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Volleyball drills

Line up: several rows in a row behind the back line.


  1. Sloth: sit with your back to the other side, legs extended. Pull with your hands to the other side.
  2. Seal: flat on belly --> pull forward with hands to get to the other side.
  3. Spiderman: on all fours, always moving the opposite hand and foot together: LH + RV & RH + LV
  4. Bearwalk: on your hands and feet to the other side
  5. Monkey walk: let your hands + arms hang down, almost to the ground (like a monkey) and so to the other side.
  6. Peacock: stepping, quietly, every time bringing leg/knees up until they form a right angle with the upper body.
  7. Kangaroo: same as peacock, but faster/more like skipping.


  1. Instead of doing it as a relay/race, the players can also walk around and on a certain signal perform the movement that belongs to a certain animal.
  2. You can do the exercises on a whole field or on half a field.

Formation: circle/rectangle (on half a field)


  1. Dribble with right hand
  2. Dribble with left hand
  3. Alternate dribbling
  4. While dribbling, try to kneel down (knee by knee) --> sitting --> lying down

In pairs throwing the ball over in combination with body balance.

  • Stand on 1 leg (solo exercise)
    • Throwing with 2 hands
    • Throwing with 1 hand

=> after each throw of the ball tap the ground (= bend forward + arms stretched = so tap the ground) + every 5 balls change legs per exercise

  • Now throw the ball over with 2
    • With 2 hands: pass from the neck via a bounce to the other
    • With 1 hand: throw hard & tight.
    • With other hand: throw hard & tight.

=> After action: each person has 2 jars + 1 tennis ball. When they have thrown the ball to the opponent, he/she moves the tennis ball from one pot to the other.

Per 2, each has a letter A or B. We walk through each other and on the signal A goes B tapping or vice versa, the trainer decides.

Walking Variations:

  • Walk backwards
  • Move sideways
  • Cross pass
  • Hopping
  • Heels against seat
  • Knees up
  • ...

Tap variations:

  • Crawling through the legs
  • Hare over
  • Walk around the person
  • Tapping the heels
  • Performing a clap game/routine

Setup: Each player has a ball.

Everyone walks through each other, bouncing a ball, and carries out the following tasks.

Signals + command

  • On 1: bounce the ball to the right.
  • At 2: bounce the ball to the left
  • At 3: ba with both hands on collision
    • Follow your way with the other hand.
  • Pick up the ball with 1 or 2 hands after bounce
  • Leave your own ball behind after bounce as quickly as possible to intercept another ball

More leaning towards keys:

  • After dribbling ball catch own ball above head, then throw ball into air again without letting ball drop under eyes.
  • Same as before, hold for 1 second
  • Same as first, shorten contact
  • Idem, but first catch the ball, then touch it away
  • Ditto, but with double key

Game Form 1B:


  • The serve: the ball is thrown into play with both hands.
  • Catching the ball with both hands above the head.
  • Throwing the ball in front of himself (without dropping below the level of the eyes) and then overplaying it with an overhand touch.


  • 2 feet out of the field, where the player wants: left - right - back
  • Variation: touch a cone each time the ball crosses the net.


  • Throw the ball back where you caught it (do not run with the ball in your hands).
  • Do not hold the ball in your hands for more than 2 seconds.
  • Standing still when the ball is caught (and perhaps aiming).

Form 1C:


  • Picking the ball out of the air with one hand, making one collision and a second collision through a basketball dribble with one hand, high enough to play overhead. (One or two control keys may be used to play).
  • Picking should be done as high as possible.


  • 2 feet out of the court, where the player wants (left - right - back)
  • Variant: move one of the two tennis balls placed on the 2 cones (at the back of the field).

Formation: 2 balls per 4 players



  • Player A (bowling motion) rolls the ball to player B (the ball must pass between the 2 cones!!).
  • Player B picks up the ball, bounces it 2 times and then plays it in a bow to player C.
  • Player C holds a hoop and puts the hoop down at the spot where the ball is going to collide. The ball is caught after 1 collision. Player C grabs the ball and joins player D at the back.
  • Everyone follows their ball = moves up one place.


  • Player A throws the ball under the net to player B.
  • Player B catches the ball, bounces once high, does a control key and then bounces to player C.
  • Player C catches the ball low to the ground in the correct reception position and runs to D to join the back of the line.
  • Everyone follows their ball = moves up one spot.


  • Player A throws the ball (bowling motion!) over the net to player B.
  • Player B plucks the ball out of the air, bounces 3 times (must turn around during those 3 bounces to face player C) and then tips the ball to player C.
  • Player C does reception for himself and joins player D.
  • Everyone follows their ball = moves up one spot.


  • Player A calmly strikes the ball underhand over the net to player B.
  • Player B plucks the ball out of the air, does 1 control bounce, then does control keys until fully turned facing player C and then plays the ball player C.
  • Player C does reception for himself, catches the ball and joins player D.
  • Everyone follows their ball = moves up one spot.

In a line-up with 2 players facing each other, key the ball over the net after 2 dribbles and 1 high rebound.


Possible variations:

  • Play the ball after bumps
  • Playing the ball after picking
  • Playing the ball after catching without bots
  • Play with 2 balls

Note: depending on the level we can differentiate and let the better players play with a handicap.

Setup: 2 to 4 people in the square (made by, for example, 4 benches) with the balls, the rest around them.


  • The people in the square throw the balls out of the square.
  • The people around the square fetch the balls and throw/put them back in the square.
  • The 'side' which, at the stop signal, has the least balls, has won.

Everyone has a ball.
Various exercises:

  1. Playing ball for themselves underhand.
  2. Play ball for oneself overhead.
  3. Play ball for oneself underhand with only the left arm.
  4. Play ball for yourself underhand with only the right arm.
  5. Play ball for self overhead with only the left hand.
  6. Play ball for oneself overhead with only the right hand.
  7. Play ball for oneself overhead and underhand alternately.
  • Line up for trainer, trainer at the net.
  • Player throws the ball, trainer plays/throws it back.
  • Then player passes to trainer.
  • Trainer throws the ball over the net.
  • Player retrieves ball and closes in back.
    • NB! Ball speed is increasing until ball is hit.
  • As a warming-up we play triangle tag.
  • This game is played in groups of 4.
  • The ticker must make sure that he can tick a specific other person.
  • However, the ticker is blocked by the 2 other players who are holding the victim's hands.
    • The 3 non-tappers stand in a triangle.