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Volleyball drills

  • Player starts on the backline (C and higher)
    • or behind the middle (CMV).
  • Trainer serves high over the net
  • Player runs as fast as possible and tries to catch
  • Run back around the outside

  • Per person 2 balls
    • One ball between the legs/under the arm, other in two hands on a side of choice, throw ball straight up and catch with two hands
    • When the ball is up on one side, throw the other ball up on the other side.
    • Keep arms straight, throw as much as possible straight up

  • Pairs 2 balls.
    • One person throws a ball straight to the other person
    • Meanwhile the other person throws his ball straight up and throws it back.
    • Then catch your own ball

drawing juggling volleyball
  • Code warm-up game.
  • You make 2 or 3 groups.
  • You come up with a code of about 8 numbers. {depending on the condition of the team}
  • Say my code is 11325543.
    • 1- 2 x run to the net and back.
    • 2- 5x abs.
    • 3- 5 times blocking.
    • 4- 2 x dive.
    • 5- 20 seconds in sitting position against the wall.
  • The pair tries to decipher the code.
  • They do 1 of the 5 exercises, then come to the trainer to see if the number is correct.
  • If yes:
    • May they try to guess the next one.
  • If no:
    • They have to choose another number to guess the code.
  • Who deciphers the code first, wins.
  • Make 3 team, per team 1 ball and 1 bench.
  • Benches at equal distance (triangle with 3 teams).
  • Teams try to score by bouncing the ball on an opponent's bench each time.
  • 1 point each time. Never the same person in a row.
  • The teammate defends the bench.
  • Which team will have 10 points first?
  • Variation:
    • No running with the ball (i.e. throwing).
  • Exercise to make several quick movements in a row and play high enough.
  • Every child stands with the ball one meter from the net.
  • Throw the ball over the net with a forearm movement and catch it on the other side.
  • Throw the ball over the net with an overhead movement and catch it on the other side.
  • Throwing the ball over the net overhead and catching it for yourself at the other side with forearms.
  • If necessary, make it more difficult by varying height and distance.

  • 4 benches, in pairs to the other side, next pair can as soon as the first bench is free.
  • Each pair starts on the other side of the same bench.
  • Walk across the bench, pass each other in the middle.
  • Walk along the bench, jump in the middle and clap hands together, then the next bench.
  • Everybody hops over the bench 4 times with hands on the bench. (move towards each other)
  • Each a ball, walk over the bench, pass each other in the middle, while bouncing the ball.
  • Bounce the ball, walk along the bench, jump in the middle and clap hands together.
  • One ball in pairs, each on one side of the bench.
  • Pass the ball while going from right to left (always closer to the middle and then further away again).
  • Move sideways.
  • Idem one side underarm return.
  • Play one side overhead.
  • Serve in pairs over the net from the (back) line.
    • If necessary divide over 2 fields.
    • Distribute the hoops on one side of the net.
  • Child with ball in serving position, other stands in a hoop on the other side.
  • If the ball can be caught without stepping out of the hoop, the hoop is won.
  • After each serve change position, until there are no more hoops.
  • Which team collects the most hoops?
drawing Hand holding in hoops in pairs

Arrangement of material:

  • Cupboard with all the cones on it.

Game flow:

  1. The players stand at a certain distance from the cabinet, and throw/strike at the cones.
    They try to throw off as many as possible in one go.


  • This can be done 1 by 1, but you can also have all the kids together knock the cones off.
  • Can also be part of an exercise (reward).

drawing Flip them over!

Arrangement of the material:

  • Cabinet with a basket on top and a large air ball in it.
  • The children stand along the other side of the net.

Course of play:

  1. The trainer stands at the net with a ball just on the net (height depends on the size of the player)
  2. The player hits the ball out of the trainer's hand, aiming for the big air ball.

Making it easier = throwing.

drawing Attack on the ball

Arrangement of equipment:

  • The trainer stands with a large ball ready in his hands.
  • The players all hold a regular volleyball.

Course of play:

  1. The players throw their ball to the trainer.
  2. The trainer lets the ball bounce on his big air ball.
  3. The ball will bounce to different sides, the children try to catch the ball.
drawing BOENG

set up of equipment:

  • Goal in the middle of the field, with someone in it
  • Other players on the other side of the net.

Course of play:

  1. The players throw/strike the ball towards the goal and try to score in the goal.
  2. The player in the goal (blue) tries to keep the balls out of the goal.

Set the net as low as possible.

drawing GOAL!

Arrangement of equipment:

  • marking discs/hats all over the field.

Course of play:

  1. Players walk around the field.
    Different walking forms: skipping, knees high, feet against poo, jumping, frog-jumping,...
  2. At the moment the trainer calls out a certain word, the players must put a hat on their head as quickly as possible.
    There is one hat less than the number of children there are.

Can also be done with ball; dribble (left, right, alternating), possibly with the hat on their ball.

drawing Hat on!