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Volleyball drills

2 players and 1 towel

  • Players catch and throw ball up and catch in towel. Towel is between both players.
Variations for the better catchers:
  • Same but throw ball over length net - move and catch.
  • Same but on both sides of net 2 players with towel. Playing over the net.
  • Points just like regular volleyball.
In pairs of 2 players, we will take the ball to the other side of the field. Back in light runs along the outside of the field.

  • Side steps: hands together with ball on arms.
  • Side steps: ball wedged between 2 players on belly.
  • Side steps: ball between 2 players trapped on back.
  • Side steps: ball between 2 players clasped at the neck.
  • Side steps: ball between 2 players clasped on forehead.
  • Make 2 rows with 1 trainer each.
  • Each player has a ball.
  • We roll the ball to the opposite side of the field.
  • Player tries to stop ball before the back line.
  • The ways of rolling - stopping:
    • Player stands - rolls ball - player stops ball.
    • Player is sitting - rolling - player stops ball.
    • Player lies on belly - rolls - player stops ball.
    • Player lies on belly - rolls - player stops ball by lying in front of ball and stopping with forehead.
    • Player lies on belly - rolling - going around ball - passing ball through legs - player stops ball.
    • Player next to trainer - trainer throws ball - player catches ball OH after max 1 bots.
    • Player next to trainer - trainer throws ball - player runs under ball and turns towards trainer - player catches ball OH after max 1 bots.
drawing Warming up beginners
  • Make 2 teams.
  • Each team stands ready on one side of the field on the back line.
  • Put as many balls as players on both the 3-meter lines.
  • When the trainer/trainer calls GO!, everyone starts rolling the balls to the other side.
  • Whoever has the fewest balls in their field after 3 minutes has won.
drawing Roll over balls.
  • Player with ball carrier plays 1 ball per duo over net.
  • Duo tries to defend and make point.
drawing Per duo defend ball and score.
  • 3 servers on one side of the net.
  • 2 rows of the remaining players.
  • From both rows 1 into the court. So a total of 2.
  • Servers take turns serving.
  • 2 players in the court pass the ball to the other player, who set the ball, 3rd ball over it.
drawing Playing 3rd
  • Starts with 1 ticker.
  • When someone is tapped, they shake hands and tap together.
  • Form a long pendulum until everyone is tagged.
  • Each player has a ball.
  • Overhand against the wall catch-throw.
  • Caught with the thumbs back
  • Thrown with the hands turned to high-five position.
  • Make ball contact shorter and shorter until the ball is played.
  • Player starts on the backline (C and higher)
    • or behind the middle (CMV).
  • Trainer serves high over the net
  • Player runs as fast as possible and tries to catch
  • Run back around the outside

  • Per person 2 balls
    • One ball between the legs/under the arm, other in two hands on a side of choice, throw ball straight up and catch with two hands
    • When the ball is up on one side, throw the other ball up on the other side.
    • Keep arms straight, throw as much as possible straight up

  • Pairs 2 balls.
    • One person throws a ball straight to the other person
    • Meanwhile the other person throws his ball straight up and throws it back.
    • Then catch your own ball

drawing juggling volleyball
  • Code warm-up game.
  • You make 2 or 3 groups.
  • You come up with a code of about 8 numbers. {depending on the condition of the team}
  • Say my code is 11325543.
    • 1- 2 x run to the net and back.
    • 2- 5x abs.
    • 3- 5 times blocking.
    • 4- 2 x dive.
    • 5- 20 seconds in sitting position against the wall.
  • The pair tries to decipher the code.
  • They do 1 of the 5 exercises, then come to the trainer to see if the number is correct.
  • If yes:
    • May they try to guess the next one.
  • If no:
    • They have to choose another number to guess the code.
  • Who deciphers the code first, wins.
  • Make 3 team, per team 1 ball and 1 bench.
  • Benches at equal distance (triangle with 3 teams).
  • Teams try to score by bouncing the ball on an opponent's bench each time.
  • 1 point each time. Never the same person in a row.
  • The teammate defends the bench.
  • Which team will have 10 points first?
  • Variation:
    • No running with the ball (i.e. throwing).