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Volleyball drills

  • Field A. 2 players in pass P4 and P3.
  • Sv on P2.
  • Field B. Block on P2 and P3.
  • Serve P1 and defend P4 and P5.
  • Service on P3 and P4. Then defend on P1.
  • Attack hard if possible and tap otherwise.
  • Change after 5 services.
drawing Defending on tap balls
  • Side one saves, defend on other side and try to score point against blockers with outs.
  • Other 2 who do not have to save, can come in to defend in backfield.
  • Have passers alternate as 'chameleons'.
drawing Storage - defense with fixed pass door
  • 3 triplets:
    • 1 throws balls to
    • 1 provides ball security
    • 1 goes to work
  • Ball is attacked in the straight on thrown on ball.
  • This ball is caught and thrown back to the person who threw it.
  • The attacker meanwhile goes around the pawn in the backfield and comes back to attack again.
  • 10 balls and then change.
  • Each trio starts at the same time.
  • Two teams, whose players line up randomly in the field.
  • Ball is caught and thrown back the same way.
  • When the ball is thrown, the one who threw it goes to tap a wall.
  • The other players turn in the meantime.
  • Making a mistake means running around the field and rejoining the team.
  • After a while, players play instead of throw.
  • The one who played goes to tap the net and comes back.
  • There is still a run through and a run around in case of a foul.
  • Scoring can only be done between the three-meter line and the back line.
  • Create sequences of 3
  • Build up the sequences in difficulty
drawing Group sparring with inset ball & pass through
  • Players with ball on P1 on field A.
  • Reserve player on P4 on field B.
  • 2 passers -P5 and P6- on field B.
  • 1 attacker on P4 on field B.
  • 1 attacker on P4 on field A.
  • 1 or 2 defenders on P5 -P6- on field A.
  • Hit/throw ball from field A -P1- to the passers on field B.
  • Take position of reserve P4 on field B.
  • Pass to attacker -P4- and at that moment the passers move to P1 and P6.
  • Attacker hits/plays the ball to the passers and takes the position P5.
  • Reserve becomes P4.
  • Pass the played ball and hit that ball to defenders on field A.
  • P1 on field A rushes under the net and takes the position of P4.
  • P4 plays the defended ball to P1, where it is caught.
  • Defender goes to P1 and connects behind and starts over.
drawing Warm-up real live
  • Place 2 chairs in the court on which 1 player takes a seat.
  • Others will serve.
  • Whoever catches the ball gets to serve.
  • The serving player takes his place on the chair.
drawing Targeted serving
  • Attack from one side, passer chooses where she passes.
  • Team setup does Position defense and plays counterattack if necessary.
  • Block! Formation defense!
drawing Game situation opponent with counterattack
  • 2 people on a chair one with 2 tennis balls.
    • other side of net must take blocks and tennis balls and pass to other person on chair -block-.
    • 10x each
  • One press on chair attacking each time, across net blocks and then dive at 3 meter line. Another "supplies" balls for person on chair. each 10x.
  • Same as exercise 2. Now comes only a 2nd tip at about 5 to 6 meters. Defending facing the net!
drawing Block exercise intensive
  • 3 attackers
  • 2 passers
  • 1 backup passer
  • 1 playmaker
  1. Trainer hits balls to the passers, after your pass you take the place of the attacker who attacked.
  2. Except on middle. The middle attacker stays in position and only changes with another middle.
  3. High tempo so change positions quickly.
Divide the group into two.
  • 1 SV on the side for attack
  • 1st player blue has no ball the rest do
  • 1st player blue sprints around the pawn, then gets one of va the 2nd players thrown on --> pass to the other side - red defender
  • Red defender passes to SV
  • SV gives setup an attack on 52
  • Blue passer --> guard red
  • Attacker gets the ball himself and joins behind line of blue
drawing Warm up with pass
NOTE: the ball must always be played in 3s
  • Serve --> defense/pass and 3-meter attack --> play out rally
With odd number of players:
  • leave the SV on 1 side --> after x number of balls the SV moves to the other side
  • Player in the waiting room, side of the field, and after each attack the most right player goes out.
  • One moves up and the reserve player comes in from the left.
Which team has 10 points first.
drawing 3-meter attack from both sides