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Volleyball drills

  • Player first hits the ball 2 times with a limp wrist.
  • At the third strike the player hits the ball hard on the ground.
  • Catch the ball herself.
  • Each team has a washcloth.
  • One of the players stands on a bench.
  • She holds the washcloth high, so the second player has to hit the washcloth with a good batting motion.
  • 4 players per half.
  • One must make an offensive pass.
    • Left, right/left for the right-handed players.
    • Right, left/right for the left-handed players.
  • With this pass, you must try to hit a basket.
  • If this goes well you have to catch a ball in the air thrown by the trainer.
  • 4 players per half.
  • The players have to jump high with a neat attack pass and try to hit the basket.
  • If this goes well, the players have to catch a ball in the air, which is thrown by the trainer.

In order to make a good hitting move, the following exercise can be done in between.

  • Right-handed player stands on left leg and holds right leg bent backwards.
  • When making a smash move, the right leg should also move forward for extra power.

2 triples work the drill, the other 2 players pick up balls.

  • Trainer throws or smashes ball to passer on 5.
  • Passer passes ball to playmaker on 3.
  • Playmaker plays ball overhand to attacker on 4.
  • When the attack is over the other trio comes into action.
  • The trio that is ready, makes sure they turn around.


Depending on the number of players :

  • 6 against 2 (or 3 with trainer)
  • 4 against 4
  • 5 against 3 (or 4 with trainer)
  • assignment may be:
    • obligatory to play 3 times,
    • end with a smash
    • 2nd ball (distributor) must be overhand.


  • the players stand behind each other, the player in front hits the ball hard,
  • the other player takes off from behind player 1
  • and tries to send the ball back to player 1 bra or oh.
  • Please note that the player must turn before she plays the ball back.

Trainers throw ball to over the net and player:

  • Throw ball into field let it bounce and step over it.
  • Catch oh the ball
  • Catches bra the ball
  • Catches the ball sitting down
  • Catches the ball with 1 knee on the ground
  • Lies down on the ground and drops the ball on the buttocks


  • Pairs facing each other with a net in between
  • Overhead smash,
    • start on the 3,
    • with every good ball 1 step back,
    • to the backline

Line up: several rows in a row behind the back line.


  1. Sloth: sit with your back to the other side, legs extended. Pull with your hands to the other side.
  2. Seal: flat on belly --> pull forward with hands to get to the other side.
  3. Spiderman: on all fours, always moving the opposite hand and foot together: LH + RV & RH + LV
  4. Bearwalk: on your hands and feet to the other side
  5. Monkey walk: let your hands + arms hang down, almost to the ground (like a monkey) and so to the other side.
  6. Peacock: stepping, quietly, every time bringing leg/knees up until they form a right angle with the upper body.
  7. Kangaroo: same as peacock, but faster/more like skipping.


  1. Instead of doing it as a relay/race, the players can also walk around and on a certain signal perform the movement that belongs to a certain animal.
  2. You can do the exercises on a whole field or on half a field.