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Volleyball drills


Improve fitness and warm up


Run in circles


Run in circles around the field(leave about 2m between them)

  1. when trainer claps 1 time - pump 1 time
  2. when trainer claps 2 times - sliding dive
  3. when trainer claps 3 times - tapping the net
  4. when trainer claps 4 times - sprint a whole circle around the field
  • 2 teams serve each other calmly over the net (Overhand)
  • Distance can be increased when the ball goes over the net in a controlled way.
  • Throwing up is important, so concentrate!

  • After this serve on positions in the field where there is a mat.
  • Throwing up is important so concentration is necessary!

Goal of the exercise:
Looking for the ball in space.

Explanation of the exercise:
Everyone should stand in a circle. One person is crouching in the middle. This person counts to 20. Count the first 10 out loud and the last 10 in your head. When you reach 20, shout "Boom" very loudly. In the meantime the ball goes round in the circle. At 'boomer' the person who has the ball must throw the ball very high into the air. The yeller will have to catch the ball/bomb.

Adjustment per level:

CMV 1/2 small circle ball catchingCMV
3/4 Larger circle ball catchingCMV
5/6 Large circle ball passing and catching.
Extra Difficult! Players do not throw the ball around but play the ball around.


  • Coach (1) throws ball to SV (2)
  • SV gives setup
  • Player (3) smashes or plays ball to (4) or (5) to win!
  • (4) or (5) passes Midfield (possibly hang a ribbon in the net)
    • 6 or 7 comes in
    • 4 or 5 turns with the ball
  • when ball is over the net, quickly return to position
  • The one who has attacked the ball well 5 times, exchanges with someone in the defensive zone.

Just play with a pair of under and overhands.

Possibly with assignments after the game:

  • Tap a line
  • Knee on the ground
  • Two hands on the ground
  • Turn around
  • ...


  • A throws to B
  • B plays into C
  • C sets up and B plays over the net
  • Run after own ball

  • jump up from a crouch as far as possible,
  • from the line to the net and back.
  • line of players behind the back line
  • first player lies down on his belly
  • trainer stands at the other side of the net
  • hits the ball and throws the ball
  • player stands up and passes to midfielder/SV
  • SV catches or grabs the ball and passes to trainer
  • passer becomes SV
  1. first time only insertion
  2. then with sv as a catcher
  3. setup and attack

  • Trainer stands on the other side of the net.
  • At the centre back there is a row of passers in front of the net and a catcher.
  • The trainer throws the ball to the first of the passers.
  • The passer passes the ball to the catcher, the catcher tries to throw the ball through the basket, picks up his/her ball and puts it in the cart and joins the back of the line.
  • The passer becomes receiver.


  • A serves at B
  • B plays into C
  • C sets up and B plays over the net
  • Run after own ball

  • Make threes
  • Each trio one ball.
  • Player in the middle runs an 8. Every time this player comes in the middle a ball is thrown:
    • A throws (or plays overhand) the ball to B (in the middle).
    • B plays the ball back to A underhand and then runs around A until he is in the middle again.
    • A meanwhile passes the ball overhead to C.
    • C plays the ball overhand back to B.
    • B passes the ball back to C underhand and then runs around C until he is in the middle again.
    • Etc.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the player in the middle changes.


  • To make it easier, player A and C can also have them throw instead of playing overhand. This can be an underhand throw/catch or an overhand throw/catch.
  • To practice standing still while playing/catching, you can also let player B throw and catch underhand.
  • Make 2 teams of about 5 children.
  • Each team stands on one side of the field.
  • Place 5 balls on both 3meter lines.
  • When the trainer calls "GO!" everyone starts throwing the balls to the other side.
  • Who has the most balls in his field after 3 minutes, is lost.
  • Beware: the ball may only be thrown overhand, no key and no underhand play or throw, only overhand!