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Volleyball drills

  • put players in a bowl
  • 2 teams against each other
  • 1 team serves 3x well (OH)
  • other team receives pass and follows system as RA or RV passes:
    • pass to MV (possibly hang ribbon in net)
    • LV outfield player runs to MV
    • LA runs to LV
    • SV:
      • gives setup forward on RV OR backward on LV
      • OR BH catching move
    • as soon as the ball is over the net, LV and LA turn back to their original position

the intention is to bring the ball in pairs from one line to the other

  • You may only touch the ball with your feet.
  • if you have the ball between your feet, you may only turn, so do not slide
  • first one starts on the first line with the ball behind the line
  • who puts the ball on the other side first (no rolling over the line)

These exercises can be done in many variations.

  • 2 equal groups of 5 to 6
  • relay. so which group finishes first?
    1. speed ladder
    2. under 'mat on benches
    3. 10x skipping rope
    4. slalom through poles
    5. climb over a cupboard
    6. 3x push-ups
    7. 10x jump with 2 legs on bench
    8. touch the next one
    9. ATTENTION: to smuggle is to start over with the part (not the whole course of course)
  • Place the hats in a square with about 5 m between them.
  • Two players are the catchers, the rest move inside the square.
  • The 2 scapegoats can tap the other players with the ball. The catchers are not allowed to walk with the ball.
  • By throwing over the ball the taggers can tap the other players.
  • If you are tagged or move outside the square, you are out and you belong to the taggers.
  • start at the back line (or choose other lines)
  • tap 1 line to the front
  • back to the starting line -> touch it
  • 2 lines forward -> touch
  • 1 line back -> touch
  • 2 lines forward -> touch
  • etc

play 3 against 3

  • 1 player at midfield
  • 2 defenders

In 2 groups opposite each other:

  • Hold up 3 balls and only 1 ball at a time in your hand.
  • Hold up 4 balls and you are only allowed to hold up 1 ball at a time.
  • In total 3 balls, where 1 ball is thrown in between and both have 1 ‘own’ ball. Before you catch the thrown ball, you throw your 'own' ball up, catch the thrown ball, throw it back and catch your 'own' ball. And so on.
  • Play 1 ball overhead, 1 ball bounce on the ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball over ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball roll with arms stretched over ground.

In 2 groups opposite each other:

  • Hold up 3 balls and only 1 ball at a time in your hand.
  • Hold up 4 balls and you are only allowed to hold up 1 ball at a time.
  • In total 3 balls, where 1 ball is thrown in between and both have 1 ‘own’ ball. Before you catch the thrown ball, you throw your 'own' ball up, catch the thrown ball, throw it back and catch your 'own' ball. And so on.
  • Play 1 ball overhead, 1 ball bounce on the ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball over ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball roll with arms stretched over ground.

These exercises can be done in many variations.

  • 2 equal groups of 5 to 6
  • relay. so which group finishes first?
    1. speed ladder
    2. under 'mat on benches
    3. 10x skipping rope
    4. slalom through poles
    5. climb over a cupboard
    6. 3x push-ups
    7. 10x jump with 2 legs on bench
    8. touch the next one
    9. ATTENTION: to smuggle is to start over with the part (not the whole course of course)

2 teams , 1 ball

  • everyone plays ball individually BH against wall above a line
  • players count each other
  • keep score
  • counts for the club of 100 BH
  • do this exercise about 10 minutes
  • make a plank
  • # Lie down together in a circle
  • See who can last the longest
  • don't let your hip drop!



  • 2 teams
  • overhead transfer
  • first time for yourself up then to your teammate