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Volleyball drills

In pairs playing fanatically


  • 1 with ball at the net,
  • 1 without ball on the backline, flat on belly.
  • Attacker hits the ball, defender defends on 7 meter line,
    • Then short ball on 3meter line.

Two teams: one sits on the ground, the other stands.

The player who is standing must touch the toes of the one who is sitting. He may not hang over the player who is sitting.

To really get warm at the beginning of the training, relays are ideal. My experience is that adults also enjoy them and a bit of competition is always good!

Serve from the other side of the court

The players take turns passing the ball to position 2/3 (here are a couple of catchers).
The catcher catches the ball and brings it back to the TR --> then starts serving again.

Rotation: passer --> catcher --> ball to TR --> serve


  • Trainer throws from the net:
    • 3 teams on the backline on the stomach
  • Trainer hits ball, 3 players stand up and trainer attacks one of the trio defends, no. 2 setup and no. 3 attacks
    • after that next 3 team

Pass formation of 3 persons on 1 side of the net, 4th player catches and counts. Other side of the net other players serve.

High tempo serving - per passer 10 balls must be passed well.

Two teams of 3-4

  • run
  • bounce the ball on the right
  • bounce the ball left

Playing in pairs fanatically.

Block defend with dive

  • 1 blocks first at the centre and then at the left front.
  • after the block, turns around and defends back the attack of 3.
  • then defends (in dive) short ball from 5
  • 2 is next
  • Turn over:
    • 1 to short ball
    • 3 to blocking
    • 5 to attack


  • Trainer throws the ball to the playmaker
  • Sv gives set up to Attacker
  • A must hit
  • Block must be set up well by the outside and the middle joins in.
  • V defends the ball
  • After 10 turns

Two groups are standing behind a mat.

One player in turn dives on the mat and runs back, tapping the next player. This player also runs to the mat and dives on it, so that the mat shifts.

The group that reaches the other side first with the mat is the winner.

The field is divided into two parts using an aerial. The teams are divided into two teams of equal players. We play a match to 10 points.

- The first five points we play on the left side of one field and the other field. So the players have to play diagonally.

- From 5 they play straight ahead 1 team has to shift on its field.

- from 10 points they play diagonally again but the other team has to shift.

- from 15 points onwards they play straight again but on the other side.

It is important that they look carefully at the field layout.

It is important that the players pay attention to the field layout. When they are positioned diagonally, they have to pay attention to the fact that the ball will fall into the field along the right side of the middle antenna. The same when they are on the left that it should fall on the left.


  • 3x walk back and forth in a runner's pace to the net
  • 3x Knee lifts
  • 3x heels and buttocks
  • 3x back and forth walk in double-step to the net, waving your arms while walking
  • Walk 3x back and forth in cross-pass to the net (waving your arms along)
  • 3x back and forth sideways to the net (arms swinging)