Volleyball drills
In sets of 2, the person at the net always remains standing, the players at the back move on.
Construction of the exercises:
- Throwing with both hands
- Throwing with left/right hand
- Throwing with bats
- Technical hitting with bots
- Keys with intermediate test
- Hand control + keys
- Underhand control + technical attack
- Directly underhand control/key/attack
- Person at the net keys - person at the back underhand
- Person at the net control key + attack - person at the back defend
- Twos - 1 ball length of field.
- Back line has ball.
- The person at the net blocks twice.
- Then BH played on 3 mtr line BH back.
- Attacking run LRL for right handers with jump.
- Then ball on 3 mtr line OH back.
- Afterwards 2x blocking.
- Groups of three players.
- Two behind each other, at four metres another one.
- The first one of the pair throws the ball to the player in front of him, this one does a check and then passes to the third player and so on.
- Pass the ball every time.
- 4 in attack with playmaker.
- Other side, 1 on reserve out of the field (right at position 1,2) and 3 in the pass and a dropout.
- The rest with ball on position 2 at the side of the attackers.
- These throw the ball to attacker who then pass the ball to SV and get a setup back.
- Attacking 3 defenders who pass to the offender.
- Reserve enters the field and the passers rotate.
- Last passer becomes receiver and receiver goes to line with ball.
- Running back line net 3x
- Lateral passes 1x
- Cross passes 1x
- Knees high heels seat 1x
- Sprints 2x
- Arms swinging loose 1x
- Leg hold 1x
- Leg held back 1x
- Push leg sideways 1
- Go through knees and turn exercise 1x
- A Storage
- B reception
- C first time play ball
- A defense
- C catches.
- A to B
- B to C
- C to A
3 laps own
warming up ( 5 min)
Playing in pairs
- forearms
- overhead
- peppering
- 10 x sit ups
- 10x squad
- 30 sec plank
- 10 x push-ups
- Repeat 3 times
Attacking outside, centre and back - 4 attacks calmly on 3 over the block of 1 and 2 - 3 passes to SV - 1 turns around after the block and attacks the middle. - 4 blocks - 2 and 3 attacking. variation: - same on the left - idem on the right
Throw the ball for yourself, make sure it's in front of your arm.
Then you serve, must be good 10 times.
- 1 serves on 3 or 4
- pass to 5
- set up to not pass
- 2 blocks
- then rotate through
- server, becomes blocker, blocker becomes passer, passer starts to set up, set upper starts to serve
- 1 playmaker, 3 passers, 3 or 4 attackers in the left front. 2 servers.
- Serving -> pass -> setup -> attack -> (block)
- Server goes to row of attackers,
- attacker goes to serve.
- Passers remain standing.
- Faulty service is no return.
- Faulty pass is through.
- Offender gets the ball.
- 2 against 2 with fixed passeur on smaller field (not half)
- Winner of the rally goes under the net and stays there until lost.
- Passeur goes under the net every time it is passed.
Back line - 2 lines:
- Walk to back line 4x
- Heels against seat until middle line - calmly walk to back line 2x
- "At a fast pace to mid-line - slowly walk out to back-line 2x
- Lift knees to middle line - walk slowly to back line 2x
- "Quickly work your way to mid-line - slowly work your way to the back line 2x
- Lateral left to mid-line - 1x
- Sideways right to middle line - 1x
Hind line - 2 lines
- 3 meter line - back line - middle - back line 1x
- 3 meter line - back line - middle - back line - 3 meter - back line - back line
- Each his given exercise
Per 3 - 1 ball: Sparring 15 min.
- Discard
- Strikes
- Test
- Sparring with the intention to stay busy