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Volleyball drills

Reception Drill:

  • 2 balls per 3 players.
  • Player A serves, immediately after the serve the server throws the second ball to the server,
  • Player B takes reception to the distributor.
  • The distributor is the one who runs after the lost balls, the server tries to play a good number of balls to the receiver.
  • Passing after, either 1 minute, or 15 receptions, or 5 + receptions (with max of e.g. 20)

Buildup options:

  • storage:
    • throw underhand,
    • overhand,
    • private storage,
    • float serve,
    • attack stroke,
    • plinth serve
  • reception:
    • catch-and-throw,
    • mandatory underhand,
    • compulsory overhead,
    • start from knee up,
    • start 2m left of centre,
    • start at 3m,
    • start at 8m...

Circling around the field, doing something different each time.

  • Cross pass
  • knee lift
  • heels/buttons
  • sprint
  • Place four coloured pawns around a player.
  • Make sure these pawns are about one meter away from the player.
  • A player with a ball is standing outside the circle.
  • He calls out different colours, which the player in the circle has to touch.
  • When the player with the ball calls 'BAL', the player gets an attack to defend.
drawing Tapping pawns
  • Storage-Reception exercise
  • Targeted serve to position 5-6
  • Set-up to position 4, followed by attack (street) and drop ball.
  • Reception players and setter move to cover and defend the ball high, centrally in the 3-meter zone.
  • Best to provide spare balls to keep the pace high!
drawing Butterfly
  • Service at position 1
  • Pass on position 5/6 to playmaker
  • Playmaker returns to the sideline
  • Passer passes to the playmaker.
  • Set-up to the outside, attack to position 5
  • After service the server goes to defend

During home practice with 3 people, change after 10 services

During regular practice continuously rotate, and play on both left and right side of the field.

drawing Receiving and attacking the ball
  • Leg swing 20x forward left and right
  • Leg swing 20x sideways left and right

  • Lunge with twist: Big step forward, good to the ground, and rotate trunk to left and right 20x

  • Plank: 30 sec
  • Side plank: both 30 sec
  • 15 sit-ups both sides
  • 15 push-ups
  • 10 burpees

  • Stomp, slowly build up to 100% and loose to sprint

Form pairs,

  • Each pair has 2 tennis balls and holds the tennis balls with outstretched arms
  • The other player stands opposite, with his hands above the hands of the person with the tennis ball
  • The person with the tennis ball drops one of the tennis balls, while the other person tries to catch it before it hits the ground.
  • Players start on the three-metre line in pairs facing each other.
  • One player has the ball.
  • At 6 meters from the net there is a cone behind each player.
  • Players do a control key and then pass the ball over the net.
  • Then they run around the cone behind them.
  • The same, but after passing the ball they dive to the cone and get ready again.
  • Player does a control key, turns around and keys the ball backwards over the net.
  • Then he does a block and returns to his home position.
  • Per trio.
  • Player A does the control key and plays the ball over the net.
  • Player B does reception, C stands at the net and taps the ball high over, then he dives through B's legs and they switch places.
  • Players play two against two.
  • Each time the ball is over, they walk over to the other side of the net and join in behind.
  • The goal is to keep the ball in play as long as possible.
  • If a team makes a mistake, they have to dive to the other side.


Supplies: A stick about 2.5 meters long and 1 to 2 cm thick.

  • The group gets the assignment to put the stick on the ground but it has to stay horizontal.
  • The group stands up straight (see drawing) and stretches both forefingers to the front at shoulder width and the upper and lower arms are at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • The trainer places the bar on the forefingers pointing forward.
  • From this position, the group should try to bring the bar down to the ground.
  • The bar must remain horizontal and not be raised or lowered on any side.
  • The bar should not be grabbed either!
  • Make groups of three, one with the ball.
  • One throws the ball over the net into a 3x3m square, the passer stands in that square and passes the ball to the net where it is caught.
  • Provide a second ball for a faster game.
  • After ten balls turn around.
  • Possibly start with catching then build up to playing.

In pairs

  • Someone at the net (player A),
  • Someone on the backline (player B)
  • After each task with the ball, the players get a strength/physical exercise, alone or in pairs.
  • (This happens when the players have also switched between themselves).
  • After this, the players on the back line move on. This way you always have a different warming-up partner.
  • Player B lies on her stomach on the back line, player A hits the ball, at this moment player B jumps up and tips player A, player B tries to defend the ball.
  • After 10 hit balls, change.
    • Legs crossed and 15 sit-ups

  • Player B lies on her stomach on the back line, player A hits the ball, at this moment player B jumps straight attacks player A, player B tries to defend the ball.
  • After 10 lucky balls, change.
    • 10 blocks against each other's hands.

  • Player A attacks to player B, player B defends and player A attacks again.
  • After a certain time, change.
    • Belly on 3m, straight, attack, belly 3m. 6x

  • Player A chooses, short ball, far ball, attack, ... Player B defends everything, after a certain time change.
    • Sprints around the field