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Volleyball drills

  • You are in pairs bsp;
  • The one has a tennis ball, and the other a cone. 
  • One is holding the cone in a triangle and tries to catch the tennis ball thrown by the other. 
  • The catcher then tries to push the ball to the thrower. 
  • You do this 10x and then change. 
  • Also pay attention to leg work

The hands are positioned like this:

  • The circle is the cone. 
  • The point of the cone has to point to the nose of the kid. 
  • You need little cones.overarm-technique-1


Improve condition and power + warming up


Crack the code by doing various exercises


You can play this game with each 4 exercises you can come up with.

1. Divide group in two teams which are going to do the exercises.
2. The trainer makes a 10-digit code for example (24 32 14 21 33)
3. The players will do the devised exercises in a certain order. For example: they think that the first digit is 3, so they will do exercise 3. When they have finished this exercise, they go to the trainer who tells if the digit is correct or wrong. If the digit is correct, they try to guess the next digit. If the digit is incorrect, they will have to do another exercise, for example exercise 4, to guess to correct digit.

For example
Exercise 1: 5 times pumping
Exercise 2: run the distance between the end line and the middle line three times
Exercise 3: 5 times blocking at different places/positions
Exercise 4: 1 slide dive towards the sideline, another slide dive towards the end line

The pair that cracks the code first, wins.

With this exercise, younger children can practice overarm throwing.

  1. Give everybody a ball and have them show how they play overarm
  2. Is this not correct (for example, no pizza slice, or under the head), correct them, show how it has to be done.
  3. Have them throw against the wall, this provides lots of ball contact.
  4. Make pairs and have them throw over the net, to learn them to play high.
  5. Meanwhile, correct technique mistakes, but stay positive.
  6. Ask afterwards what they have learned, to make them think about it again.

Focus of this exercise is the service pass.

Start serving calmly, raise pressure in the course of the exercise.

  • A serves to B
  • B passes to C
  • C catches, and joins position D
  • D serves or E
  • E passes to F
  • F catches and joins position A


  • A takes 3 steps into the field, after the pass/set up follows a controlled straight attack, which A defends himself .
  • A catches ball, and gives it to a reserve server on position A
  • Idem for D

8 Players: reserve on serving position
10 players: position reserve on serving position and pass
12 players: 2 reserves serving position, 1 reserve pass position
14 players: 2 reserves on serving position and pass


  • Invite parents
  • Introduce
  • Regels & agreements
  • Expectations on both sides
  • Matches & coaching
  • Any announcements
  • Rebounding (per 2): wrist hit, correct foot forward, weaponing, hit the ball
  • Kids bump with the ball on the ground to control afterwards and then hit the ball.
    • FIRST (individually): hit downwards (wrist hit, correct foot forward, weaponing)
    • THEN (individually): hit with wrist hit over the net
    • THEN (per 2): hit with wrist hit over the net. The other kid defends this ball and hits back
    • LAST (per 2): but then on points
  • Per 2, each on one side of the field + a ball. Steps of attack run and then hit underneath the net ( 1 hand points to the ball, the other hand hits, wrist clamps around ball) other catches and does the same.
  • Kids keep the balloon up and have to listen to the trainer. If the trainer claps 1x, the kids have to hit the balloon with the right hand (left foot forward, other hand is pointing). Clapping 2x hit left hand (right foot forward, other hand pointing)
  • Kids are randomly walking over the field. When the trainer calls, they have to find a friend as fast as possible. They stand 4 steps away of each other, and calmly hit the balloon to each other (correct foot forward, pointing). This is how the kids change balloons. Balloon is caught overarm or underhand.
    • Idem but with regular ball. They do not hit straight, but to the ground (wrist hit). Catch overarm
      • Idem but pluck from the air and catch overarm
      • Idem but pluck from the air, control, and throw back to the other (kids each have their own ball)


Basic exercise:

  • Trainer throws the ball, player catches the ball and puts it in the cart.
  • Then the player goes to the ladder, goes through it, and joins the next line. 


  1. Throw difficult balls (left and right, front and back).
  2. Play underhand for themselves and catch.
  3. Two players get ready next to each other and have to call let go.
  4. A setupper is added who has to catch the underhand ball.
  5. An attacker is added who has to play the setupper's ball over the net.

Make 2 or 3 lines on the end line.
Goal: service has to be correct!! 

  • The first of each line serves the ball and picks it up again.
  • The next can only serve when tapped.
  • If the ball is served into the net, the ball has to be picked up and served again.

Which line has a 100% service score???

  • It is the  goal is to get 3 in a row
  • 2 teams per game
  • 9 hoops in a square (3x3)
  • every team has 3 ribbons, every team has its own color
  • the first of every team runs to the hoops and puts down ribbon
  • quickly returns and TAGS the next
  • the first player who has no ribbons left (they are in the square) can move a ribbon
  • the first team that has 3 in a row, has won
  • Divide the group in two
  • We use two halve fields per group.
  • Everybody gets a peg on his knee protector.
  • The idea is to collect as many pegs as possible by taking them from someone else.
  • The exercise is intended to sit low, which on the front feet, improve feet work, and get warm.
  • Player stands with bucket above head at the net
    • You can move a little, but not bend over!
    • Player with bucket remains for 1 round
  • Trainer is on the end line/or in the middle of the field with 2 lines players:
    • 3 players with ball (with trainer)
    • 3 without ball (on the end line)
    • Player with ball pushes ball in hands trainer
  • Trainer randomly throws ball in field and player dunks ball in bucket
    • in the bucket is a point
    • player takes his own ball and joins line with ball
    • walk back around
  • Make increasingly difficult!
