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Volleyball drills


Improve condition and power + warming up


Crack the code by doing various exercises


You can play this game with each 4 exercises you can come up with.

1. Divide group in two teams which are going to do the exercises.
2. The trainer makes a 10-digit code for example (24 32 14 21 33)
3. The players will do the devised exercises in a certain order. For example: they think that the first digit is 3, so they will do exercise 3. When they have finished this exercise, they go to the trainer who tells if the digit is correct or wrong. If the digit is correct, they try to guess the next digit. If the digit is incorrect, they will have to do another exercise, for example exercise 4, to guess to correct digit.

For example
Exercise 1: 5 times pumping
Exercise 2: run the distance between the end line and the middle line three times
Exercise 3: 5 times blocking at different places/positions
Exercise 4: 1 slide dive towards the sideline, another slide dive towards the end line

The pair that cracks the code first, wins.

  • Attacker plays ball to playmaker, 
  • pass and attack over position 4 has to be dropped 
  • at position 3 or technically attacked to the attacker at position 4. 
  • Ball is defended and repeated at the other side of the field. 
  • Ball has to go 3x over the net before you can score
  • Player A throws/hits ball towards player C 
  • Player C passes the ball towards player B. 
  • Player B sets up the ball. 
  • Player C attacks. 

Goal: 1st series balls straight, 2nd series balls diagonally. 

Walking line: A joins back of line C, B keeps hitting balls, C joins back line A.



Tick the ball to each other to improve ball handling


Pairs opposite each other


  • Players tick the ball from their left fist (arm) to their right and then to the players opposite, who do the same.
  • Variations do exactly the same what the person opposite you is doing.
  • Variations with the knees 
  • Variations with feet
  • Variations with heads
  • The goal is to get more ball control.

Then just play.


Feet work for block


Two (equal) players are across each other at the net. 


  • A player makes a low block movement, after landing a shuffle, steps to the right and takes the ball from across the net where the other player is holding the ball. Shuffle back and transfer the ball under the net to the other player.
  • Change every 5 balls
  • Each 2 series of 5 taking ball over the net

  • A player makes a low block movement, at landing weight more on left leg. Make a step to the right, join legs, and take the ball from other side net where the other player holds the ball up.
  • Change every 5 balls
  • Each 2 series of 5 taking ball over the net

It is not about the speed but about the movement and the right foot work!!

  • jump on one leg from the line 
  • as far as possible, keep standing still for a few seconds.
  • all the way to the net and back.

Goal of the exercise:
process 2 balls quickly and having to score

Explanation of the exercise:

  • Passer and playmaker and attacker all three process 2 balls shortly after each other. 
  • Passer learns to pass a deepball diagonally backward and a short immediate after (learns to make large angles) the playmaker has to look for the next ball immediately after the first set up. 
  • The attacker has to go to the back as soon as possible after landing to make another attack. 
  • As trainer, you can indicate where the balls have to be hit, or the tempo of the set ups, or that the passer has to do attack defense after the first pass and then pass the 2nd ball

  • Length of the exercise:
    15 minutes.



Goal: recognize ball trajectory, QUICKLY assume position.
Ball trajectory: A serves to B, B passes to C.
Walking direction: A, B, C

B moves (before the ball has passed the 3m line of A) to the right position (90%) and is active instead of reactive.
B assumes the correct posture when the ball passes the net
B adjust the correct position and posture in the remaining position (10%).

Possibly build up:
- first B catches ball with bent arms
- B then passes the ball underhand


Condition, Feet work, Standing still and Pass 


Group of 3. A player in the middle and two others on the outer sideline. 


  • Passer walks and shuffles backwards gives pass, turns, and shuffles backwards again for the next pass. etc...
  • Pass 15 balls and change after.


This exercise is  fun in the warming-up and improves the communication between players.

  • 2 teams of 3 persons.
  • 2 persons of each team have a ball. 
  • Can also be done with 4 players and 2 balls, 3 players 1 ball, does also depend on the level of your players
  • C has a ball and throws in to one of the teams. 
  • The goal is that the ball is played over the net in 3 times, in which each person can touch the ball once.
  • The one who plays the ball, cannot hold another ball and nobody can hold 2 balls, and no ball is allowed to touch the ground.
  • Emphasis is on communication (before and during the game) 
  • Give the assignment to the teams that they must agree on a strategy how to solve problems? 
    • For example, the name of the person receiving the ball is called, agreements how to play, etc.

It is a good exercise to look at the solutions the players come up with themselves to solve this difficult problem, or whether they know that to win it is useful to pass to a player who already has a ball and a guarantee for fun in the exercise :-)

  • Depending on the level of your players, you can make this game harder by having the last ball calmly.
  • If you play this with multiple times, then change the team that lets the ball drop for a different team.
  • Teams themselves keep score, and a team scores when the other team drops the ball.
  • Form your (core)team , 
  • the remaining players are on the other side of the net 
    • moneytime: it is 20 against 20, play to 25
    • give your core team a handicap if the remaining players are few, for example only attack diagonally


Moving at blocking


Two players left and right forward at net (Player position A and B). All other players in two lines after each other. 


  • Player C and D together walk forward to the net.
  • Player C and D together block at position 1.
  • Player C lands after block on right leg and steps to position 2 to block A together.
  • Player D lands after block on his left leg and steps to position 2 to block B together.
  • C and D remain left and right forward after block, players A and B join back of line.
