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Volleyball drills










  • Make 3 rows of players with a ball.
  • Halfway across the field.
  • On the other side of the field are many pawns.
  • Who serves the pawn over has 1 point.
  • Leave the pawn behind (easy at first, difficult later).
  • Serve 3 at a time. After service quickly get your ball and join the back of the row.
  • When you're finished, stand with both arms up.
  • One arm down through the other player, shout KNAK.
  • Arm 2 down by fellow player then shout WORST and you're free.
  • Locker with a cone on top and then throw the cone off
  • Cupboard with basket on top and then throw the ball into it
  • 2 benches and then at the end cones and roll them over
  • Tjoep rack and then throw in the ball and catch it yourself
  • Place a basket and throw the ball in

These exercises have to be done using volleyball technical movements

  • You lay down 1 mat less than the number of players.
  • You stand on the mat and try to throw the ball on the other mat.
  • If you succeed, that person is out and the other player can stand on the mat.
  • However, if you have hit a mat you must also change mats.
  • Doesn't matter which one.
  • So there is always 1 substitute but you are still in motion.
  • You are not finished if you catch the ball!
  • Then you can remain standing.
  • If you defend the ball with one hand, you are also out and you have to change back to a reserve player.
  • 2 teams serve each other calmly.
  • Throwing up is important so concentrate!
  • Teams of 2, 1 ball at the wall.
  • You serve at about 2 meters distance from the wall and the person behind you catches the ball.
  • Also pay attention to accents: arm outstretched, body forward, right leg in front of the ball.
  • Doing squat jumps helps volleyball players strengthen calves, glutes, hips as well as quads.
  • When squatting down volleyball players should try to keep hips parallel.
  • Make sure that your knees are bent at 90 degrees.
  • Doing tuck jump has a profound positive impact on a volleyball player’s glutes, hips and quads.
  • When doing this type of volleyball exercise you should keep your knees as high as possible.
  • Plus, you need to spend as little time on the ground.
  • Frog hops is the right type of volleyball exercise for developing explosive jumping power.
  • If you do this volleyball exercise on a regular basis you’ll be able to strengthen the quadriceps and hamstrings over the time.
  • As a result, you’ll be able to jump higher!

Divide children in pairs; 1 counter and 1 performing the exercise

  • 4 hoops are in a square. The distance between the hoops is 5 meters. In every hoop is a ball. The player starts in a corner with a ball.
  • Change as many balls as possible, in which the ball has to be put in the hoop. The player has to look the same direction the entire time. 
  • Every player has 1 turn.
  • Count the number of ball changes in 45 seconds.

Directions for the counters

  • The balls have to be put in the hoops. If the ball rolls out, the player has to go back to put the ball back in the hoop!
  • All four hoops have to be processed in order. The player is not allowed to run between 2 hoops and change the balls!




The teams on the mats have to conquer 4 cones without being tagged in x number of minutes


- Pairs on the 3 mats (to be expanded to 2 pairs)
- 2 taggers between mats and cones
- 9 cones around a field's length from the mats.

Game explanation;

The pair on the mat has conquer a mat hand in hand or otherwise connected.
The taggers are going to try to tag the pair.
If one of the pair is tagged, they have to go back to their mat and try again.
The first at the four cones has one. The team with the least cones are going to be the taggers.
Set a time limit for an x number of minutes to keep the flow in the game.