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Volleyball drills

2 by 2 play a game form. You bring the ball into play by throwing. Player a keys the ball to the net and player b, who was standing next to a, moves forward and plays the ball up past the net for player a to come in and play it over the net. Keep ball in play.

Player stands at the net with bucket above his head, may move a little but do not bend over. Trainer stands on the backline with a row of players with the ball next to him. Trainer throws ball randomly in the field and player puts ball in bucket. Make it more and more difficult.

- In 2 groups with 1 ball. One throws 15 balls to the other and he has to return them.

- The same, only now the ball is thrown to the left and right of the player and the player moves around the pawn. Change 20 times

  • Going up and down the bench with 1 foot
  • Stand behind the bench, jump over it with 2 legs at the same time and then stand still when landing and drop to the front to sprint to the other side
  • do this exercise 10 minutes
  • if player plays OH 100 times, player enters CLUB of 100
  • make a list with all players and 10 columns (10, 20, 30 etc)
  • 2 players with 1 ball (preferably 2 players with the same milestone)
  • player 1 as many keys as possible, player 2 counts
  • if ball goes wrong, change
  • at the end everyone puts a tick behind his possible new milestone (10, 20, 30 etc)

Core 1 Serve with emphasis on flat hand, stretched arm and that they stand slightly bent over.

In groups of 2 near the wall with 1 ball. On about 2 meters distance. Player 1 serves and player 2 catches then player 2 serves and player 1 catches.

Split the group in 2 for the next exercises

Field 1) diagonally there are sticky bags in the field. The players start with the bag closest to the net. Serve 2 times well and then you may go to the next one. If you have lost everything you get 1 point and you start all over again. Get the ball yourself

Field 2) field full of hoops and 3 rows of servers. You serve in the hoop then that hoop is for you. Who has the most hoops? Get the ball yourself.

2 x 2 teams with 1 ball and net in between. You throw the ball via bra throwing motion over the net and then tap the center line and you join the back of the row. Player 2 catches the ball and throws it via bra throwing motion over the net again and taps the middle line etc etc.

2 corrals on midfield, 1 on each side of the net. Trainer throws ball over the net and player taps or catches ball directly. Afterwards throw the ball into the basket = 3 points or against the basket = 1 point. Bring ball to trainer and rejoin the line.










  • Make 3 rows of players with a ball.
  • Halfway across the field.
  • On the other side of the field are many pawns.
  • Who serves the pawn over has 1 point.
  • Leave the pawn behind (easy at first, difficult later).
  • Serve 3 at a time. After service quickly get your ball and join the back of the row.
  • Teams of 2, 1 ball at the wall.
  • You serve at about 2 meters distance from the wall and the person behind you catches the ball.
  • Also pay attention to accents: arm outstretched, body forward, right leg in front of the ball.
  • Doing squat jumps helps volleyball players strengthen calves, glutes, hips as well as quads.
  • When squatting down volleyball players should try to keep hips parallel.
  • Make sure that your knees are bent at 90 degrees.
  • Doing tuck jump has a profound positive impact on a volleyball player’s glutes, hips and quads.
  • When doing this type of volleyball exercise you should keep your knees as high as possible.
  • Plus, you need to spend as little time on the ground.