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Volleyball drills

  • Divide the group into 4 (or more) players
  • Player (divider) at the net with ball
  • The rest of the players in defense. Each player has 1 ball with the exception of 1 player
  • Player at the net constantly distributes the ball to a defender with ball --> player throws his ball to player without ball and passes the ball back to the player at the net.
drawing People defense
  • Make two teams of 5.
  • Positions 2 (2x), 4, 5 and 1.
  • Ball on P2.
  • Start by throwing ball with 2 hands from neck from 2 to 4.
  • Catch at 4 and throw with 1 hand to 1.
  • Catch and throw with 2 hands underhand on 3/6.
  • Walking from 2 to 4: sidestep.
  • From 4 to 5: backwards: shuffle.
  • From 5 to 3/6 and through to 1: fast walk.
  • From 1 to 2: fast walk.
  • Bra from 2 to 4.
  • Tight to 2 and there passes to 3/6.
  • Bra from 3/6 to 2 and resume.
TR on 1 side with ball box.
1 SV which changes regularly.
1 fixed passer which changes regularly -if libero present, this passer will continue to pass-.
The rest will attack 52/C and MID

With more players:
  • Multiple defenders.
  • Blocking
  • Instead of TR a player can pass the ball.
  • On the side of the TR/ player setting up the ball put an extra player who puts the attacked ball in ball box and then goes to defend.
Defending - attacking - catching ball in ball box - defending.

drawing Beating with pass from the TR
  • Form two rows at the back line.
  • 1 ball per 2 players.
  • Players alternate playing to each other!
  • The last one tries to score the ball in the basket.
  • You may want to make this more difficult by placing basket past the net so they have to go under this.
  • All keys.
  • Everything underhand.
  • Alternate between keys/underhands.
  • Free choice; the last player scores by hitting the basket with an overhand shot.
drawing Warming up with ball mini
Divide the group into two, start from the back line:
- Dribble front feet -1st player starts running on TR's signal-.
- Sprint to the net.
- Sprint to 7 meters - now the 2nd player dribbles!!!-.
- Sprint to net.
- Sprint to 3 meters.
- Pass under the net and dive toward the bench - now the 2nd player starts --> etc. etc.
- Around the pawn and sprint back to starting position.

Which team is the fastest?
drawing Warming up with various obstacles
Divide the group into two
  • 1 catcher at 2/3 + 1 guard.
  • 1st player has no ball the rest do
  • 1st player sprints around the pawn, then gets a ball thrown to him by the 2nd player --> pass to the SV. Who must stay on the mat to catch the ball.
  • Each good ball is 1 point --> who has the first e.g. 20 points!!!
drawing Warm up with pass at speed and scoring
Divide the group into two, start from the back line:
Trainer precedes first.
  • Dribble on the front feet.
  • Sprint to the net.
  • Sprint to 7 meters.
  • Sprint to net.
  • Sprint to 3 meters.
  • Pass under net and dive toward bench.
  • Over the bench.
  • Around the pawn and sprint back to starting position.
Attack from 3 meters and score on the mat.
Which team has 10 points first?
Alternately, each player goes around the pawn and gets the ball from a teammate for the 3-meter attack.
drawing Warm up attack and scoring
Divide the group in half, start from the back line.

  • Sprint to the net.
  • Sprint to 7 meters.
  • Sprint to net.
  • Sprint to 3 meters.
  • Under the net and dive toward the bench.
  • Over the bench.
  • Around the pawn and sprint back to starting position.
  • As soon as 1st player is back, tap the next one.
Which team is the fastest?
drawing Warming up with obstacles
  • Place a table at the 3-meter line with a mat on it.
  • 1 player takes a seat behind the table.
  • The row of players on the other side of the net.
  • Players play the ball over the net onto the table with mat. Can the player at the table catch the ball after 1 bots then 1 point may be put.
  • Who gets 25 points first?
drawing Warm-up with table and points rally
  • Divide players into 2 teams over both halves of the field. 1 player waits at the pawn.
  • Trainer throws the ball in. Teams play the ball over the net to each other.
  • Each player who has played the ball taps the pawn, waits and then takes the place of the one currently leaving the field.
  • After playing over the net each time, pass on.
Extension: throw in the same way as you caught the ball.

drawing Chaos for Beginners
  • Player with ball carrier plays 1 ball per duo over net.
  • Duo tries to defend and make point.
drawing Per duo defend ball and score.