Volleyball drills

  • 2 people facing each other, net in between
  • First throw the ball calmly over the net
  • Throw the ball over the net with increasing difficulty
  • Then via bounce under the net
drawing Warm playing duo
  • Starting in the back at a distance of about 3 meters
  • Play in pairs towards the net
  • Always play one meter diagonally forward
  • Play overhead, underhand, backhand
  • Hit the last ball over the net
  • If necessary, play a ball in front of yourself
  • If too easy, increase distance
drawing Zigzag replay
Players throw ball on trampoline and catch off:
  • underhand
  • overhand
  • overhand and key/push to basket
drawing Ball on trampoline
Equipment setup:
  • Goal in the middle of the field against the wall, with one player in it
  • Other players in a row
Game sequence:
  1. Players throw/strike the ball at the goal and try to score in the goal. Each in turn.
  2. The player in the goal , blue, tries to keep the balls out of the goal.
Use 5 pawns as scoreboards.
Each player who scores may take a pawn away from the goalkeeper. At 5 goals switch players in goal.

drawing Goal
With tennis ball
  • throwing and catching against the wall
  • Throw up and catch with a pylon
  • Throw against wall and catch with pylon
  • Throw through the ground against the wall and catch with a pylon
  • We form two rows at the back line.
  • We take 1 ball per 2 players.
  • Players alternate playing to each other! The last one tries to score the ball in the basket.
  • You can possibly make these more difficult by placing the basket past the net so they have to go under here.
    • All keys
    • All underhand
    • Alternate keying/underhand
    • Free choice - last player scores by hitting the basket with an overhand shot
drawing Warming up ball mini
  • Everyone stands diagonally on the three-meter line with their shoulder facing the net.
  • When the coach calls "yes," everyone quickly deep-sits to the net,
  • move back to the three-yard line,
  • then to the other side of the three-yard line and
  • then back to the net and back to the three-meter line.
  • tr to the pass
  • build up
  • tr gives high pass the play must try to attack
  • then finish the course to get back to the buildup
drawing Attack TR throwing in
2 players with 1 ball on each side of the ribbon.

  • OH throw over - catch the ball underhand
  • BH push over - catch the ball underhand
  • BH push over - catch the ball in key position
  • BH push over - catch ball in key position and key/push up for own
drawing Ball track estimation
Players face each other on opposite sides of the net. Each player has a ball.
  • Player a. and player b. simultaneously throw underhand over the net with 2 hands and catch each other's ball
    • Match: each player throws over the net 10 times! Which pair is the fastest?
  • Player a. chooses from rolling under the net or throwing over. Player b. must do the opposite. Choose and switch 5 times each
  • Player a. and player b. simultaneously throw underhand over the net with 2 hands and now catch each other's ball in key position overhead.
  • Player a. and player b. simultaneously throw underhand over the net with 2 hands - now key each other's ball vertically above the head and now catch in key position above the head.
drawing Warm-up ball skills
Players stand facing each other about 1 meter with a ball in between on the ground.

Trainer calls out body parts they should tap:
  • ankle
  • head
  • ear
  • knee
  • hips
  • shoulder
When the trainer calls "BAL," they take the ball as fast as they can.
drawing Reaction speed with ball
Players stand in a circle per 2 behind each other.
In the middle are balls - 1 as quantity of players-

Trainer calls out commands:
  • jump -jump up and down-
  • back -back player jumps onto back of front player and off-
  • switch -players switch places-
  • sit -players sit down and get back up-
  • high 5 -first player turns around and players give high 5-
  • low 5 -first player turns around and players give a low 5-
BAL: back players run around and then crawl through their game partner's legs to take the ball.
drawing Circle around the ball