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Volleyball drills

  • 3 pass setup + 1 SV
    • pass to playmaker = 1 point
    • sv drops ball in basket = +2 point
    • wrong service = 1 point
    • foul pass =-1 point.
  • After 2 services = turn over
  • T throws ball to line of passers
  • Pass to SV on 2/3
  • SV gives a good set up at 52 (outside)
  • Offender plays BH to the hoop at position 1
  • Then to the hoop at position 5

If it goes well, make it a game, every time you hit a hoop, 1 point


The purpose of the core is that the players can play the ball overhead.

  • The players stand in pairs facing each other and play overhead.
  • Hands well above the head, from the legs, stretch the body and point to the ball
  • The players stand further and further apart.

  • Then we form two rows diagonally across the field and we play BH, chase your ball


  • 3 teams 1 ball.
  • A and B stand at the net and C stands opposite A on the backline.
  • A plays ball to C, C plays BH diagonally to B.
  • Meanwhile A moves opposite B and then A plays the ball BH to C.
  • After 20 x passes turn over


Playing in pairs fanatically.

Block defend with dive

  • 1 blocks first at the centre and then at the left front.
  • after the block, turns around and defends back the attack of 3.
  • then defends (in dive) short ball from 5
  • 2 is next
  • Turn over: 1 to short ball, 3 to blocking, 5 to attack
  • Watts relay:
  • 2 (or more) groups competing against each other.
  • For each group there is a cotton wool and that must be brought from one side to the other by means of a dive and blowing once.
  • You may start as soon as the person in front of you taps you

3 players along each side in the field and the reserves outside the field along each side.

  • Ball is played in by player of winning team: every person along one side of the net must have touched the ball. The ball must be played behind the 3 meter line.
  • Team that makes a mistake runs to the other side, taps the wall and then looks to see where there is room to slide in.

Possible variations:

  • Ball must be passed OH/ BH.
  • Must be behind the 3-metre line.
  • Must be passed over.
  • Must be passed from 6.

1 side of the field: 1 player on 2, 1 player on 4 on the 3 meter line (possible reserves)

Other side of the field: 1 player on 2 and on 4 at the net, 1 player on 5 and on 1 (possible reserves)

  • Throwing over Players on the 3 meter line on 2/4 are going to throw over the ball in overhand technique to 1 and 5. These players will catch the OH and bring it to 2/4 at the net. After-action: Blocking at the net + diving off after having passed the ball.
  • Passing: To 1/5, still bring ball to 2/4. 2/4 at the net go and catch the ball BH in correct technique. After-action: Blocking at the net+ diving off after a hit.

1 person in the middle on the other side of the net:

  • Ball is skipped/thrown to 1/5 (make clear choice), 1/5 play ball to center of field(3) 1 meter from net.
  • This person is going to play the ball to the one who has not taken a reception. When 1 has taken reception, 5 comes to the net in front and is going to hit this ball to 1. 1 brings this reception back to 3.
  • 3 turns to other side by RS stays standing, attacker becomes 3, reserve comes in.
  • After-action: block + tap wall
  • We play with 3 players on one field
  • After passing the ball the player blocks and walks backwards through the ladder to connect with the other players
  • on either side of the net.
    • Players play a game in which the ball must be played over the net in one go.
    • After playing the ball, walk forwards to the net and make a block
    • If you get the ball on the ground near the opponent's sideline (trainers referee if it is close enough) the opponent must run around the opponent's field.
    • You can only score behind the 3 meter line/ against the sideline/backline

A few turns on the loose

Knee prevention:

  • Squats (2x12)
  • Lunges (12 each side)

Back/pelvis prevention:

  • Planks (side and straight plank) (20sec each)
  • Side stance and leg raises (15x each side)

Shoulder prevention:

  • Flat on the floor and arms at 90° and lift (15x)
  • Line of attackers on the outside,
  • nr 2 throws ball to SV
  • No. 1 attacks on the outside, paying attention to the run.
  • After that row of attackers in the middle.

Play fanatically in pairs.

Then in 3 teams

  • 1 at the net
  • other 2 on 2 sides in the back of the field
  • B throws the ball to A
  • B passes under the net
  • A plays the ball UNDER HANDS to C
  • C plays the ball UNDER HAND to B
  • B catches the ball
  • B throws the ball to C
  • B passes under the net
  • C over the net to A


Running in

  • 3 x run
  • 3 x run with arms waving
  • 2 x sideways
  • 2 x cross stride
  • 2 x heels-buttons
  • 2 x knee lifts

Loosening ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, neck, wrists

Abdominal exercises:

  • sit ups
  • knees 90 degrees, sit ups and your hands touch under your knee
  • knees to the left, up
  • knees to the right, up
  • lie down, arms swing to your feet
  • tap ankles
  • planks
  • mountain climbers


  • fanatically playing in pairs
  • Then player with ball at the net, passes ball on 7 m
  • Then at 3 m on top and underhand
  • After that at 7 m, at 3 m
  • 5 red balls

Throw ball, run, pass and catch

  • Row 1 players ready to play ball
  • Row 2 players behind trainer with the ball
    • Front pushes trainer ball in hand and joins row 1
  • Trainer throws the ball into the field and player from row 1:
    • Runs to the ball, 1x OH and then catch
    • Runs to the ball, 1x BH and then catch
    • Runs towards the ball,,1x OH, 1x BH and then catch
    • Runs to the ball and touches it anyway : dive
  • Bring ball to trainer
  • High tempo and adapt to the player.