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Volleyball drills

5 exercises (for each player 1 and after 2 min. change)

  • exercise 1: abdominal muscle and back muscle
  • exercise 2: jump on the bench
  • exercise 3: jump ropes
  • exercise 4: big step with left to front, then bend the knee (with ball)
  • exercise 5: wall sit


  • Trainer stands with ball carrier at the net
  • Players divide into 2 groups
  • 1 group stands on the left side of the field other group stands on the right side of the field

  • Trainer throws the ball alternately left and right of the field,
  • players have to catch the ball and put it back in the cart and then close again on the other side.
  • Extension: players can play reception to the net and catch the ball themselves.

  • Form groups of 3-4 players.
  • Pass under/overhands as often as possible.

Divide children into 2 different groups.
Children must save. In case of an error (outside, in the net, foot fault) the children must sit in the opposite field. Their own team can get the children free again by passing to them. If the children can catch the ball without moving from their spot, they can rejoin the game. A team loses when everyone is on the opposite side of the field.

  • With tennis balls try to throw as far as possible à right foot in front, arm yourself
  • One person throws a tennisball, the other catches it in an upside down cone. Ã right foot forward, arm yourself
  • The players take turns throwing a tennis ball against the wall and above a certain line. They try to score in the area marked off by the cones.

One scapegoat is appointed, this scapegoat must try to catch the other players within the yellow lines.

  • Has the ticker ticked 3 players? Next ticker!
  • The whole volleyball field is the playing field.
  • In the middle of the field the net hangs about 40 cm above the ground (do not tighten the bottom line for safety reasons).
  • The players and tickers can dive under the net to get to the other side of the court.

- Form a circle of 3 to 5 players (possibly including the coach if the players are not yet able to pass well)

- Pass the ball as often as possible within the circle.

- A player may touch the ball a maximum of 2 times in a row, otherwise start the count again.

- If the ball touches the ground, also start the count again

  • the intention is to get 3 in a row
  • 2 teams per game
  • 9 hoops in a square (3x3)
  • each team has 3 ribbons, each team its own color
  • the first of each team runs to the hoops and puts down the ribbon
  • quickly back and touch the next one
  • the first player who has no more ribbons (they are already in the square) can move a ribbon
  • the team that has 3 in a row first, has won.


  • There are three mats each in a corner of the field (half a hall is sufficient).
  • There are two tickers. The rest stand on one of the mats.
  • The taggers try to tag the other players.
  • The players try to run from mat to mat as often as possible. Each time they succeed in doing so, they get 1 point.
  • If a player is tagged, the counter goes to 0 and he has to knock over a pawn.
  • If 5 pawns are knocked down, the ticker is changed. This can also be done after 1-2 minutes instead of knocking over pawns.
  • Which player got the most points?


  • Instead of changing pawns after 5 pawns, you can also change the time. For example, after 1-2 minutes you can change the catchers.
  • Instead of every mat being 1 point, you can also practise counting: every mat is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 points. Of course depending on the age.
  • You can also adjust the number of tickers (more or less).

2 equal teams

1 defensive team, 1 offensive team

You play in the width of the field

Defensive team: stands behind a sideline. Each player has a pawn in front of him/her at a distance of 1 to 2 meters.

Attacking team: stands on the opposite side of the pitch. Trying to 'steal' these pawns. They do this by taking a pawn and putting it behind their line.

The defending team must try to knock off the other team. But if they cross their line, they have to tap someone, if not, that person is out.

If someone on the attacking team is tagged, he or she is also out and the pawn must be placed back.


Attacking team: steal all pawns

Defending team: kick everyone off

Play the ball underarm.

  • Accent on foot position (wide and 1 leg before and after the pass)
  • Arms straight and still when passing - right leg before and after the pass - step out on the left for the follow-up action
  • Also use the knees

Two teams in the length of the field.
Pass the ball at the net 10 times at 6 mtr and the player at 6 mtr passes the ball back.
Coach each other when things are not going well and indicate whether the ball is good or not.

  • 3 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 3 times to the net, behind 3 metres, to the net and sprint back
  • 2 x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks upper body straight 2x back and forth
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive stance sideways
  • 3x standing fast footwork 9 meters, then sprint to 3 meters