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Volleyball drills

  • Trainer throws the ball to the midfielder
  • He passes to SV
  • SV gives setup
  • Striker plays ball SLIMLY over the net
    • so just over the net
    • Or in the back of the field in the corners
  • Attacker hates the ball and puts it with trainer (in the box)
  • Everybody turns 1 spot (runs after their own ball)
  • If necessary put hoops (= opponents) where they do not have to play.
  • Give instructions all the time
    • playing-tactically-1
  • 2 against 2, only throw.
  • When you've thrown the ball over the net, run around the pawn.
  • Line up and play the thrown ball into the basket.
  • Get further and further away
  • Just replay in 4-player teams. Throw the ball at the net and the other player plays over the net.
  • overhand and underhand
  • line of players behind the back line
  • First player lies down on his belly
  • trainer stands at the other side of the net
  • hits the ball and throws the ball
  • player stands up and passes to midfielder/SV
  • SV catches or grabs the ball and passes to trainer
  • passer becomes SV
  • try to keep a high tempo

Line up behind the back line. Trainer throws a ball into the field from the opposite field.

1. Ball must bounce between outstretched arms2
. Extend to bounce between arms with 1 knee on the ground (standing still)
3. Extend to bounce between arms with 1 knee on the ground (standing still) and feet pointing in the right direction4
. Extend to OH play on the basket / catcher on the distributor spot (pay attention to continuously stretched arms & sitting low) 5. Extend
to OH play + attack (still coming from a row, but now with 1 game already in the field)

Line up behind the back line. Trainer throws a ball (high) into the field from the opposite field.

1. Ball must be caught with arms extended above head.
2. Extend to catching with arms stretched above head + standing still while catching3
. Extend to catching with arms stretched above head + standing still while catching + feet in right direction4
. Extend to playing BH on the basket / catcher on the distributor spot
5. Extend to playing BH + attacking (still coming from a row, but now with 1 game already in the field)

  • The trainer throws the ball from one side of the field to a player on the other side of the field.
  • The player must come running in and play the ball, wherever he/she is standing, into the hoop at midfield.

with this exercise the players learn to play 'smart'. just over the net or in the back corners


  • Passers on position 5 and 6
  • Attacker on the left front side
  • sv at position 2-3
  • Trainer throws ball to passers
  • Passer gives pass to SV at position 2/3
  • SV passes ball BH to left front player
  • There is a two man block
  • Catcher on the opposite side
  • on the other field there are 5 hoops
    • 1 in all corners of the field and 1 in the middle of the field
  • player runs in and tries to play ball into the hoop
  • if successful, SV and playerhave apoint.
  • If the ball is blocked, the blockers have a point.
  • After 10 attacks change

After 10 minutes we make it more difficult:

A block is added, the outside player closes the block diagonally (left hand at attacker's arm).

The blocker also gets points (touching the ball = 1, killing block = 2).

Make 2 teams of about 5 children. Each team stands on one side of the field. Place 5 balls on both 3meter lines.

When the trainer calls GO, everyone rolls the balls to the other side. Who has the least balls in their field after 3 minutes has won.

  • the intention is to get 3 in a row
  • 2 teams per game
  • 9 hoops in a square (3x3)
  • each team has 3 ribbons, each team its own color
  • the first of each team runs to the hoops and puts down the ribbon
  • quickly back and touch the next one
  • the first player who has no more ribbons (they are already in the square) can move a ribbon
  • the team that has 3 in a row first, has won.

simple running exercises for warming up, in which concentration and reaction also play an important role. Organisation: Pairs in an empty, marked out space.

Walk behind each other in a steady pace, criss-crossing the whole room. Number 2 follows every movement of number 1 as fast as possible, keeping about 1 metre distance. After a while change.

As a., but now the front runner tries to lose the back runner by sudden feints and/or tempo changes.

As a., but now other movements are also allowed: cross passes, jumping, lying down quickly and getting up again, etc.


  • Perform the same exercises with music
  • Do the same exercises in groups of three or four. In this form, 'comical' situations will certainly occur now and then. It doesn't have much to do with korfball then.
  • No more pairs: everyone walks freely through each other. The players walk towards each other, feint and then pass to the left.
  • Like d., but now passing on the right
  • Like d., but now they turn around each other and walk back.
  • Special exercise for getting used to the hall: walk criss-cross through the whole hall, but not touching any line. Especially in halls with a lot of lines on the floor this is a good and fun exercise to get the 'contact with the hall' back in the legs.
  • Like g., but now keep walking on the lines.