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Volleyball drills

Arrangement of material:

  • Mat against a wall
  • Player 1 (blue) near the mat
  • Other players (red), behind a certain line (depends on players)

Game flow:

  1. The players behind the line throw the ball to the mat
  2. Player 1 tries to keep the ball from the mat, he can do this with various movements.
    As soon as one of the players touches the mat, they may take a marker from Player 1.
    If Player 1 has no more marker disc, he loses and another player may take it. (number to choose, for example 5)

drawing Protect your mat!

Across the field do the following exercises repeat everything 2 times.

  • Loose arms in a dribble, forwards and backwards.
  • Toes in, toes out.
  • Hopping.
  • High jump.
  • Bounce, make very small skipping movements.
  • Knee hugs.
  • Lift your knee.
  • Lateral knee lifts.
  • Hopscotch, fast hopscotch.
  • Skater, skating movements.
  • Volleyball shuffle, left and right.
  • Sumo shuffle, kind of jumping jack but sideways.
  • Karaoke, cross passes but the leg that goes in front over the other leg goes up.
  • Backwards hip rotation, hip rotation from the inside to the outside and stepping out backwards in a lunge.
  • All team members line up and run in circles around the room.
  • Every time the trainer blows the whistle, the person in the back must run forward.
  • This continues until everyone has run forward once.
  • Individual exercise to improve ball feeling with one hand.
  • Each player has 1 volleyball, mini volleyball, tennis ball, juggling ball (or for advanced players a non round object; a light plastic container or light bottle for example, but can be used with anything).
  • The goal of the players is to keep the ball in the air by hitting it as many times as possible with only one hand.
  • Have the players count how many times they can do this per the 2 minutes per task.
  • Possible assignments:
  • - Underhand lobsmash
  • - Over your head
  • - Hit your leg afterwards with the hand you played with
  • - Clap your hands after touching them
  • - Lying down -> sitting -> standing (and back)
  • - Raising your knee/heel
  • - Against the wall
  • - In pairs one player under, the other over the net=
    Be creative! =
  • Possible exercise for several people. (see image)
  • One or more in the middle, the rest around it.
  • Setters play the ball somewhere around them, the rest have to make sure that the ball is returned to setters in X number of times.
  • Agree on how many times the ball can be played.
  • Exercise stimulates:
  • - Communication
  • - Reflexes
  • - Ball sense

drawing Ball pats 1 hand
  • In pairs 3 metres apart (practise storage),
    • Then stand further apart: 4 - 5 - 6 m
  • Throwing with hands, body stationary

  • 1 and 2 start at the back of the field
  • 3 is at the other side of the net
  • 3 has the ball, taps it and throws it over
  • On knock on the ball 1 runs forward and passes the ball underhand to 3

drawing over the net in private
  • Start the build-up.
  • Person who dials in gives a slap on the ball,
  • Passeur runs in from behind the cone.
  • High passes, jumping to pass.
drawing Superstructure with walk-in
  • 4 players in game formation
    • 3 next to each other, passer slightly behind ready to run in
  • Girls on the other side pass in quick succession, little time in between.
  • Then with a serve.
  • Make sure they call.
  • 10 balls back over is a pass.
  • 2 teams - 1 ball.
  • Throw over the net, try to score.
  • After each ball, rotate position.
  • 3 players at the net with a ball
  • they play alternately short and long
  • defenders move from right to left
drawing defend briefly

The game is played with at least 4 players

  • 1 mouse who has a t-shirt or piece of cloth in the back of his trousers
  • 1 dog who has a tennis ball
  • 2 cats without attribute

  • the mouse runs around with the dog,
  • the cats try to grab the tail of the mouse and bring it to their cone
  • But the dog can tap the cat with the tennis ball and it will do a punishment of its choice in the camp.
  • If there are more players a group can be created and 2 games can be played together.
  • Divide the team into four groups.
  • Each group gets an ace (hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs).
  • The rest of the cards are covered in the middle of the room.
  • The 4 groups stand in a corner of the room.
  • One player may walk to the center of the field, turn over one card and then return.
  • Only if the card has the same shape as your own ace, you may take it.
  • If wrong, the card must be covered and they return empty-handed.
  • In order to first collect all cards of the own figure.