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Volleyball drills

The trainer is on one side of the net, the children are on the other side of the net in a line behind the end line
The first of the line enters and performs the exercises

  • 2 upper arms in the neck, let bounce, and catch
  • Let bounce between the legs, turn around, and catch.
  • Let bounce on two upper legs with jump and catch.
  • Let bounce on 2 insteps with jump and catch.
  • Let bounce on shoulder and catch.
  • The caught ball in box at trainer and join the back of the line

Very important to catch the ball
Be enthusiastic, stimulate the children to catch the ball

The trainer is on one side of the net, the children are on the other side of the net in a line behind the end line
The first of the line enters and performs the exercises

  • 2 upper arms in the neck, let bounce, and catch
  • Let bounce between the legs, turn around, and catch.
  • Let bounce on two upper legs with jump and catch.
  • Let bounce on 2 insteps with jump and catch.
  • Let bounce on shoulder and catch.

in pairs opposite each other:

  • keep 3 balls in the air while only keeping one ball in the hands at the same time.
  • keep 4 balls in the air while only keeping one ball in the hands at the same time.
  • 3 balls in total, with 1 ball thrown in between and both have 1 ball. Before you catch the ball thrown, you throw one of your own balls up, catch the bal thrown, throw it back, and catch your own ball etc.
  • play ball overarm, bounce 1 ball in between via ground.
  • play 1 ball overarm, play 1 ball over ground.
  • play 1 ball underhand, roll 1 ball with stretched arms over ground.
  • virtual circle with 2m diameter around every player
  • player throws ball overarm up high for himself
  • let the ball bounce 1x in the circle
  • and overarm high again

Ball has to go high otherwise it will not bounce enough.

  1. Take a step to the right from an upright position, keeping your feet (and the rest of your body) pointing forward.
  2. Lower yourselves with your upper body upright and your weight on your right foot. Lower as far as possible and keep your left leg stretched and your feet flat on the floor
  3. Repeat the same movement with our left leg.
  4. Repeat these movements a number of times.

Usually, the arms are left beside the body or are stretched above the head.
Some volleyball players perform this exercise with their arms stretched forward as if they want to play a ball underhand.


  1. Bring your hands to the ground from an upright position and keep your legs stretched.
  2. Take small steps forward with your hands until you cannot go any further..
  3. Then move your feet towards your hands until you cannot go any further. Take small steps, only using your ankles to walk.
  4. Repeat these movements a number of times.


  • Trainer is in the back of the field with line of players beside him
  • Trainer throws the ball in the air and  player a comes in, diagonally, and plays the ball to player b at the net, left front.
  • Player b catches ball and joined line besides trainer.
  • For a large group, make 2 lines beside the trainer and a catcher right forward to keep the tempo up.

Each player has a ball and dribbles (right-left each time)  through the hall.

At the trainer's signal

  • Throw ball up, knee contact, catch
  • Throw ball up, head ball, catch
  • Throw ball up, play overarm, catch
  • Throw ball up, play overarm, head ball, catch
  • Throw ball up, play overarm, overarm, play overarm, catch


  • Throw ball up, right shoulder, catch
  • Throw ball up, left shoulder, catch
  • Throw ball up, right shoulder, left shoulder, catch