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Volleyball drills

  • Receptionists line up with 3 in the backfield.
  • From the other side there is a save, emphasis is on reception and attack, not difficult save.
  • Ball is played centrally to playmaker, pass goes to position 4 or 2.
  • After the attack move to the serve. First server replaces the player who took the reception.
  • Expansion :
    • Playmaker at the net in combination with opposit or central striker.


Improve displacement and foot coordination


Speed Ladder


First all exercises at low speed, then increase speed.

  • Various exercises speed ladder (can be done with ball)
  • After speed ladder shuffle exercise defend a ball
  • After speed ladder exercise attack the ball on the outside
  • After speed ladder exercise attacking a ball at the center
  • After speed ladder excercise a turnover ball
  • After speed ladder exercise block a ball
2 teams within 3 meters
coach puts ball in play
* players play the ball underhand over the net
player who has played; sprints to back line and back - etc.

VARIATION: instead of sprinting: 1 x dive behind 3 meter line or attack jump.
  • 1 defender starts behind the back line
  • C plays high ball in the field
  • 1 comes in and plays overhead to S
  • S sets up backwards to 4
  • attack straight ahead, attacker gets the ball
  • 1 becomes attacker and 2 defender


VARIATION: attack on other position, with block, defense

  • A serves to B.
  • B passes the ball to the playmaker, who then plays a high ball into the backfield.
  • B defends this ball back to the playmaker, who then gives a setup for A.
  • A attacks this setup.
  • A lines up at the other side who defends the ball and has to score.

After the attack, A takes B's place and B becomes a reserve. The playmaker stays.

The outside attackers use the left half of the field with one playmaker. The middle attackers and diagonal attackers use the right half with another playmaker.


  • After the service, A takes a second ball.
  • After B's attack A throws this ball into the field.
  • B plays this ball to the playmaker, the playmaker gives a setup.
  • B attacks again.



This exercise is fun to do and gives a lot of fun and competition! Relays in general already create competition.

What this exercise also wants to mimic is the stress factor that a serve brings.

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up on the serving area of the same court. The first player of a team serves and retrieves his ball. After the next player is tapped, this one serves, and so on.

It is important for a player to serve quickly, but it must also be flawless, otherwise the ball must be retrieved and served again!


  • A minimum of 6 players
  • As many balls as there are teams
  • Extension: extra points to earn by placing hoops in the field.


  • Player A throws/strikes the ball towards player C.
  • Player C passes the ball to player B.
  • Player B sets up the ball.
  • Player C attacks if the pass was good.

Goal: Try to attack/play 3rd ball on the imaginary mats (straight or diagonal).

After each ball: A to row position C, C to row position A, B change after a while.

Extension: With enough players one-woman block.

  • Divide the teams on both halves of the field,
    • inside the 3-yard line
  • Trainer throws in the ball and the teams play the ball across it to each other in 1, 2 or 3 plays,
    • try to score.
  • Every player who has played the ball taps the back line and comes back into the field
  • Trainer throws in from the net and 3 players are lying on their stomachs on the backline
  • Trainer hits the ball, 3 players stand up and the trainer throws the ball over the net
  • the 1st person of the trio defends, nr. 2 gives a setup and nr. 3 attacks

  • then next 3 team

Team formation, 6 persons. Both sides of the net (1 side less persons, if <12)

  • Service on team, pass - set - attack
  • After attack rally ball on same team (immediately set up for freeball)
  • after 3 balls turn
  • after full rotation, other team on the other side

Attention: set up for service pass, set up for attack, set up for freeball

You can play this game with any 4 exercises you can think of.

  1. Make two pairs who will do the exercises together.
  2. Each pair gets a note with 4 boxes where they can put a code with the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  3. the trainer makes a code, this can be 4 different digits (4231) or with repeated digits (2233)
  4. the players have to do the 4 exercises in order of the code they wrote down. When they have done all 4 exercises they have to check the code with the trainer. The trainer notes how many are right and how many are wrong.
  5. the players write down the next code, and again they have to do 4 exercises that fit with the code they wrote down.

For example

  • Exercise 1: sprint back and forth 5 times between 9m
  • Exercise 2; block left, shuffle, block middle, shuffle, block right with pairs facing each other and two times back and forth
  • Exercise 3: bench, 20x on and off the bench with 2 feet
  • Exercise 4: 10x sit-up | 10x left / 10 x right
  • The first pair to crack the code wins.

  • 1 person at the net, a back defender, a catcher and someone at the other side of the net.
  • The person at the other end of the net throws the ball, just over the block before the three meter line.
  • The defender comes from behind and stands on his good starting position. There he has to play the ball to the catcher.