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Volleyball drills

Team sets up, opponent has serve.

  • Ball 1: serve
  • Ball 2: free-ball at the side with 3 players
  • Ball 3: free-ball at the side with 6 players
  • Ball 4: T plays ball to the side with 6 players
    • Free-ball, attack net, drop, attack behind 3 meter line
drawing Positions

1 person either side of the field, other players behind the back line;

  • Trainer puts ball in play in field A or B.
  • Ball may only be played underarm.
  • Foul? Run around the field until the end of the game and ensure ball safety.
  • Two mats across net, players stand at back line with ball in hands.
  • Player bumps the ball, underhand control, control key and keys to the mat: hitting mat is 1 point.
    • underhand, overhand control, underhand passing
    • underhand, overhand control, passing
  • 1 player at position 5, 1 player at the net, 1 player at the other side of the net with the ball
  • Player A throws ball to position 5, player defends ball to setter.
  • Setter calls red or green and then joins to throw.
  • Afterwards possibly calmly pass
drawing Defense to setter
  • 1 player on each side of the net, the rest join behind the back line.
  • (Player A and Player B)
  • The ball is played over the net by player A overhead.
  • Player B defends the ball underhand,
  • Player A runs under the net and gives a pass to Player B.
  • Player B plays the ball overhand over the net and then starts giving a pass.
  • (Player A connects with the other side at the back)
  • If the exercise goes well the ball can be hit quietly over the net.
  • Match 1-1:
  • divide field into smaller squares.
  • Service, defense with minimum 2 contacts.
  • Who gets 10 points first?
  • The group is divided into pairs.
  • They stand in front of each other in pump-up position.
  • They do handshake
    • right/right, left/left
    • high five right/left, left/right
  • The team is divided into 2 groups (4 according to the amount of players).
  • team 1 = storage team
  • team 2 = catch team
  • Team 1 serves 1 for 1.
  • They start close to the net and when they succeed they can move further and further away.
  • Team 2 forms a line on the opposite side behind the back line.
  • When player 1 of team 1 serves, player 1 of team 2 comes in the field to catch the ball.
  • He catches the ball and walks outside the square to team 1 to serve and joins the back of the line.
  • The server walks outside the square to team 2 to catch the ball and joins the back of the line.
  • The children walk around in the room.
  • There is one tickler who can catch the other children with the hoop.
  • When someone is tagged, they have to hold the hoop together with the tickler and try to catch the children.
  • There may be up to 3 children per hoop.
  • If they catch a 4th child, he or she must get a new hoop and continue catching children.
  • The game is over when there are no more children walking around freely.

The team is divided into 2 (or more) equal groups.
The groups compete against each other during different tasks:

  1. walk forwards to the cone, tap the cone, walk backwards
  2. walk forwards to the cone, tap the cone, walk backwards
  3. walk forward to the cone, tap the cone, walk backwards, take player 2 to the cone, player 1 stays behind and player goes to get player 3 ...
  4. walk with ball forward to the cone, put ball on cone and walk backward, 2nd player walks forward to the cone, takes ball and walks backward and passes ball.
  5. Passing the ball while sitting above the head
  6. pass the ball through the legs
  7. pass the ball left/right
  8. get to the other side by moving hoops
  9. The 2 groups now form 1 big group.
  10. get the mat across while sitting above your head
  11. getting the big ball across without touching the ground
  • There are 6 players standing with their backs to the net, three on each side.
    • A stands on the back line,
    • the first player throws the ball
    • and it is caught by A and thrown back.
  • 2nd player throws a short ball,
    • A walks forward and catches the ball and throws it back.
  • 3rd player throws a deep ball,
    • A moves backwards (facing the net) and catches the ball and throws it back.
    • Catches the ball and throws it back.
    • A walks to the other side of the net
    • where he stands in front of player 4,
    • Player 4 throws a short ball,
    • A catches and throws back.
  • Player 5 throws a deep ball,
    • A moves backwards (facing the net) catches the ball and throws it back.
  • Player 6 throws a short ball,
    • A moves forward (facing the net) catches the ball and throws it back.
  • Passing.

Pay attention in the exercises:

  • Pass must come high so player can catch the ball 'overhand'.
  • Pass to the right, right foot forward
  • Pass to the left, left foot forward
  • Eyes" of the shoulders in the direction of play

The exercise:

  • 3 pairs with 1 ball.
  • 1 and 2 stand next to each other, not too close to the net.
  • 3 faces 1 in the back of the court.
  • 1 throws straight at 3 and 3 passes diagonally to 2.
  • 2 catches and throws straight on to 3 and 3 passes diagonally to 1.
  • So 3 moves around all the time.
