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Volleyball drills

Put some mats at different places in the field. The children have to serve on these mats.

Hang the net on the lowest position and let the children attack. Pay special attention to the attacking pass and stroke!

A good pass is indispensable to set up a counter attack. Therefore it cannot be trained enough. In this exercise, the emphasis is on the pass.

pass-exerciseOn one side, two players line up to pass. On this side there is also a playmaker. Both the passer and the defender remain standing. The servers rotate. They take turns serving the two passers. Server 4 begins at the net where the outside attack is normally performed.

Server 1 begins by serving. After the service he walks to the net to catch the service after him. His service is caught by one of the passers, the server gives a setup high outside and player four catches the setup. Player 4 then walks to the serving area and player 1 takes his place.

The exercise must be done in a quick tempo. When the server plays the ball, the next player should already start serving.

After 5 minutes, change passers and distributors.

If there are many players the field can be divided in two lengthwise.

Three people in the field, with one catcher at the net. The ball is served, passed and caught over the net. The one who passed will catch and the catcher will serve.

Triplets. Per trio you have two balls. Ball 1 must be played and ball 2 must be passed. When this goes well you can put ball 3 in the game.

Two teams. We play a game within 3 m. When you have touched the ball, you must run to the back line to tap the line.

Two teams. The teams must play the ball underhand over the net. Player 1 of each team stands in the field, when a player has played he/she has to run to the back line and only then the next player can stand in the field.

The players stand in three rows on the back line. The coach stands on the other side of the net. The first of the rows run to the net, touch it and then stand ready for the pass. The trainer throws the ball over the net and the ball must be played in three passes. The last one has to hit the ball over the net.

4 against 4 up to the 7 meter line


Team A serves, team B must try to score through a hard attack. If they don't succeed they have to leave and their place is taken by the other 3 team on hold. If they succeed, they can stay. Who makes the most scores in a row? Let them count themselves.
3-meter is allowed.

Hammering on the fact that they have to be precise when taking their UGP. Wait a long time before running, react to the setup.

Good timing in the middle. For us that means jumping when the SV plays the ball.

3 persons with ball at the net, spread over these nine meters. 2 persons in the back of the field. 1st ball = a batted floater, bring in the pass. 2nd ball = a difficult to defend ball (diving required). 3rd ball is a hard hit attack. 5 rounds pp then change.

  • two passers,
  • Row of servers,
    • after your serve, you run under it to catch the ball.
  • The catcher will pass,
  • passer goes to serve.