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Volleyball drills

  • 1 half of the field; 2 or 3 players form a wall in the middle at 7 metres;
    • 4 persons will defend;
    • others take care of balls.
  • Starting position of the defenders is mid back line (1 person).
  • Trainer throws ball into the field from position 3 (in front of the net). 1st defender dives / passes ball to 2/3
  • Immediately after that the next ball is thrown to the next defender.
  • High tempo; players should at least try to touch the ball, better is defending & passing to 2/3
  • 2 rows of players
    • 1 row on the left back
    • 1 row at the right back
  • create with 4 pawns a virtual line where they have to stand behind
  • trainer stands at the other side of the net and throws the ball somewhere in the field.
  • 1 of the 2 front rows calls LOS orI (let's agree)
  • he passes it to the net and the other one catches it.
  • pass-and-shout
  • 6 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 2x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks straight up 2x times
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive position
  • 2x cross pass back and forth.
  • stand on 3 metre line and then go back and forth to the net sideways 5 times
  • 5x blocking
  • 5x attack
  • tap all lines from backline and dive back

Divide the children into 2 groups; 1 counter and 1 person who does the exercise.

  • 4 hoops lie in a square.
    • The distance between the hoops is 5 metres.
    • In each hoop there is a ball.
    • The player starts in a corner with a ball in his hands.
  • Swap as many balls in a row as possible, putting the ball in the hoop.
    • The player has to look in the same direction.
  • Each player has one turn.
  • Count the number of ball changes in 45 seconds.

Instructions for the counters

  • The balls have to be placed in the hoop.
    • If the ball rolls out, the player must go back and put it back in!
  • All four hoops must be completed in order.
    • The player is not allowed to run back and forth between 2 hoops and swap balls!



  • The teams on the mats must conquer 4 pawns together without being tapped in x number of minutes


  • Pairs on the 3 mats (can be extended to 2 pairs)
  • 2 cops between the mats and pawns
  • 9 Pawns about a field length of the mats.

Explanation of the game;

  • The pair on the mat must conquer a pawn, hand in hand or otherwise connected to each other.
  • The taggers will try to tag one of the two.
  • If one of them gets caught, they have to go back to their mat and try again.
  • The first to four cones wins. The team with the fewest pawns is the winner.
  • Set a time limit for a number of minutes to keep the game going.


  • Split the players into two groups.
  • Each group on one side of the net.
  • Pass the ball over the net from player A to player B by a block move.
  • Player B moves sideways towards player C and passes again over the net, etc. etc.
  • Meanwhile, player A can do a ground exercise while waiting.

Bounce the ball for yourself and pass to another player

  • regular storage
  • targeted storage to mats
  • jump storage?
  • 2 teams (6,8,10 or 12 players)
  • 1 person in the field (inside 3m line).
  • Other players stand behind the 3m line in the waiting room.
  • T puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • You may only play the ball overhand within the 3m line.
  • After playing the ball step out and someone in the waiting room takes your place.
  • If you make a mistake, make sure you have the ball safe and encourage your teammates.
  • If all the players of a team are eliminated, you have a point.
    • Idem only underhand play
    • idem overhand play only outside the 3m line
  • Stand in pairs in the middle of the room.
  • You do with this pair 'stone - paper - scissors' and who loses must tap the winner as soon as possible.
  • The winner must try to tap the wall on his side of the room as quickly as possible.


Improve fitness and strength + warm up


To crack a code by carrying out various tasks


You can play this game with any 4 exercises you can think of.

1. Divide the group into two or three. These are the teams that will do the assignments.
2. The trainer makes a code of ten digits e.g. (24 32 14 21 33)
3. The players will do the exercises in a particular order. For example; they think the first digit is 3, so they will do exercises 3. When they have done them, they will go to the trainer and he will say whether the number is right or wrong. If the number is right, they try to guess the next number. If the number is wrong they have to do another exercise, for example exercise four, to guess the correct number.

Set 1;
Exercise 1: Push-ups 5 timesExercise
2: Sprint the distance between the back line and the middle line three timesExercise
3: Spiderman from the net to the back line and backExercise
4: Ten sit ups

Set 2
;Exercise 1: WheelbarrowExercise
2: TiggerExercise
3: Hand walkExercise
4: 15 count slice

The pair that cracks the code first wins.

  • 6 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 2x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks straight up 2x times
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive position
  • 2x cross pass back and forth.
  • core/movement
  • 10 sec plank
  • 10 x scorpion
  • 10 x spiderman
  • 15 sit ups
  • 10 push ups