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Volleyball drills

  • Exercise to make several quick movements in a row and play high enough.
  • Every child stands with the ball one meter from the net.
  • Throw the ball over the net with a forearm movement and catch it on the other side.
  • Throw the ball over the net with an overhead movement and catch it on the other side.
  • Throwing the ball over the net overhead and catching it for yourself at the other side with forearms.
  • If necessary, make it more difficult by varying height and distance.

  • 4 benches, in pairs to the other side, next pair can as soon as the first bench is free.
  • Each pair starts on the other side of the same bench.
  • Walk across the bench, pass each other in the middle.
  • Walk along the bench, jump in the middle and clap hands together, then the next bench.
  • Everybody hops over the bench 4 times with hands on the bench. (move towards each other)
  • Each a ball, walk over the bench, pass each other in the middle, while bouncing the ball.
  • Bounce the ball, walk along the bench, jump in the middle and clap hands together.
  • One ball in pairs, each on one side of the bench.
  • Pass the ball while going from right to left (always closer to the middle and then further away again).
  • Move sideways.
  • Idem one side underarm return.
  • Play one side overhead.
  • Serve in pairs over the net from the (back) line.
    • If necessary divide over 2 fields.
    • Distribute the hoops on one side of the net.
  • Child with ball in serving position, other stands in a hoop on the other side.
  • If the ball can be caught without stepping out of the hoop, the hoop is won.
  • After each serve change position, until there are no more hoops.
  • Which team collects the most hoops?
drawing Hand holding in hoops in pairs

Across the field do the following exercises repeat everything 2 times.

  • Loose arms in a dribble, forwards and backwards.
  • Toes in, toes out.
  • Hopping.
  • High jump.
  • Bounce, make very small skipping movements.
  • Knee hugs.
  • Lift your knee.
  • Lateral knee lifts.
  • Hopscotch, fast hopscotch.
  • Skater, skating movements.
  • Volleyball shuffle, left and right.
  • Sumo shuffle, kind of jumping jack but sideways.
  • Karaoke, cross passes but the leg that goes in front over the other leg goes up.
  • Backwards hip rotation, hip rotation from the inside to the outside and stepping out backwards in a lunge.
  • All team members line up and run in circles around the room.
  • Every time the trainer blows the whistle, the person in the back must run forward.
  • This continues until everyone has run forward once.
  • Individual exercise to improve ball feeling with one hand.
  • Each player has 1 volleyball, mini volleyball, tennis ball, juggling ball (or for advanced players a non round object; a light plastic container or light bottle for example, but can be used with anything).
  • The goal of the players is to keep the ball in the air by hitting it as many times as possible with only one hand.
  • Have the players count how many times they can do this per the 2 minutes per task.
  • Possible assignments:
  • - Underhand lobsmash
  • - Over your head
  • - Hit your leg afterwards with the hand you played with
  • - Clap your hands after touching them
  • - Lying down -> sitting -> standing (and back)
  • - Raising your knee/heel
  • - Against the wall
  • - In pairs one player under, the other over the net=
    Be creative! =
  • Possible exercise for several people. (see image)
  • One or more in the middle, the rest around it.
  • Setters play the ball somewhere around them, the rest have to make sure that the ball is returned to setters in X number of times.
  • Agree on how many times the ball can be played.
  • Exercise stimulates:
  • - Communication
  • - Reflexes
  • - Ball sense

drawing Ball pats 1 hand

2 children and 1 towel

The children catch and throw the ball over the net. The towel is between both children. Opponent also has 2 children with 1 towel. Points are just like regular volleyball

  • 2 teams - 1 ball.
  • Throw over the net, try to score.
  • After each ball, rotate position.
  • 3 players at the net with a ball
  • they play alternately short and long
  • defenders move from right to left
drawing defend briefly

The game is played with at least 4 players

  • 1 mouse who has a t-shirt or piece of cloth in the back of his trousers
  • 1 dog who has a tennis ball
  • 2 cats without attribute

  • the mouse runs around with the dog,
  • the cats try to grab the tail of the mouse and bring it to their cone
  • But the dog can tap the cat with the tennis ball and it will do a punishment of its choice in the camp.
  • If there are more players a group can be created and 2 games can be played together.
  • Divide the team into four groups.
  • Each group gets an ace (hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs).
  • The rest of the cards are covered in the middle of the room.
  • The 4 groups stand in a corner of the room.
  • One player may walk to the center of the field, turn over one card and then return.
  • Only if the card has the same shape as your own ace, you may take it.
  • If wrong, the card must be covered and they return empty-handed.
  • In order to first collect all cards of the own figure.
  • Player stands with hoop near the net, can move a little but max 1 step.
  • Trainer stands on the backline with a row of players with the ball next to him.
  • Trainer throws the ball randomly into the field and the player puts it in the hoop.
  • Make it more and more difficult.