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Volleyball drills

  • Player A across from player B
  • B has the hoop in front of him.
  • A plays ball to B
  • B takes reception high to the hoop and catches it in the hoop
  • players opposite each other with net in between
  • player with ball plays ball far or short and then taps the ground if the ball is far, the reception player calls "far" and plays the ball high towards the net.
  • "far" and plays the ball high towards the net
  • and vice versa at short.
  • 2 players next to each other over net 2 with the ball, the ball hits the players on the other side, who call for reception and have to execute a command.
  • The ball is caught by the player who did not take the reception.
  • 1 player with ball 1 without player with ball stands straight over the player without ball.
    • standing between 2 cones in different colours.
  • The player with the ball calls out the colour where the player has to move to and throws the ball to the player.
  • This player brings the ball back and goes back to the center.
  1. 4 players in pass on 1
  2. the rest of the players stand on the other side of the net to catch and throw the ball
    1. first player throws the ball over
    2. set-up with pass to outfield player
    3. outfield player places the ball in the marked zones
  3. after each attack we rotate
drawing Building up + playing with focus

Per player 1 ball:

  • throw up the ball for yourself and stop it through reception (bend your knees well)
  • same exercise but now play OH first
  • same exercise but play BH
  • combination, play OH, control BH and catch in reception

per 3 2 players stand in the square and 1 at the net player at the net plays ball to 1 of the players and the player who does not play the ball must tap the hand of the other player as soon as possible.

  • x-number of players standing on a bench
  • x-number of players in front at 2 to 3 meters
  • player in front of the bench throws the ball so that the player on the bench can catch BH
  • player on the bench catches BH > drops to his knees and rolls the ball towards the player on the ground

The field is divided in 4 equal fields

  • per field 2 players
  • ball is thrown OH over the net
  • the other players do a correct OH ball recovery by playing it to the basket, the player who is not on the ball runs to the basket and takes the bra.
  • the easy version ends here

You can make this exercise more difficult by playing in one time.

drawing Cotrole OH for setup to passeur

Warm up from the back line to the net:

  • run
  • unscrew right arm
  • Untie the left arm
  • Untie both arms
  • raise your knee
  • heels-bottoms
  • sideways (left and right)
  • cross pass
  • dive

Emphasis is on technique OH, so start with throwing the ball, if this goes well you can switch to key, attack or serve.

  1. R1 throws the ball over to R2
  2. R2 passes OH the ball to P2 (can be placed on a mat, where he/she is not allowed to get off) (comes into BH position)
  3. P2 passes BH to A2
  4. A2 passes to R1
  5. R1 passes OH the ball to P1 (may be placed on a mat, which he/she is not allowed to leave) (enters BH position)
  6. P1 passes BH to A1
  7. A1 plays to R2
  8. ....

drawing OH control reception
  1. Trainer plays ball to passer
  2. Passer gives BH pass to attacker
  3. Attacker plays to the predetermined zones by means of a BH

Turn after every ball

Exercise can be made more difficult by placing a defence (block)

drawing BH Places