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Volleyball drills


  • Two teams of at least 5 people
  • Trainer (white sideline) throws ball on the MA (position 6)
  • Pass to playmaker
  • Distributor gives high ball to left front and right front near the 3 meter line
  • Attack on 3 meter
  • Opponent defends the ball and builds up a new attack in the same way, if not defended, trainer throws in a ball


  • Defender (mid-back) takes place of attacker (left or right)
  • Attacker goes to position MV (position 3)
  • MV runs out of the field and joins group on back line
drawing Defence and attack 3 metres
  • Players take a ball in pairs and face each other on the back line.
  • Ball is placed on one side of the 3-metre line.
  • Person closest to the ball runs to the ball, picks it up and runs back over the back line as fast as possible.
  • Person on the other side tries to tap the person with the ball before he runs over the baseline.
  • Being able to tap = 1 point (each player is going to get the ball 5 times, so 10 times in total)
  • Each point less than 5 = x5 sit ups

In groups of three, one ball;

  • Release
  • Strikes and make the ball "dead
  • Control test:
    • Everyone 20x ball contact
  • Single key:
    • Everyone 20x ball contact
  • Underhanded-Upperhanded:
    • Everyone 20x ball-contacts
  • Sparring

Team sets up, opponent has serve.

  • Ball 1: serve
  • Ball 2: free-ball at the side with 3 players
  • Ball 3: free-ball at the side with 6 players
  • Ball 4: T plays ball to the side with 6 players
    • Free-ball, attack net, drop, attack behind 3 meter line
drawing Positions

Make pairs.

  • Pass 10 times underhand at 3 meter distance.
  • Pass 10 times overhead at a distance of 3 meters
  • Both successful? Then both take a step back.

1 person either side of the field, other players behind the back line;

  • Trainer puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • Ball may only be played underarm.
  • Foul? Run around the field until the end of the game and ensure ball safety.
  • Trainer throws ball at the mid-back, position 6
  • Pass to playmaker
  • Distributor gives high ball to the left and right front, near the 3 meter line.
  • Attack
drawing Defence and attack 3 metres


  • Two teams of at least 5 people
  • Trainer (white sideline) throws ball on the MA (position 6)
  • Pass to playmaker
  • Distributor gives high ball to left front and right front near the 3 meter line
  • Attack on 3 meter
  • Opponent defends the ball and builds up a new attack in the same way, if not defended, trainer throws in a ball


  • Defender (mid-back) takes place of attacker (left or right)
  • Attacker goes to position MV (position 3)
  • MV runs out of the field and joins group on back line


drawing Defence and attack 3 metres
  • Form 2 equal teams and play a game.
  • Depending on the number of players you can also play ping-pong.
  • Discuss this well in advance with each other.
  • 5 laps around the terrain
  • Walking around the field, arms swinging loosely
  • hands together and loosen wrists.
  • Hopping on left foot over and over the terrain, then right foot. 2x
  • Sideways up and down 3x
  • Up and down with big jumps. 2x
  • Sprint up and down the field 2x
  • idem but leave lying on belly 2x
  • idem but leave lying on back 2x
  • Lie down next to each other on the sideline. (10 x push-ups, 10 x set-up, 10 x oblique abdominals)


  • 2 groups behind the back line.
  • The front players roll the ball,
  • run after it and pick it up behind the 3-meter-line,
  • come back and give the ball to the next player.
  • idem:
    • But now run with the ball up to the 3-metre line,
    • then throw the ball into the net and catch it again.
    • Then run back and give the ball to the next player.
  • idem
    • But now run with the ball to the net,
    • With shoulder to the net, throw the ball over,
    • Pass the ball sideways under the net, catch it and pass it again,
    • Back to the side under the net,
    • Repeat this again
    • And then hand the ball over to the next player. (Ball goes over the net 4 times per person).
  • One player per group starts with ball on the other side of the net on the 3-meter line to throw balls.
  • The first one of the group runs in and gets the ball at the net.
  • He passes it back and catches the ball himself at the other side of the net.
  • The thrower passes under the net and runs back to the back line.
  • The next player may then leave.
  • Same but now play back underhand

Both playmakers and libero:

  • 1 sv stands at position 5. 1
  • Defender goes to position 2/3.
  • 1 player stands on position 4 (next to the basket) plays the ball to the libero
    • to position 2/3
    • set-up in the basket. after 10 balls distributors change.

  1. set-up forward both 2x
  2. set-up backwards both 2x
  3. libero set up forearms 20balls own choice forwards
  4. libero set-up forearms20 ballsbackwards. (other player will throw the ball).


  • will work with coach to dodge tap balls and defend hard attacks.

other half

  • Other players:
    • Make threes.
    • each trio 1ball.
    • lineup on the back line.
    • Number 1 has the ball.
    • Play the ball overhand backwards to number 2 and so on.
    • Number 1 follows in the back until you reach the net.
    • Then you start again.
    • 3x reach the net without dropping the ball.
    • 2. pass the ball underarm to each other in a triangle.


  • 5 against 4
  • 2 attackers and a playmaker, libero on position 5
  • other 4, 3 blockers 1 defender (coach)
  • games to 5

drawing spruce party