Volleyball drills
- 2 people facing each other, net in between
- First throw the ball calmly over the net
- Throw the ball over the net with increasing difficulty
- Then via bounce under the net

- Playing the ball with overhand technique when the ball reaches this height.
- Giving the ball sufficient height.
- Playmaker may catch the ball.

Exercise to learn to play with straight arms on the underhand pass.
A common mistake is for the passer to play the ball with bent arms so that it goes backwards.
A common mistake is for the passer to play the ball with bent arms so that it goes backwards.
- Focus on stretching the arms while passing
- Practice playing the ball with sufficient height
- Repeat the exercise regularly to improve technique

- Starting in the back at a distance of about 3 meters
- Play in pairs towards the net
- Always play one meter diagonally forward
- Play overhead, underhand, backhand
- Hit the last ball over the net
- If necessary, play a ball in front of yourself
- If too easy, increase distance

Players throw ball on trampoline and catch off:
- underhand
- overhand
- overhand and key/push to basket

Equipment setup:
- Goal in the middle of the field against the wall, with one player in it
- Other players in a row
Game sequence:
- Players throw/strike the ball at the goal and try to score in the goal. Each in turn.
- The player in the goal , blue, tries to keep the balls out of the goal.
Use 5 pawns as scoreboards.
Each player who scores may take a pawn away from the goalkeeper. At 5 goals switch players in goal.
Use 5 pawns as scoreboards.
Each player who scores may take a pawn away from the goalkeeper. At 5 goals switch players in goal.

With tennis ball
- throwing and catching against the wall
- Throw up and catch with a pylon
- Throw against wall and catch with pylon
- Throw through the ground against the wall and catch with a pylon
- You start at the back line
- You have to come to the three-meter line with the following exercises:
- Back and forth with leg
- Knees high
- Knees against seat
- Jumping with 2 feet together
- Sideways
- Once at the three-meter line, sit deep
- Throw the ball into the net and catch it back
- Construction
- At one end directed pass
- Running into the pass door

Give each player a ball and stand by the wall.
- Stand 30-40 cm from the wall.
- Ball in key position above head.
- Only fingers push ball against wall and catch back in hands.
- Elbows stand firm and hands remain, otherwise ball in face.
- Have players stand a little further, about 1 meter.
- Throw ball up and keys against the wall.
- Now do extend elbows and knees, make yourself big!
- Catch the ball back.
- Now try to key on the concrete beam. So push high.
- Trying to key through.
Those who can do this technique well may then play over the net.
- Ball for themselves collide on the ground and then key over the net.
- Back through the other side of the ribbon.

- We form two rows at the back line.
- We take 1 ball per 2 players.
- Players alternate playing to each other! The last one tries to score the ball in the basket.
- You can possibly make these more difficult by placing the basket past the net so they have to go under here.
- All keys
- All underhand
- Alternate keying/underhand
- Free choice - last player scores by hitting the basket with an overhand shot

- There are 2 groups.
- Everyone has a ball.
- The groups play a game against each other where they dribble to the other side.
- Across the street are the memory cards.
- If you find 2 of the same cards, have them turned over.
- If the cards are not the same, turn them over again.
- The goal is to find all the pairs as quickly as possible.