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Volleyball drills

  • 6 times to the net (forward and backward)
  • 2x back and forth knee lifts (left leg up, left arm up etc)
  • Heels/Buttocks straight up 2x times
  • 2x back and forth sitting low in defensive position
  • 2x cross pass back and forth.

These exercises can be done in many variations.

  • 2 equal groups
  • relay measurement. so which group finishes first?
    1. jump over bench
    2. through the hoop
    3. slalom through poles
    4. 3x push-ups
    5. 10x jump with 2 legs on the bench
    6. touch the next one
    7. ATTENTION: to smuggle is to start over with the part (not the whole course of course)
  • All children stand in a defined field.
  • Two taggers stand outside the field with one ball.
  • The taggers must try to catch the children in the field with the ball.
  • => if tapped: join the catcher


Goal of the exercise:

Increase speed and agility.

Explanation of the exercise:

Teams stand behind a pawn. Player 1 runs to the next pawn, goes around it and runs back. Player 2 can start when player 1 is back. The team that finishes first wins. Different forms: sprint, frog jump, tide, knee lift, hopscotch, wheelbarrow, sprint with ball, overhead play and underarm play.

XL Challenge:

Place a balloon on centerline. At the sign of the trainer you have to sprint to the balloon and then dive and blow very hard. After being tapped the next player can blow away the balloon. The player who is first to blow the balloon over the backline wins.

Duration of the exercise:

10-15 minutes.

Each player has a ball and dribbles (always right-left) through the hall.

At the sign of the trainer

  • Throw ball up, knee contact, catch
  • Throw ball up, head, catch
  • Throw ball up, buttons, catch
  • Throw ball up, buttons, heading, catching
  • Throw ball up, keys, overhand, catch

Stretching and movement preps afterwards

Bench exercises

One ticker in the middle of the field. The rest stand on the lines of the field and may only move across the line.


  1. Nose to the net
  2. Nose to the left wall
  3. Nose to the back wall
  4. Nose to the right wall

The ticker may move throughout the field.

- Abdominal muscles 1 minute (press navel into the ground)

- reverse push-ups, fingers towards the back 15x

- 60 sec planks (straight back)

- 15 x Swim

- Push-ups 20 x

- Squat 10 x

These exercises can be done in many variations.

  • 2 equal groups
  • estaffete. so which group finishes first
    1. speed ladder
    2. under 'mat on benches
    3. through the hoop
    4. slalom through poles
    5. climb over a cupboard
    6. 3x push-ups
    7. 10x jump with 2 legs on bench
    8. touch the next one
    9. ATTENTION: to smuggle is to start over with the part (not the whole course of course)
  • 2 against 2, only throw.
  • When you've thrown the ball over the net, run around the pawn.

Line up behind the back line. Trainer throws a ball into the field from the opposite field.

1. Ball must bounce between outstretched arms2
. Extend to bounce between arms with 1 knee on the ground (standing still)
3. Extend to bounce between arms with 1 knee on the ground (standing still) and feet pointing in the right direction4
. Extend to OH play on the basket / catcher on the distributor spot (pay attention to continuously stretched arms & sitting low) 5. Extend
to OH play + attack (still coming from a row, but now with 1 game already in the field)

Line up behind the back line. Trainer throws a ball (high) into the field from the opposite field.

1. Ball must be caught with arms extended above head.
2. Extend to catching with arms stretched above head + standing still while catching3
. Extend to catching with arms stretched above head + standing still while catching + feet in right direction4
. Extend to playing BH on the basket / catcher on the distributor spot
5. Extend to playing BH + attacking (still coming from a row, but now with 1 game already in the field)

Make 2 teams of about 5 children. Each team stands on one side of the field. Place 5 balls on both 3meter lines.

When the trainer calls GO, everyone rolls the balls to the other side. Who has the least balls in their field after 3 minutes has won.