practice with reaction.
drawing Storage
  • 2 agility exercises
  • 2 reaction exercises
  • 1.5 minutes per round
drawing Circuit
  • Divide group into triplets.
  • Form of play is 2 against 2 on a half court.
  • Goal: move and communicate in backfield.
    • Do not want to score, but keep the ball in play, play "on" the person and make long rallies.
    • Hit the 3rd ball as much as possible. Play overhand to keep the rally going.
  • Starting position:
    • 2 players in the court, 1 on the back line "waiting room" on both sides.
  • Ball is brought in from 2-3 meters with toss and attacking stroke=> back 5-7 meter position.
  • Passer becomes attacker. so after pass immediately to 3 meters and then attack.
  • After attack immediately out and to waiting room.
  • Non-passer goes forward immediately and becomes Setter then back to 5-7m position.
  • "Waiting room" supplies new passer.
drawing Two-Two - Moving
  • Divide the group into two teams.
  • Everyone has a ball.
  • 2 Pawns in the center of each court as a starting position.
  • Trainer makes choice in which part of the field to serve: left or right, short or deep.
  • Serving from two sides.
  • Chasing your ball and moving pawn.
  • Rejoin your own team.
Pawn movement:
  • If the server serves in the right part => the pawn moves to where the ball hit the ground. You make the goal area smaller.
  • If the server does not serve in the correct part => then the pawn moves 1 meter towards the center of the field. Target area bigger.
  • Exercise on time => for example 5 minutes.
  • Team that has the smallest goal area after 5 min wins!
Then again with other part of the field.

drawing Serve focused - game 2
  • Conditioning with ball at high intensity
  • Everyone does each exercise once
  • If there are 7 people, 1 group has a rest
drawing Conditioning with ball
  • Per group 1 ball
  • Per group at least 4 players, preferably 5 players.
Short description picture:
  • 1b plays ball to SV.
  • Who gives Set up to 1a.
  • 1a enters field to defend later.
  • 1a calmly attacks to 2a/b who defend.
  • The player not defending runs to the net.
  • SV gives Setup to 2 who in turn calmly attacks 1.
  • Then again. 1b goes under the net to help defend.
  • With 4 players the matching 2 to the next attack is matching 1.
  • Quiet attack alternate with prod balls.
drawing Inset pass defense
  • Groups of 3 people of approximately equal height.
  • The thrower pays attention to the correct steps:
    • Short, Long, Connect, Take arms with jump.
  • Attacker asks for higher/lower ball to get the timing right.
  • Defender determines start of exercise.
  • One ball per 3-team.
  • 2 Blockers face each other at the net.
  • Setter next to 1 of the blockers.
  • Defender determines start, countdown = 3-2-1 block => try => hands touch each other above the net.
  • Defender => shuffle backwards to about 5-6 meter position -speed !
  • Attacker => fast to the 3 meters ready for attack.
  • Throw up => almost straight up on indication of height attacker.
  • Attacker => straight up calm stroke.
  • Defender => Pass up and catch.
  • Thrower to other side of the net.
  • Same principle but mirrored.

  • 5x attack per person so 10x toss up.
  • Mutual exchange, 3x total, everyone is the thrower once.
drawing Attack Pass
Practice attack run a few times with a few runs beforehand.

Attention => short long short, slant run, take your arms into the jump, try to get as high as possible.

Then do this exercise in pairs:
  • 1 person throws up
  • 1 person does attack pass with timing => catch as high as possible with 2 hands.
  • Thrower pay attention to correct steps: Short, Long, Connect, take arms with jump.
  • Catcher asks for higher / lower ball so timing is right.
1) First phase: Run-up from about 3 meter line => 5x good jump timing, then change
2) Second phase: Start with fake-block, fast backwards, around the pawn => Throw-up => 5x good jump timing then change.
drawing Attack Pass